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. _ ~_ I <br />~; <br />_ T6isMottfg~itenterattrtto6etwaen Mt r~~,ael_.L_4ier.-h g++a 1.+77y ~F 7 h- i~, - <br />_ t~ahnnd and Lti fe _ ._,~..,, _ _ therein •`TFioTiW~°1 md~`' ~ .- <br />_ _ _ _ Fia•e Peinis Bask ~ ~ ~~,..~,. -~ ~ _ <br />Nortpgor is tedebted w 1~rtSKae in ~ petnriq{ sum of S 16 , SSt) ~ D0. _ , evidsnoed by gorefpyx's eoiet~-- <br />.dated- - (herein "Nata"l pmvidin; t~ papmenta of priwdpal and-interest,-with thrhalaaee of ebr - - <br />~6gdaaas, if not sooner pdd, dae and payable an- _...Mi;< 18~ 1481 _, <br />lbaeru» the psytttmt of the (dote. arith tntarmc as provided tttetBa, the paypuest of all othas stt~, tech ffi!~. <br />adrrareed ay + to protect the seruritp of this ntottpde. reed the pertormmae of the crreaaata ~ afptemsab a{ <br />-fie eoowned hateia, Mortpttrr does hereby maw' and rntnap to IKott~ee the fotlowis~ deaal4ed - <br />property located in - ua i 1 ,_-- County, Nehcasly; - <br />Lett Seven (77 in Sunset Sevaitrtia Gwbdiviaign, being a gazt a# the <br />Northeast t',tsarter (t~~2 0# Sectian~ Eleven (I1 } Township Elttven f tl )' <br />North, Il.ange Ten (10), Weat n# the 5th P.FI. i.n Halt County„ NebraaRca <br />To~ticer with eat tauidin~., tmpmrrumrnts, flxturas, streets, alleys, paxsgrways, easements, n~tta. ptivdedvs and <br />Itlrpucrimane=s Iv~ata+1 thurs~!t or to anywfa°prrtnnmg thecmto, and alhs~ inn-: ~,,ue~: and profits. reuersirn:a ~sd temsin~~ts <br />theretrS: taulnAU1=, bttt not iimiled hrs. heatrnP and crrtriing espuipntrnt and sued pvrstuaai property that •x altae3red to the <br />flasprrivamene: wryer it, eettatsWtr a fr7r[ase; sil of which, tnrtwdinq rsrplarrmenis and atidit.tuns therntu, !s hereby +ivr:iared <br />tf# tie a pa:-t u( tht rata as•°'° -ucutvd h. the hen u. tht.:tu=t;aim ~ and al: w( 6he torrautnp, being n=fe ~ +i to het~i~n as tba <br />..may,. <br />tdartyngar tu,rttrcr canvenmtta and agrees., with Mrsngrpgr~u, ae• '~rdlrrwa~- <br />t. PaYmeWt "Ca alY the +ltdeirixdrtes> and the uttsre,t ttyrrernt a: prt,ttdud exx thG, 4tuctgegr and the Nate. <br />2 Title. MwtgaRor a the owner u( the Property. rxa+ the nght and authanty cu mortgage the Property, and <br />Natranta Uu[ the tiro [mated hereby es i txdu and pour ben un the f"x,prrty. except a+ may ulherwtae he set foKh herein. <br />VI The Property is subpar to a !ttort~rtge whurutn Hume Federal_ Sav inks 6 Loan <br />:f 74-4Q7454 - - <br />hthe Sitrrt{~re, recarrhd at ..._.._,_. -_._ ,Page ..r the Mungaye N.c~cords of .. _-tia 11.- _- -_ C[woty. <br />Nebmka, whreh Mnrepge is a lien pr:w to thu lien crusted hrrehr <br />'u' fkber ptwr item a emumtxrancrs. <br />3. Taaea, Aareasenenta. Tu pay when due ai! taxes. apn~aal assesxnrrnts sod alt other cheeses against the Prapeny <br />ptnd. upon written demwrd by Mmtgague, to add to the payntrnta reyurred under the ltiutr scoured hereby, such amount as <br />iinay M aaffteiea[ to enable the 79angagre to pay such !axes, assessmrnls ar other charges as they txcome dur_ <br />4. Inatxaooa, To trrp the improvements now or herratter Isuatad on the real estate desurihrd herein insured <br />- damaipr by rite a»d such other hatatds m Ynrtgageu ntay rryurrr, in amounts and with <•.=misanny aareptablu to the <br />~, ~~ teti8 iilY payana-r to Lne ~a[t to c [,( i[xss Unvef sJCti thrice', s. the ,`sfurtgayee ~~ aurhorizrd Er, <br />- artftalt, coitec;t and mnpmasiar, icx its dtstsetion. ad tlaiaw tttereunder e[ its sartr optiaa, auth+,n7w•d u, etlhrr apply rite <br />prueeelkr to the reatontisw of the Properly or sport ihr indrbtedneas secured hereby, but pay encore hereunder shall corr- <br />tiaae aatN tip sums assured 6erehy err paid in toil. <br />6, G7 P4ator F'or Taaae and lawtartee. Naivithatarsdiag anything rnntatned to paragraph J and ~i hereof to the <br />ranttary, btortBagnr aha8 pay to the Stongsfpu at the time of My'tttri the mtrnthly rnstalimrnts of pnaeipal and interest, <br />- omiwe(#ttt of tfie yeasty taxes, aawnaraenh, luaatd insueante prr•miw2ti, sad gnx:nd netts 11t aryl which may attain a <br />pNaeity ar+rr tins 9htrgpgr, aU as tvesonahly aattmftrd from trine to tirrte be the ltcsrttyger. The aatrwnu so pWd shat! Ae <br />ha3d ttT tba ~ wiiftout intrreat and appikd ~ the payrnertt of the items m nxpue•t to whk;h such antaunts wave. <br />ti~rpaeiMd, t3ia wars paW in Irvrar+nder are pledged as addiuaeral srrunty tar the mdabtadttvsa srrurrd by true <br />~; : ~aat~yR: l3artf~nrt~1 flay to ~ the amount of any detfetrrrry balween the actual taxes, assCaamuats, tnsutantc• <br />- fpseaahtiata said grnutsd rva~ eat the depends hereunder within 30 days attar demand n mtdr open Aturtgagor requesting <br />gab'ptattt thtxwot. <br />~ NSxce acrd Elea. °Pa pramptiy ropstr, rettsnt• ur rebuild an} trstiidings ur tmprovetnenis now or <br />~itai of tsr Prt>?Perty;, to itaap tire, Property rn goad condttau» and rspWr. wrthaut waste, and rm• trom musnanic`s nr <br />>~:r >:~p autw~ywated to the :ten harruf: oat to retitle. Afar w purm.t any nuisars ~ to exist, oar to dtmen- <br />adi sr taeptnr the a~tte of the Frtrpertx by any act w ouriasitas to xt, an+i ea comply with ai; nrywremrnts at raw w•rth <br />respert k+4hv P4aprrty. <br />