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<br />$~ ~1~tf~6 ~3 <br />l~A(~E <br />'i~ti. aset~ >•.~e ma mmn.d ~ rhi. , , - y~ ~ ~ ...t.; ~ L-=r ~.- <br />194~t ~srlhettrsat Sehuppan Enterprises, Inc. <br />tfw'a~ftar rekrro~ ~ as ) so3 the hdoinistrstsr of the Ssast7 Wariest A~isi~, m sR~7 of the <br />Cemtsetat of the Uetied 8tstes cif Atneriea i hereiesfter referred to a tnsrtssyx j, whn m e~ioe and <br />~iasasihrittaratEmpire State Building, i9*_h and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. <br />weast~sa, drt fse the asawdertaisa hetaoatwr wasnd, eaempt sF shish is ~f , ty <br />~~R sass ~'+hf ~PBa. ~. tttrattt. ~ and caa>~ et~o the taast~e, his sttntttasan ad a9 <br />s3 the ftt praspes?~ titaased mi twsR is ase'~T of ^~! i <br />Sipe of N~ettrttaaka <br />!t tract of land cotaprising a part of the northeast Quarter of the Yartfxeast <br />~~larter (~tE~,t+E~,} oi° ~';ectian I`welve liZ}, 'Cewnship ien (10} Yorth, Range Ten <br />(ldl} H¢s,t atf the Gift ks.M. [Era~il C.ouney, :+t'hrusVca, mere particularl}~ described <br />as [ollaws: <br />13e,}Sinnl.xu,i; at a ptaisxt oi` the :oath lint cut salic! \ertheast ~.~uarte:r of tJ:e <br />^:orrh~st Quarter (NE'~..N£.~x}, said pe iat '.>ein~ roc hand _*ed thirty-seven <br />{-37.0) feet West of the Southeast corner aI said northeast Quarter of <br />the *iort;tesst ?}flatter (NF.`-..*,iElc}; thence Snrtherly .,long a line sixty <br />(60.0} feet west of and narailel to the tdesterl;: right-oi-way Line ct <br />liigYlways 281 and S4, a distance :if tour Hundred (4UQ.i)} £eet; t`:ence <br />',Iesterly Parallel to the .South line uti glair. `ortheasc Vuarcer ~i: the <br />northeast i,uarter {?;ptyplE";}, ;! distance +,i t::o hundreti c:i,;htcen (Z1tl.U) <br />t~`4'Gi ~1SCS3CC SQ5iCt20rl}' Fri £:L i.,l E: 1. CcT ai51!1 '.S.L~n1eaY ~ .. -L1-Silay C:ln['- ri :~15- <br />C~1C: ,.. :our' ,e.i..,di~ '-4f-..if -==Ct C- t.-te ~Vi)tl t.t ._..~ J: tie lU -~i'tneaSt <br />.,natter of t2t~a tiu£t.heax~t t~uarter (`+E~d~?tE'x); ti::ence Easters}r;z, sled <br />tvutlx line oaf ttte :3nrt'.heasS; i),~~;;~rtrr ::r t: thu :rvrtheelse ~_~wrter i,NE'~ul-'~), <br />a J..Ls fence c!f twc 'ttundrtrd e:i~ttteen ti:l/ [. r_e!e to e:te piztt_e of <br />is,:~,i.t~tinv ~.;~ tart-fit l z~; _.')r:=. ~..___=, .:ors: ,~r __„~.;. <br />ToglprlAer with and iarfttdityt sf4 buddies., siS liztvrrn incfuditls but Rot hmttrd to all plumtsina, beetles, lishl- <br />inltx '+'rntiisti~., eerfrit{crslis><, isrineratiryi, air rrandilionins apparatus, aad rlesatore 1 the mort~attur he; r!_sr <br />aieelarintt tics! it is intended Fhst the itemr !settle rntcmrrated +hsf! h dremrx! to ktsre been permanently- in- <br />+ta~r-puK of rite rcdtr}, and aU improretarnta now or heeeaftrr txletins thereon, the hcrrdilantents awd <br />appartewaneer. awd ttq aHher rift#r tiaer+eretta beternRsnµ, or in any.ri~.r appertarninte. and the r<rrnion aml rr• <br />rerauan., wmsimler snel rrmaiu.ier., ail ri±ia. *ef reekseention, ~9z± tfnr e^°n, -a•u=~. =n.1 x r=et_t- ;,. ahr €sls:_=r <br />efrrethed prsftertr f prsrided, hnwrrrr, Thai th= nester e:r +it~4! !xr rntttfst! la !hr ~. rR=lean .s! sic! pn,perla <br />~# ins ~s4 atrrf retain the reatta, ia~ttea, nod ltro5tw until dtfanft hesrundcr) . Tu bare and vu hold the vamx <br />tastes the ernes#sfre me! the +eo-tter+ore in interns of the mort,~at;er (ureter in ire .imply or .ueh other r+tsie. <br />tf mnu-, sa is staters herafn. <br />Ths sseipda+ tasrstuata that Fte ii lsrfaitq raised and pnass.ed of and hu the nRltt to .ed and rmrey acid <br />grs~srtq•; that the noam w [n ie (teat nU ancrpt n, hereiaabow• rrcitrd: and that he haxbr bisds <br />h! adl hi. tw~esrtaa sd istereaq to +rarram amd •lsftad the tttla afoeeaatd thereto and rrr,!rr part thereof ytatrut <br />tie dsisr!r rd afl ptexsaas rrhsssaexreer. <br />Thir iartrftalent is ~trrn to rye.. u-urr the parmcst d a nrwntxorr Dote datrJ - p/`~ <br />to tits ~~.t~ amt o$ t} iry:. "in .'1='eistxd ttr '?a .. _.. :. i:~, ..~..,._ _ ,. ~ , ... }tit+,. <br />~nR s~' Tesasust,r- <br />r-n+<ypaz? azr 4 spa t . r:;r , ... _ . <br />we s.,,,, +ss . a..-er w..w.. caw... ~.. an..w,~ <br />