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;~:,;JC~~Sr~ <br />3 7'ite tarortgatmr tcrmanta attd sgxer» that if 6e ahail tail to pay acid indrbtednesa or asy part the.wl .rhea <br />dtw, ar dezlt loll to perfarrm any eerenart or agteerseat al tit» iaatrutne~t or the promiaeory note seemed hereby, rite <br />ertdbra indebtedness hereby eceured ehaH immediately became dray payable, aad rroiltetibk withoet notice, at the <br />of the merttTa~ee or saaiTtna, regsrdkas al maturity, aad the mortgagtr ar his ariRta map before or alter a!ntrp <br />aal?• eaW properly withotA apprairrmest s the mortgagor baring waived and assipeed to the mortgagee aTl rig}eta of <br />etpprariremret `t <br />1 t t at jeedieiat oak pvrawst to the pmriaioes of P8 li.1.C_ ".otii ~ a 1 : or ' <br />i Aj at tAe aptiaa ad the mstrtgagee, eithza by anetian or br wile/tatim of aeabd bidas~lor the 6i~ and <br />baK bid tampJTia~ wits the terms a/ wk and asaasor ~ payttamt speeifieai az the ptibliabed notim d w{e. Ent <br />ptiviatt lour waeka' neiiee of tht time, rayon, aad piac,e of each soh:, b* adrertiaetratM not law than once <br />during each of .aid tone weeks is a atewrpaper pubtiabtd or distributed at the county in wbade acid prepeRp <br />r aittuttad. all oibee satire being baerehp waived by the mortgagor (atrd said aaoatgrt~4 er say pe:son m <br />_ 6raMR r! said mortga{ee, tap bid with the unpaid isdebtedneu eridaaoed by acid natal. Said yak sbnll ba <br />held at rr as the property to be aaJd ar n the Federal, twenty, or city a:merthoYee tar the oaonq in which the <br />grTetsy is bested.. ?'bs ~. x : aa:.4arsad to exec-sty lsr std ou b,rha.Y of tLe amarad to <br />deiivatt to the pterabeaer at ouch oak a m~eiesa tonreywoe of acid property. whidt etmrepanee shall coufailt <br />teeiiak w pa the happaniag of the €Idrnlt apoe which thr ezecutlos of the pa»ror al oak baerin grated <br />depasda; aad tie acid u+mtgegar hereby a~onrtimtn and sppieiots the arortgages ar any agent or attnraey o/ the <br />awerTagoa~, the agent and axtsuttep is lrn of acid mortgagor to make ouch retitils aad to eeeeote grid <br />eameyorn and benby enraoua anal agnm that the rreiiaL so made ahJl b€e etiadrtnal to 6ae all rgeaity ar <br />right o! redemptirm, hamcateati, dttrrar. and alt other caemptiow of the montwgar, all al which are hrreby <br />eipecoaly waived imd two+e+nsd ea the ntortltaRea: ar <br />ftrti take any other appropriate ration porruant to scare or Federal atrtuu eithtr ie orate ar Fedora! <br />rourt or oehtrwae far the diapeaition a( the Prapertp- <br />In the Trent ttl • oak a ifereisabovr ptorided, she meritcaaor or am person in pasrssixen undrr rue mortttaaor eha!1 <br />then beteme and be teaasb betidin:t over rm3 chat! (erthwith driirrr poaaerion to the purchaser at ouch oak ar be <br />aarmtearily dpeptrsesstd, in aeraedaewe with she prorisians of law apphrabk to traanta holding aver. The power <br />aad : beseby Rranttd are eaetpkd whit an inhresl and arc irrerarablr by death ar othrrwisr, and are Rranted <br />r _. _- '. 'ire to the rt.seedioa for ealkrtiae sef wtd urdrMedneae prorirled Av law. <br />•. -l'he ptorerda of cap oak a/ aid prepertr in atc»trdaaet with the prezerlint; paragraphs dolt ba applied East <br />m pay rho :aura raid attteratto al coat oak, the eaptusa inrserntd by the twerlRapee (or tits pozpoae of protectiesg or main <br />taitai:nlt ,aid p~prry. an# ~ssanabtr »ttaraev: irrs: ,.,rta€diw. to pny tae itufehetdnras secum4 hrrnby: urs+9 thirdly. <br />tea p€tl€ sa: srrpi€w ar a~asa.s €a for past m pry leaain~ nntitkd thrrcta. <br />"S. fn xba evsar acid property ;W cold at a i .. . _, faretb.nre sai= :.r gs~ra=~r ~ ±~ `+o~er esl ' !-----__= _ <br />granaad, and ilae prvaeeda era neat stafteetnt to pay for tetai indebtedness .rsrared by this itterrnment aad eridenetd by <br />acid peomirary area. the aaartgagte .iii be eatitkd eo + dtbeieocy iudpaeat far the atttonnt of tier deficienrr swtkoatt <br />ragamd a eppsiwtnwt. - <br />G la the trtnt the neaatgagor fails to par nor Frdrra 1, slate, ar l.,.ra! tax aaarssmrnt. necomr tax or <nhrr tai lien, <br />charge, fro, or other rapetae tharRari aa•tnst thr pruprrty, ehr muryaaRrr .s hereby authortzrvl at hie option W pay <br />gibe saaM. Asp coma ao paid b7 the mortgagee ahaU be addrd t» and beconce • pare of the principal amasat of the <br />ia€dehiedrters rrid+entval by said Hale. anbjr_rt to the sanx trrnea and .~onditiatte. ff the ntoripaRor shall par and <br />diaeharyae the iwkhtednras rridenrcrl by •aid pramexaocy notr, and +hail par such xume urn! shall diarharRe all taxtx <br />aad ii~.a and lire coats, fees, and rxpererea of making, .nitwrmp, and rzecuunR this mortgage, than this mariRage <br />sitrll be mawtslaai roil surrendrted. <br />7. '~ r}avaaaw beteia taeuitaal shah bard and xhe bcmetitt and advantaaee sha3i inure to the reapectlrt eue- <br />atarats atad araigr of ttrr partirt bareto. Wbonprer used. the aioptlar esmbar shall iachtde tba phsal, the plan! the <br />alaBltLr. aad rise aaa el ay geteder algid! iselyda all genders <br />tk ~~ waiver of say tasranant hxrein or al ihr oiriiRrtim zea~ured htrtbr shell at nor tame therer(ter M held <br />~ ie a trofrer ed ~ €o:ss heraad or of Ihr nott +eeured herder. <br />4. io oraapliraae with aaatira i4i.l?d? ar! the Rules and Regolatiosa al the Small Braaiear Admisiatratioe j I3 <br />C.T.R. i0L2td) j, tbia iaaattraewt is to br coaetrsed awd eatfarced is seenrdeame with spplseshle Federal Isw. <br />t~. A jrtdMtylaF daete€e, order. er ju+itpaent hek9iayt am provision or portico d thin iuatrnaeest invalid ar un <br />~e oboe!! nax is any way iNair or pwchtde eha ewlweeu+ant of the taweamieg peorisioss or poetiwu of <br />tltia iarletasert. <br />ran Taco ~- as=:r, -- °- ' ..., <br />