.._ ... .t -.,. .inA Tj' " a . . _ . _ . , -
<br /> _ _ � _ _ . < ' . .. _ v � _ _, . „� __
<br /> i. ' .
<br /> �. '.. .: .' .. ...� .; _ _ _ �
<br /> J kC,�' C,'• _
<br /> t _ -_ r .,5. R.. _-�— _- ' _ -::..w�.. .
<br /> - �. . k - ,..,.. . ---'— . -- -
<br /> '_ _---_-- --_- — , � . . �� -.. . . ` . c ., � .4 . . ��/���■lA�.��'-�.'� ' , � . .
<br /> ' _ . � ` �. . ��i�r '. .
<br /> 1. l�t��e�t vt hl�cirt.iNe�wt�d I.ife C�arsa Bwmvres sTnit pay whtn due tite ptincipat of.and interts�.ne.
<br /> • t6e de6c evjderrced by the Nate and tace charges due under the Not�: -
<br /> � 1�M7 P�7�s d��t�r�ce s�d Ot� Bariowu shall inciude in ea�h monthly p�ymem.
<br /> to�ether with the princtpal�nd inteRat as set faNE ia tde Nac. any late_rhuges.�inst�llmem of�ny(s)taxes and
<br /> special auexs�nents kvied or to be kvied against the Praperty.tb)kav.haid payments or ground rents on the l�iopeny:ond °
<br /> (c)p�emiums f�inw�ance tequited by Paragr+ph 4• f •
<br /> Escb mm�h[y iastalltnent_foF items �(a).lb)and(c)shatE equat one-fweifth.of the annua�.Amounts.ar rrasotu�bty
<br /> - estini�ted byZender. w�n amamt sufi'x�ent m maint�i��n•additi+�na!baia�u�of nat m�mc d�sn one-si�of t6c —
<br /> � estimated�mo�cxs. �tufi annaai amouet ior e�ch°itert�sh�ll 6e accumatated by tender withln a perioQ endina aae , :
<br /> month 6e[ore an itecn would become delirquent: l.ender st�all 6old tHer ae�ouets cotlected in mut ca gay ittms(a).N)� �
<br /> (c)befarcthey becatne delitquent.
<br /> if at any Bme the.taW ai�he payments heW by t.erWer fa.is�(a�,(b)and Ec).togethe�wittr-sbe futune m�nthty ,
<br /> WY��for su�fi items p�yabk to La�der sP�Orucfi iums whea dmr.and ifpa��on the N� cumen�then Lader:,: �
<br /> e�imsted amouel of Qaqma�ts te9uind. p�Y
<br /> -- sialE eiti�a rcfunA the excess otte one-suth of the estimatcd paymmc4 or�t the excesc over one-sixih oE the est�o�tad�,
<br /> - payn�ent�to snbseq�ent paymrnts 6y 8om�wer,at tHcoptias of Bcx�rower. If tLe tatat ot�he peym�n�.S made by Borwwei•
<br /> ' for ttem(a).(b).mr(c)is tnwf�cient t��tix item w h eo du�t h e n B o r mwer s h a ll pay to I.ender an y amount necessuy w .
<br /> m�ct ap the dei'kietxy an or befo�e the date tbe item becortx.s d� ,
<br />"'� As used in this Security Inswmenb"SecntarY"means t���`of Hausing and Us6an,Orvelopment or his a het
<br /> designee. In any yeu in.wiuch the Lender musl paY a mat8a8e u�suran�+e pre�qium to the Se�.each mantWY PaYmrnE
<br /> sh�U also include eithez: (il an iiutallmrnt of the annual mortgage insurence pn7nium to be paid by I.ender w the ,
<br /> = Seaetuy.ar tii)a manthiy chugt ia�tead of a mortgage insanr�ce premium if this 5ecurity Instnunent�s held by the
<br /> SC
<br />=-' Senetary:Faeh monthl}+�inctapment of the mn�tgage incurane�prrnium sfiail6e ia an amoQrt sa�cient to axumatate tha
<br />-lt full a�muai mastgagriASUta�cx pemium with Lender ane�notuls prior ta the date d�e fut}aneual mortgage inswance
<br /> }- p�emitan is due to the�Sd�aty:or if this Security�tis I�eld b�r tde SerreG�Y,each manthty charge shatl b�ia gn,�
<br />��'.'`i amouac equal w one�t�rdfib of aoe-half per¢ent of the outstand'in$principal bafance due un the Nac� .
<br /> - •. rf Boma�er tenders.tgrtender the fuU paYment of at[nm4s secured Ay this SecuiitY Instramen�SoROVrer's siccotutt�s° --
<br /> s�hatl be c�sd'stod with'tha�bt��ranaimng for aU instaltments for items ta),tb)aad tc)and aqy u��tgage.insw�+e: � --
<br /> ` .?f` pamium installment thAS I:endes has not became obtlgated ta pay to the SecntazY,aad Leader sbalt�rr�iy refund any� � __:- -
<br />. = exass funds to Bormww.>;tmmed'�teTy priar to a fa�eclasure.sale uY the Praperty or its acqu;es*a?�r tsy.:€.ender.Borrowtr�s ��;,.�.__-
<br /> r.::'. �.� -
<br /> �,� : accaunt shall be credited with!any ba�ance mnammg for alt instaltments for items(a).tb}���::�.. ,-
<br /> 3. App�icatiop ptRl�, p}I ts under 1 and 2 shall be Ir��+�.'e���s as fallows:
<br /> -�.:_ �T,to the ma��a�ance pre�wn to be paid b��Ender to the.5ecreta��se��:�r�s'thly charg�by tfie �_�-�
<br /> _ Seccetary instead af thb manth{y mortgage insurance premium: ` F� �_
<br /> � :� • SECUND to any tai*,:���ta1 ass�.vr.�ents.leasehold payments or ground rents.and fae,f�aad and other hazard � :-
<br /> -,..� .:.� aired��., `•��� . r,;e•—�..,_-
<br /> .::;< ��. insurancepi+emiumf,•as�c_eq , . .. -------
<br />= �f;;, . T�11BQ,to►nteresE du�'tinder the l�,ac�.' � �
<br /> . . �.-c. ,`� .. . �QL�,to amortiz�iiton of the pri:"rc�l of thc�1�.: �_,�=
<br /> w late ch�gc�,siite under the Not�. °°'�"'_�-
<br />_ �.�''- !::."', . � .. �l. . . ��-
<br /> , � . 4. Fi�Ffoo�l and.0�Hazaed insorAnce: ��'er shal!insure all improvements an the Property.whether aaw. , :�,,:_-
<br /> :,4,:•' �`'. �����bscqu�t1�ec�ted,against any hazar�.s.c�sualties.and contingencies.including fire,for whicb Lender F,-::.�,a,�
<br /> .. •�,,,;�...; :� reyuires insurance. 71�is�iii�rAnce shall be maintained ia the amounu and for the periods thai l.endet requires. Borrower ',:��-`-
<br /> , X�;;' ;: : shail aJso insute aU 9m (ovem�ts on ihe Property.whether rtavr in existence or subsequently erected.aga�nse loss by flc�ads. •�`{'� _
<br /> �' ' " tothe extem required�rl��S�retary.,All insurance sha11 be carried with companies approved.tn:�.ender. 'i'he insurance .
<br /> • ��'��� � poGcies and any renewals��'��be he1d by Lender and shall�include loss paya6ls cisases,�i:=�st of.and in a form . ;•
<br /> /� " acceptable to.l.endes. . • , .
<br /> _ t»the event aP tass,�Sa�aower shalt give Lertder immediate not;r.e 8y mail.•�t�,, r.�'^',:�cg.groo.�ut[o'ss if not - .
<br /> made pmmptiy�y Sulron'er. Each ins�,rr�campany coruemed i�f��:Tsy authorized aird��s:::...'�t�ns:3c:.�s'"�ent�for• _
<br /> • such loss direc+�`;,a�:r.snstead of tQ Lxower and to Lender jo::�:;s:_ �il or any par�of the m.s;..^a:rce pc^_c��s�ay}re
<br /> - - ;� :. a tied by Ler�r,at it�agsic�n.either ta)ta the reductic�of the indebtcdness under the Note and this Secur'�`�-r�xacs'�e�►�.• - .., •.
<br /> -••� �to any delinqu�t�r'uito�..n:�applied in ihe arder sr���graph 3.and then to gr�vment of princi�a?.c�'[v1 tu� , , :.:. . '
<br /> ,'�+; � :estoration ar repair of th��.-��1 property. Any aplsi��:,}n o€the praceeds ro the�-.^.c�pal sha11 not eatercd.s��i�stpaee� �'. . ',`.,..;'`.':'.�;�.:
<br /> •` r:� est , �m��y�g�icb are refer�ca:n Paragra h 2.ar chan •_ �.��o�:^:af such a ments. M r.'i"��,''-,:f'.".,
<br /> the due date of the momhty �'y P. �° ": P Y Y ,,�-..�.,;�..,:�;
<br /> excess insuruacc proceeAyuver an amount required to pay all ou�standing indebtedr::ss;�:*_•fi� ��tiote and this 5ecurity ' ,�;:.�,,�;:
<br /> . : ,.
<br /> '> . Instrument shall be 's14a•the entity le ally entitted thcreto. . �,`°-•'�'��'%'- .
<br /> " �' , In the event uf fareclosure of this Securit Instrument os ather transfcr of title:a t�e:C'`�r lhat extin uishes the ' ��-` �
<br /> y ��Y 8 -v;:i�.;, ..
<br /> � indebtedness.a11 righti�t�ttv Er.d interest of Borrower i�rand to insurance palicics in far��`:�.;'"�c.±}�o the purchaser. .;.�.�°.,:;'•_:
<br /> •� � 5. Occupanc�:�,P�seetation, M�intenance �Protection of the Propeea.s;�wer's l.oan ADplkation+ ;,.�,:'.
<br /> ��� . -...;�.;• '%�xri�:":
<br /> Lt�,gehWds. gorrow�f tihalt occupy,establish,aad aue the Praperty as Boaowcrs-r;rs:.�,.:,..4idence wlthin sixty days
<br /> :ha
<br /> � _�n after the exec�tian af�this Security Instrsment and shalt•�ntinue ta atrupy thc Pro�;:.��i������w�r�priaclpal residence ��`�•,•
<br /> �� fa at te�t or��ear aftmr the date af vccuyancy,untec�ti:e Sccretary d;eeimines this re�;.�sc^x�r-��ii:cause undue hardsftlp
<br /> �`{�f'-`""�`•�' fa Barrow�er. or uNws extenuating cir�aistances exist which are beyond Bomscsers cer.ica?. $orrower sh�ll natify �
<br /> jn' `-�".-. . Lende�af exte.�u�in circumstances. Barrower sF�lt not commit w�.ate or d:s:.°ciy.da�.a;e vr�ubctanliaUy change ���
<br /> -f �-• ' • � the Prope.rry��a11d�»the Raperty to detednrate.reasartab!�wear and tear exccptcd. �:�er may iaspect the 1'roperty if Ih: i
<br /> ,....:. ; .
<br /> �-Ry.,_ . . .. IS V8C3(i1,U��ab�donod or the toan iv in default: Lender muy takc reasanF�C:::ct:on to pzotect and prescrve cueh � •
<br /> :-�-��.:� v�t or ab�ncbned�ropertY• BOtiOw�f SI1�II BISd I�C 1R dCfAUIt 1f BOROR'Ci.dur"���tFe�c:•an«p lication process.gave i
<br /> 'F�-�� materiallq fal��n or��inaccurate mforma�ion or StutemenGg to l.cndcr for failed to �totiide E.er���r with any matcnut
<br /> . � � �_�•t - infotmatinn)in cann�.ction with thu lu:u�evidenced tsy the Notc.including.but n�t�Iimued�o.r�^presentationv conceming
<br /> . '' '" Harower's aecup�s.�y df�the Rnperty s+�a principal residencr. If this S��curity Inwrume�:t iti on a teacehold,Barrmver r�u�ll�� �
<br /> .�,��, , -
<br /> ., _ comply with th�provrsiansaf thn leatie. If Horrowcr acyuire�fcc�itte tu the Propcny.ihe tca�ch�id and fec title�hall na� � ,
<br /> ;::��: . 6e merse�unlr�s Lnndca agrees to�he mergcr in writing.
<br /> ``•�" ''- 6. Ctwrxr.�tn IWrrowe�and P�'ntection at l�ender's Riy,hty in Iha 1'ruperty. [�rrawer�hall pay ail govemmental �
<br /> � or munictipxt rh3rges.finc�and im}Nnite�m!.thut are not included in!:�ragraph 2. 9orrawer shull pay these abligations on ;
<br />�. � time ditr:ttp�tc+�he entiry whkh is owrd thc paymcnt. If it�ilurc ta pa}wuutd advrr.eiy ufiect l.enderc intcrest in tho :
<br /> • _ _ Pcoperty.upon l.ender c requext 8orruwrr vhull prnmptl�furnivb tu l.�nder reccipt.r cvidencin�;the�e�:+ymeatti, '
<br /> " '� IP Bunc�w•cr i�d+tu mukN �hcse paymcntv ar thr p•ry�nentv r�yuired hy p:�r�graph 2,or fuil�ts�pe�fortn�ny ather j
<br /> ' � wven�nt�wxi a�rcemrnt�cnntaincd in thi�Sccurity intitrumrnt.��r�hcru iti.�Icgal prrxcedmg that may tiignifirantly affer�
<br /> ,•,
<br /> � Lendee's rights�n Ihe Property(5uch�y a prarcdin�i�t hank�uptcy,fur candcmnut�un��r tc�enfi�rce laws or rcgulatcons).
<br /> - - - -° . .. . Ihen i.ender may d�and pay wir�tevrr is ne��cws:uy tapr�>tect the wtilac�,f thc i'�upeny und i.enders right�in thc Prupeny. :
<br /> � '' ' � including p�yment uf L•uces,haxs�rd in�urance und ntArr�temv mentioncd in Waragraph 2. ;
<br /> � My amounts disburseJ by Lcndcr undcr thiy P'ara�raph shali i+ccomr an�dd�ucmut debt of Bnrrowcr:utd I+c cccured � :
<br /> -_ . by this 5tcurity lnstntment. Thc.ce amounty sh�lt t�r�r mtcrc�t fram the dat���f dishuncmcnt.at the.Note rate,and at the
<br /> . option af Lendcr,sh�i1 be immedls�trly due:u�d payu6te.. ;
<br /> . `�• ' � 7. Candea�eatiuh. Tha praceeds of.any aw:ud or claim for d:u�ges.din:ct or cnnseyuentiail.in connecti�n with any �
<br /> '`•'� � ' candemnation or othrr taking of any part ot the Ptnpeny.or fnr cunvcy:utrc in plaec uf c�ndemnstinn.:uc hereby assigned
<br /> -__-_-- �-- ` --_ -- _ aa�shall be,paid to i,rruter to the exte�u.of tve Euli amount of the indebtednes.9 that rem:tirts.unp�•rid undcr thc Note au�d thls i
<br /> � . . 5ecuriry'instrument. I.�nder sliall appJy such pincee�iy to tf�c reducrion��f ihe indebfcdness undei the Not�an�t h is Sectniry � i�'� ��" '
<br /> ei
<br /> • • . lnsttumen� first tu any dcli�quent amaunt�applicd in thc csrder pravid��i in {'araetaph 3.:utd then ta Qrepa�yment af .
<br /> �,.
<br /> principal. Any sppliration ot the pmceeds ta the pnncipal sh�11 nnt cxt�md nr postpone the due date oF the manthty
<br /> � . _ :. .. . . _ . _ - - - _ . - _ -
<br /> . ='� .. . .
<br /> ,�_:-_. �. .,_:=.:-. �
<br /> lpag�:,far��e„ -
<br /> �ia:. _- __ _ _ _
<br />