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<br />80•-: O (~ 6 743 <br />INSTALLMENT CONTRACT FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE <br />THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this dap o~~~~~ty~.._ _ •, <br />1980, by and between HAZEL SCHlfIDT, hereinafter ca led ' <br />a~ul SAX PIZZA OF GRAND ISLAND, INC., a corporatiotr, hera#,tts~ter <br />referred tc as "Buyer": <br />1. Seller agrees to sell and convey to the Buyer, a~ HB <br />agrees to purchase the following described real property in <br />CotnCy, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a Bart of the South- <br />east Quarter (SEA;), Section Twenty-one {21}, <br />Township Eleven {lI) North, Range Nine (4}, Waat <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: beinning at <br />a point seventy-eight {78) feet westerly along <br />the southerly ling of said Southeast Quarter, <br />thence northerly a•_' parallel to the easterly <br />line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of <br />ninety-nine (99) feet; thence westerly and <br />parallel ~e t:tc :>outherly line of said South- <br />east Quarter a ,stance of eighty-seven ($7) <br />feet; thence ao::_herly and parallel to the <br />easterly line of said Southeast Quarter a <br />distance of ninety-nine (99) feet to a point <br />on the southerly pine of said Southeast Quarter; <br />thence easterly sung :he southerly tfne of said <br />£c~uthesat Quarter a distance of eighty-seven <br />(87) feet to tht point of beginning and con- <br />taining 8613 square feet of which 2871 square <br />feet is occupied by County Road Right of way <br />and, <br />Part o.f the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SEIySE~) of Section Twenty-one (21), <br />Township Eleven (,11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />west of the 6th P.M., more particularly des- <br />cribed as follows: Commencing at a point thirty- <br />three feet west of a point ninety-nine (99) <br />feet north of the Southeast Corner of said <br />Section 21; running thence north, parallel with <br />the east section line, for a distance of sixty- <br />six Eeet; thence running west, and parallel with <br />the south section line for a distance of one <br />h~dred thirty-two (132) feet; thence running <br />south, parallel with the east section line for <br />a distance of sixty-six (bb) feet; thence ruzlning <br />east, parallel with the south section line far a <br />distance of one hundred thirty-two (132) feet, <br />to the place of beginning, being a rectangular <br />tract of ground having an east frontage of sixty- <br />sis {.bfi) feet a~ a depth of one hundred thirty- <br />two (132) feet, in Hall County, State of Nebraska, <br />together with all appurtenances and hereditaments <br />thereto belonging and now thereon. <br />2. PURCHASE PRICE: The purchase price of tF.e above-described <br />renal estate i.s t e sumo SIXTY THOUSANIt (sGn,rnn,n0) ~LLAR.~, <br />patyable as fellows, regardless of any other agreements between thte <br />partiaa: <br />a. The rlncipal balance is payable, with interest at <br />e~ pax sent {e~) per annum. eompu[ea upon the unpaid principal <br />apse aa+d as follona: <br />