<br />d. For fxtttr stearity of the idntss hereby secured, upon flu regttctt of the mortgagee. its successors
<br />[~ assigt~s, mortgagor shalt eeecute and deliver a sttgpternental taortgagt or mortgages covering any additions.
<br />iatprovtrnestts, or betterments trade to the property htreittabttve descT'tbr~ and alt property acquired by it after
<br />the date Itersof (art in form satisfactory to mortgagee}. Futhertnore, should mortgagor fait to curt any default
<br />in the payment of a Prior a ittftrim encvmbeaaee tm the property de~ribed by this instrument, mortgagor here-
<br />by agtets to permit tnortgttgee to care ~ defatdt, but mortgagee s nor obligated to do so; and such advaaces
<br />slxtl# txxaxon ixtrt of thetndebttdaaess secured by this ittsaammt, sabjest [o the same terms and cottditioas.
<br />"~ t. The righta crtattd by this rnnveyartce shall remain in full fora and effect du '
<br />~ rxtftasiou of the titre of the rtng anY posipo[teatent or
<br />pa,+nntrtt ~' the ittdetrtedttesa e'cideestxd trY sued promissory ntNe a tortes, or any
<br />put theretaf secured hereby.
<br />f. Ta csattianot+sfY ttgiataia hazard iast[raacc. of sutdt type yr types and in such amovnis as the mortgagee
<br />may from tirse to titre ragttin on the improvamtats stow or heteafic oo said propvty, attd w#l) PaY protegstlY
<br />whey due any prerttitttrts thercfa. Ali ituttrance shall be varied in c~[panies acceptable to mongagtx a~ the
<br />ptrlieits aril ret~wals thereof shall be held by mortgagee arx! have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />crf attd in form atxeptaMe to the mortgagce. in tvrn[. of loss, mattgagor wiiI give immediait notice in writing
<br />to ~, and tteottgagcc trap make preof tyf toss if trot [trade promptly Sy mortgagor, aad each insurantt
<br />-:otafataY + is fxrttry auuuxixd and dirae[ed to make payrtttat !or such loss directly to mrntgagtt
<br />instead of [o ttmrtgagsr and monEageye jointly, and the insarana prot-axts, ^r anY Pan thereof'. may be applied
<br />hwy mortgagee at in optfrxt either to the redtats+ort of tttt indebtedness hetetry sccurert a to the restorntion or
<br />rspair of tJUC property damagta cw destroyed. In event c'>f foreclosure of this mortgage, or other irattsfer of titre
<br />to tait4t prcrpert.Y in tstittguishtetent of the indtlrtcdttess secured hereby, art tight, tale, and interest of the
<br />ntonEgag[tr to attd to any ittsur'am.•e policies then in force sltafl pass to the pvrchastr ar mortgagee ar, a[ thr
<br />opiiian of xhe ontxtgagee, may be surrendered fart a refund.
<br />i& To keep all btti4iittgs attd cnixt improvemems on said property in good repair and .:ondition; to
<br />ptrtmt, commit, or suffer no waste, tmpairmtnt, deteriora[ion of said property or any pact [hereof; on the event
<br />of failure of the enortgagttt to keep the huikiittgs on said premtses and tfiose erected on said premises, or
<br />improvetrtcatx thereon, m good repair, the mortgagee may rtxakt such repairs as an +ts d;seretton ;t ;nay deem
<br />rre€xssary f€z,- the proper preservation iheteaf; and the full amount of each and every such payment shal{ he
<br />im7ttediate[y dot and payatrie; and shall be secured by the tun of thts mortgage.
<br />h, rg nor vcr; a?tiardy 44.tast ~x Ptrtmt to be ~~rratel a~nst !!r_ ,^-rc~rr?y ;ub;rc*, tc; !:;:s mortY,age ant :tier.
<br />i3r liens mfera~w tti ICS tteti <>r tor. IntN[ra¢e KnniN.ll +rnten tlrisent .,f ~i. : ir~~t ....: .. ... ...~.,
<br />t;~a will keep attd maintaan t#;r same fret from :he cta;ra of :tt! txrsrnn, c!apPlv~ntt luhw ur inatcrzals for ,.on-
<br />s,truw[ran of ,toy and a#f bail~dtngs <x tmtsrovernertts nay. he^zng rrL~ted ~K tt> he rrrtns .*.. -;atd vrcmisrs.
<br />- .~, eo4 '~tt vt ~,aarg:, a„~ par; .~. the rent ai >a;d rtcrsstaget# trerr~rt;- , - ;=a:tntfi}h, ~.er rcttrx,vr, cYr
<br />rtskrt~ta..tt~#t adtet' am ~"~riitding withtxit the vtr:aen orsent r:t the tncsrtgagcr.
<br />i. Aq a+wartts :tf datnagts ;n :.itttt~ttcrtt wt[h ant :;st~rrtttsattcrr. test .:,tltlic use at _r ~:tfsry t:? an=~ ..-f the
<br />MoRrrtX sabjm ro tiro morrgagt err hereby aastgned acrd shall tie paid to mortgagee, who may uppfy the ~~-ame io
<br />paYtttent of ttx instafltmtxs }sat due under vtd oar, and mortgagee is herMy authonztd, in lire uamr of the
<br />tnatgttgcu, to atttvte and deliver .afrd acquitutnets thereof and to apps[ from any such award.
<br />k. Tht mortgagee ,hall Rave the rrght to Inspect the mortgaged premixes at any reasonat,te nmr.
<br />t Tu eotnply with the provtsiats of anY least .f then !Mortgage is <m a iraseho4i. It 1Ms 's'ongage vs nn a
<br />unit in a :mtdsnttanutm x ;! pwtnmd urn dove#opmcnt, Bttrro>rrr ,Wait perform atf of Borrower's obligauorts
<br />under the derkuattrm ex Covtttant9 erqut~ ex gor<zrning thr cettdanintttm ter Planted unit dcvdopment,the
<br />hY»daaa and reggttlst;otn of the ecmdamtnium err plartrted umt dcwdimtneot, anti cotuutur[st da:uments.
<br />~ tltrltuzk rn any of tix covenants or ctxtdititms of this mstrvmtnt eu of the note or h.+an ageemenr ,ttiurcd hereby
<br />ttrmtnxfie the !nortgaesx'a rtah[ to nosaysstun. uxe, and entovtuent ~?f the ~olxrty, at the ~:puor, :mot fhe
<br />itx'~e xx xssig[rs t:t !u:ttg a[greeaf that [fir mortgagor ;halt havr such nght unta4 dcfaultt- [!non arty .u.h
<br />dtdiadt.:.he mortgagee taecwue ilae cwt[tr :t! alt :rf the rents amt profits accuring after dtfauft as purity for
<br />the ittd¢beetftttaa sttc~ved botchy. with the right to ether upoa said property fa the pvrpost of coffecting such
<br />trots and profits. This itatrutuem rha6t operate as as asstdntmnt of any rentals on said Property to that extent.
<br />3. ;f tip m~ def+ous. asd [ails let wake anY ~ymenta wtttn due ar eo canfixm to arni comply wuh attY ~,f
<br />tf~ atrndlEivtu or agre+etaettts cantaitaed its this tnurtgage rx €hc rtetes which n ,twrts, then tfte Cuttrf Prrucrpai
<br />sues aed errcz[red irtterCaY shall at once bets dtte atsd pasgbk. and draw -. _u. Per ten[ 4._lt;it°tat [merest
<br />ttrtttaf3et tail ptm at tfte eletitm of the mortgagee: aad this tntutgagc maY tfiereupon Iu forec#osed xnnfedtatefy
<br />t~ the whole,vF thr imk64tdnmx tRrstty secured, :e[clud#ng the at>4t of tttexufiug the abstract of tttic from the
<br />da£6 t}f t ~ fL' [,tYe tip of ittxgt#g 5#tcti §tx9[. •s 1Xi~t3n P@FC@rIL.
<br />•. lg the tvsrtt of a fm~wute or defaWt u pruvpfed hcaeen, the mortgagee shat! a[ tract be enutted to the tws-
<br />+esttNStt. use. and ea}ttytnrnt stf the rsal estate aftrresaid and iu ttx rent, isst;es. revalues, ant prates tfiextof.
<br />Croat the ~atF esf rs[tch rtaltts and durrrtg itte Irce~ttttiY if 4cxtslsysurr prtxeedtngs and suEh ,-+n<esatizin, roc..
<br />ahait at Deere be d~tt~rta# to the ttttx[lgegee upon regae2l, uitrut f'ariure +,uch de#ivrry et =1.h Ixnsess,<m may t=e
<br />~-try tie, by aaY aapea#rrsttt legsl prras~#istgs, :m:tuding a recesvrr for thr prstPem
<br />9 T';a€ pry of aay ;arc of sand prayiarty us ac.-.rsalaaz~; u;th zhe ,
<br />pres,-adtrsp paraflraPlts ~ita£i he at'tiTireat arse ;c
<br />€' ' ~ ~~' K`- . -1- ~~ ?~~5=r-d ?ty ibs rr~~tga ::v ~.._ r t ., .- i4.rq.:~ ...
<br />tYawi~airix~t:~ni rri~aezty, lY, ?tr paY ;ire +ittle2ftcxfttaia se+.atrt'~t hereft~~; nru; 'tstr::#;. ~ ~,,..'tne +:+i mist, ,..
<br />t9 tt>te ~ to IIEt'S[HtY #eg'A,fty e~taif3ri ttKA1tGla3
<br />