<br />~:~ 3. The mortgagor covenants and agroes fbat if fie eir,~ to pas rid indebtedaear err any fart-,thrnt3 when
<br />tiny seahail fail is perform say covusan! or apritsceat of thiu~Mtrnmeni or the promitwerY note xeCtred berebp, :fte
<br />ea~ctr ®debtedness hereby aeenred slsail immediaRefp hera~atti"~se. p:raLle, .oa1{aefbl;{e yrithaiMt notice, at the
<br />tt trf xhe mortgagee or asaiptr_ regatdlax of mawrity, awt~t6e mort~{' ,ee or file seaiµm map 6e~re or Liter entsv
<br />rii~.aaid property w#ihoni-appnisement i the mortgagor haviyg waived and asipwal to the rnort~ager ail rights of
<br />. _ ~ t) at jssdicial rk ttursttsnt to the prs«•isiuos arf 2r' J.~.t:. ~sl ~ a r : ar
<br />J o a at the optics of the tsdter l>? anetim ar by riicitstiae ~ trakd hilt, fer the bidlteK attd
<br />beat bGE eempl.ing with the tertss of Bak sad rttamat of payment apeoiied is the padltiahtei soda: of rk, Scat
<br />,mot, wing four wreicr noon of the itaw!. trrma. and place of such oak, ht advrrti.entmt rtW Iran Iltan unrw
<br />daring each o{ rid fosr weatiu in a sewrpsper po6lidted a diar;bated in the ewmtr in trbkh rid- pry
<br />y attnatad, all other notice beis` hereby waived 6y the asaetgagor t,attd rid mstsaa~+q a asy p~ tta
<br />btd.a{f of .aid rnrtga„a.~ ea«~ !~ wish zhe 'mpsid iad~te> tYideseed b3 uid note i. 3s~ sak ik.ai: !r
<br />hrEd at or can the property to be rhf ar rt the Fedrrat, easels, or city cosrthore for the casein ir. which the
<br />prafrertp is hrrated. The mortgagee it <weby aaaboriaarl to eareute for and era behalf oC the mort6a6or attd to
<br />drEisrr to the purrhasrr ae wteh r3r a adG-[ent roavepa~sro of rid Prs{nerty, which cosverrst!e ahaEl eostais
<br />eaei;aia a [a the hoppeaftag of the defastt apes rr:hiclh the eseeatien o{ the power of r~k herein Brasted
<br />dopextdt; a~f the saaE [mtt~gar hereby a.sk:•~;atrs and appoiata tlve taor;~e r as- a~atst or attatney of the
<br />~; the aFst and attonrr~p is fart of said nrorigatUar zee make scab recitaia aa$ to execute rid
<br />oanvsryasss and herbs ca.etrata card ageter that tke«r rreigla sa made shall be eHectsal to bar all equity or
<br />ripiftt tef nniraplian, hosteatrad, dttwer. asd ati adhrr nvenrplioas of thr rwortaa; ar, a1l of ~whirh arc hrrch+
<br />un:pt~arsM ++ttivrd and rueweved to the mot7aaaer: ur
<br />(stn talxr nay othrr spprupriatr. action pursuant to rtarr or }'eelriaf rfatatr either ,u ,lair ur E'rilrrai
<br />.'curt as wh+rwise fer the dispowitiea of the praperts.
<br />fe the evs~t of a sale r taeeaataheftert proridadr the maiREagor or aaT pttrseaw ie Portrrim. ttneiei t!w msrb
<br />p+{tar xhaii syaep fnacume aaA uc teosota w~Lriin(t ervrr an.i xhail fon#awarh .trlrvrr poxeesaaun to ih+ purchaner a~
<br />ssrb aafr mr f z attantsreta diapuartwrE, uc: aaxon3sser with t#rr prorwau..vf law spplieable to trnsnt. hoidinp ovrr.
<br />The pawar attd agletsrY tte;ebt aranted are rwtpled with an itttsrest an<f arc arrerarr69r ir+ drath ,.r .rthrrwisr, am#
<br />arc fcrantrdr.smsufaaava to th+t rrx[iad irs f.vr raltentxan of eaed r:adebtedt_~ pro+idnt by f«w-
<br />a, ~M'be ptaeaseda s!. ~'f rsk ad Brad property is seeer~,fattoe wi:h tEre preeedurg parrgraphs ahail he applianf best
<br />;r ps'm tlra e~t{rr+r>r+,>a said sai~„ thr~ esp._._.. itrrcd by ibe sraragsgae far t.R+F purpore art pratr€tisg nr maia•
<br />leinirt~t raid aresprrtx, asd ~ atte~+~vs" fry; ~r-vndlj. i,s pa+i t#rP ihtrleerrvt eeeKrf<# #:rrr#r+ . an.# lh:ra##:.
<br />to par asy surpiw or eaarr eo the pemm~ ac prnoars kaa{Ir ratitkd the»tu.
<br />S, is tbs evaara Bead praperzp is sold H • ptdiaia} fooackanre sale or psnsau to the power of rk hereittabore
<br />graaeed, and the proreede are eat stt6crau to pay the total ini+•ste `ursess scored br ttrfe itrswmeat and rndeaa+rd by
<br />Wild ptrtsttarory note, the mtstgaaee will he entitled to a de~rmrr jr[dgment far thr amaze»t of :hs dejFctrncy rratfeeat
<br />r't(lard b yrpeaisawwet.
<br />6- Is she evrnt thr otortaagm (at4 iu psy auy Frdera#, stain, ur local tea a..rwatrnt, xnrume ~a^ ur <nher ta+
<br />liter, charge, fer or a#fter rapeare thartted writ t}1e Praparty i}1e X-a~a~pee ~e hrrrb+ aushonsrd st hn upnun t„
<br />pay the ,Tama- Any satma .e. pawl by llte martaagre ehalf br added Ia and brcumr a pare of the prmetpal amount of the
<br />ied~tdieedntere rrtdertervi by .std Weir, wbjret to thr same serrd ami runditioae !f the mortttagar ahalE par rod
<br />disrdtarge she' ~ rr6denrad be said pr+sstarry Wong snd ehali pay rtrch runes and shag discharge ail
<br />tatrar atad;ume and iha reala. fay asd aapraes of ra4#rp(, ruborsisq(, and meeffiiag thin trtor[gage, thee this tmoetgage
<br />drfi M eaoaeiad and waaudrsd.
<br />`• Ts~ fi "--."--- -~ attisifbiird acid the hette6ta sad advantaKrr .fast# rmur ~u the ..~prretirr su,~-
<br />ateaa.e atsti rtrigar of tine parr!~a bsesm. 1Pftmsvar saw}, the siegutat ttstnbcr rltafi iacfetde tore plnrsL the plnni the
<br />tiatMdaR asi ika~ tine of eat ' shad ittelsde edl
<br />6. % waiver sf nay esveatast lrwrein or rsi tic obYptioa rrrarrnl heretic .tall at ,urn itm.• therrafrw trr hr#d
<br />to be a weiver of the terreas tteaeal w of the cane sara[rn! hereb+.
<br />R A jsAirairl deans, rider, or fa#ynast boidtgt txwy proviwoe w portawt ast thrr awttuntent xuralt.t ur amcrr-
<br />frrNrkie rhrrl! sse is aw wet itspair er pnelmle ilia extfarrce[naatt of eM ra!wtaiaitra i.eariasons ar #,orurertr of thin
<br />utttafsaatmt~
<br />-+~i'at+'ritataa~ir3twprlas,niufnafitisaArtraaetpy(r{tsrwsaot m tba prevwesa of this tsaaa~ ahail 6r ad-
<br />~°~+'~lt~tllrrs~t
<br />sad nisi writMS axaYee r be issaaed to the marrspaawrt sha0
<br />be :~~raas~'- ~ tint r~ u
<br />:«~ s-.erw ~r....
<br />