<br />a~o~iTC;Are
<br />eeox7cACE LOAN No. ~ 23.861
<br />~-esl~iBrrl~t~sevtprrs ta.t Curtis Pi. Chri<_tensen and Linda M. Christensen, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Forty Thwusand and t;!o; 100 _ _ _ ---~~~'W~=N`r~`~~"'"''~~O"~'~
<br />----------------------------- o4LtAxs
<br />boaaed us ~ renriga{{or by 7`Ne 1'quiisbk Nra"idias sui L,~a Action of C.md iatsad. Nebrsdra. MrMy~e. upon 4rOO >Cutes of clot]{ of
<br />t®d AS3fl(:[A7StStf, Catiflare No. L 23 p61 . dsr hereby gent, mnary :nd srrf:stgage ante the ~ ASSOC[A17DN the foBot+iag
<br />dm~ed real fie, sitmted m F1aB Courrt)t ~?ie6rastta~
<br />SOI;THWEST ~L!ARTI[R (W},SW';) t3F SECTIGtd TWO (2) [N
<br />TOW"iSHiP ELE'aEli (I1)`dORTH, RANGE TEN (?0? 'REST OF
<br />rrs¢tirrr wnh alt rNe terrcrsnt:. hercdrta:nents znd appsurertm„rs iherewstu hetn:rs~snR, useludireg arts lxa !bw mrermgs. a13 .vutoa xxerns,
<br />esadnw shades, blinds, storm svnsdowa, awamas, heai,s~. au cras,dtrararrrR, and p!umbmg astd water egwpmmt amf arzcsrartn rhereto,ptmrps, rdosxa,
<br />refrst~::arvrs. and sxfrer Cixtsars arui eytupment now w rserrattc, atracfaed o, .n :ara ur .~rmrtcctmn wnN rand real estate.
<br />AaW w±eeteas the Bard swregrgrv tin aprenf ar+d ,s.Y.. tc:ces a{t<c~ ~ r :zse :zk.reFaRsu .Nall atx! wsti MY all tun ami asaexanenta ievfed cr
<br />r° ,i ~-_ .~ ;R;, - Dine
<br />d - raw ? ~'°s ~ :~ ,-~,=a,~€ ~ r,.-~ w. - ____u~ rho ~r~ a!~u ooc uzimgtsnt: ro Curmah sPPrured
<br />_."---- q'[-, c, _ ::d: Bar+.~'a ~.x, auE fK<n:rar,. ..,E _ _~ 3 .- ,rt a -role w sa 7 l1StlCia tT~L}k a»si to 4eLr±cr to
<br />A3`ii}i:A4'1 ~C9N shz p.nli.~es Em ram cflaorin~ s~ r< .n .n se,f n , umr aav ~rasnc ,n ,:r aor>ot sauA pramtsca.
<br />Cs u.ax of ^.£N ulz za t!s pert~-.r:ran<x U zn~. .3. rtsz ras~.« c.~-t;ors ::t .hss :i.~a,e:gak. w .Ne txr::d g::ured hereiW. :Ne nwrtgr~se shah.
<br />. =2.^~iced. Na: ~rrtfd.d :r, m.~n+ssx ~. .t :~ : r:C~' r~_,as. _ a_} tM_ rss~:r ;.{,,. -_ .'-n«4gn ,.3 .-.-. ii><
<br />a~~a si! ~3s r _.ts, res~:,~s ~t :wRCce ... ,~ skr,~-,: ~,n .tom =ru.v~d arre~nss d~.nr r~;, 4u.:h Irme as et>r m,rns ms~eh_e~Sst¢sa shall resmm
<br />s®p~:i. artmi tl~ :~,a~ez ~:< `.sue cis {a,~: ec, .pens ann hem ,n mars :s roar ,irsrr; i u tit. kaus tae ai rep+utn~e saw rrsrr.~a assi rent
<br />i1F L~ inNY EiARSlitt't[ lid feflFa, r~C9r6f a@9 mr2>nK aflef rt imy ffiy ,¢4i .f ,.,,j :1r5f4x.M. vi{ ex~Ser~£ VI re~,rg ~ £prf pi'?StttL^£ aC~? .'•£•~~.^.•
<br />eawrutasamess and czyuRnscs rea:rursed un eentma rind fmaaA++a t!>r same artd of wtk:a ine ~cauds theuefroun: tlm brdatrce rcnseuitea- if wv- ra !re
<br />uwwu3= ~ -~ ..~at~ - ..'tom _,r , ..~ .~,na:~s'*' n_y is __s fx~sa at amt; eta €t°sr, Cm ex ;:~r;t:. u: rapt;
<br />. t±~r~e`"3F?s =it am f~arY ~~s££ .~ tfx sa.~
<br />P.fcsie He£e»t£, !ww¢rrz. arc upwr tM r ~.n,dssr.n. nwi rf iNe Boat Mortgag:+r sha!! repay aan! kran un .:r Nelorc the nutmup of ad stwres iry
<br />payrsxnt, pap nxrerhsy to ratil Py''SCX'SAT,(}N ..t the nun spcutecd m :trr F~ zi secwcil lx,cNy as u,terest xnJ prm~pni un Bast! boa. un os tsatare
<br />tHe -t'+xnta:tN daY ~ ~? ax., eatery mortth_ uussi sad isun n fuilY V+sd. paY ai: taacx aid acesxtseats kvxd aparnst Bud premtsea and nn ties Mortgage
<br />and rile lisxnl sesraad tNercrry, nefnre d~imQnr!f> 7, fmtttaN apprrr.ra ,warsiata aprrr ~Nr nntk~rn~ ~Nrrr<rn rn tN~ rnm.,t s ~10 , 000.00 parahl~
<br />to asd A~SILIAT:Q?!1, rePvY to Barr! ASSCA'lATtf}!v utxm damxcu} aP7 rsz„ner by ,t {mat tus such taxes, araesarrxnta asui nurusace wtth interest at
<br />tNr rnaxrrxum krgat care rhetn,n Er,rm lots crf payasent all ul wNr.N hlurfgaarn tscrctrk agrees to pay, permit no wystc on card preustsss,kup and wmply
<br />wsL$ aB ttae ~eerxnis asxi amdrrarraxs vC the Borsd iw 4 vU ,'.JO(i . ~(} rho dxY gsrrrr by tlx sold Rtnr[gagru ru said ASSL?L'tA7iON, arzd mmp{y
<br />with aif the rrgsur<nsrrts.zt thr C'onstscutr-m aasd itY-!.aws „t Bra! n~4iX"IATtf)N. elxrn ?i -ue3--ress shag '.suaxne null vnd +ucd. ut~ewex t3sey
<br />trnaam us trill f+irs~ as!d rosy Nc fvveF!nsrd at tta. upt:n;r „( .he s£.: :S5(X.'!A {7l}.R' aiier iadura lot thrc irrs,nths to nake anv of aai
<br />paYtrscnta ar Ne thre¢ months m arrears m malstttg sand monthly paynxsns, ur ty keep amt o„npiy with the agtcerrunis and curnlitmns of raid Budd;
<br />a~ trissrsgagerr agrec+ iu have s re zrz app.,tnetd terttwfcn m such !,rm~±,isu+n {muc-ednfgs
<br />ii a,~re n: a-uy ,-;->::,e;€ in u..~xtup ui ttS r~ c£u:e narrryagF.l rzram, oy sale ur utixrwm. ttxo the rneue rctrsa:aulg rrWetHedeten Neretsy
<br />aas-mrrsd rlmll, at the „pta,o of T7n:. pywtaMe }fusidtng uW L.san .Rtsr,~utxm :.f (:ra:u! tr:land, Nebrrkx, Neaxsnr :mnruleatciY dstr axl payable wf€hatri
<br />iwthea runK aei the ~ »anC rrrnainma Suc wsdet Bars[ harul, and any other hood tsn any ssidntatal sdvaacux Boole t!xmsrnelet, sha8, Ctsmt rtse
<br />dare rrf eaerrua oC aaat upsani, N~eas zntarst at t},c nvxarmaan kgas toss, end true rtv>'tar~ tray t!s<n he Csrsn.-L 3 to saaaly t!~ awl dxx :~ std
<br />bswti, aaHi anY sialnr brrtd fo, arkGix,siai adxcncr.:.:ohsttsre enth all susm tad hY e*! i tfc I;gmtah3e L3vilrh~ and loran Prsv>raacurn oC i.raed Egad,
<br />Ntbraska (xx z~aasue-, ta~a smi aaaeiar,k~ats, aasi atatzacsnsg eu rw-e; _h~r~, wyrtf mt€tes tfacrzcm. Sram dose os pegassxtr si t1s¢ s-:ktzintssee
<br />~ rafs.
<br />Ala m t6t &*nd ssr>'uaes! tsersby, while thw rrantga~ remaurx m et7ect the narstgagee nuY herea{Yer adyarux add!tsarW wets to tbp
<br />a < ?asd Bond, their arH%tsa.ar ,up:essrrrx :n mrrrru, whr.}i Burns shag he vrrthrn she us:mrty of this strw~tgaga the same u the fswda cnipiaatEY
<br />searAd 4E~xcby, the tuW arsr,soat <d rnsrrLp~ *}+-"l+t a:.,t r., _ ~...5 a, _.} ..._ ?he :_ _, a.-~_... of ?hps ;__ ~-~
<br />-may +» - ~A.!S, i99C
<br />s r? s~
<br />-"`- -~,
<br />15 i ~te~,~t r ~ _ _
<br />--m \ \ _.-___..
<br />Linda A!, Christensen
<br />'srerc rst: ~:.. rase ~.:x--. 1
<br />'•~'~..'• •-.`~°`~`~"'°. a. t7n tiua i9,h ~:a; ..t .rcrvt3ntxr to ~}`} .tmfosa zrs;
<br />f'tR%t'a'E'Y 6F BALE
<br />ttu: undarsagssed, a hsnxsy F',dxtte m acrd fm aid Coun1Y. 4wromaBY 7Wa
<br />ivury._ :i. <i n, t *an ~, e'? A'td ..inch ~?. ~'.r ,t.en=.. r„ ea rJt it his n~ ~wr „wt~ right, and :~5
<br />ii'E i7J$e 3f 4a-(i 13 iiiet' izt'r' Ire p~Y r3uWR#n
<br />rrs :o Ere tt ~ a7esr.ua# param S +ahc~e ry,,,r: n r'P atfixe,3 za she absxve rrwtrzupef4 ax ima+syxgw and t let
<br />Y ~raraFEy
<br />=#!'•~-°' `~ ~ .~.ES,~,...E .~ ° t}#_ } r a,fvr_.-art ~ and dec~a.
<br />m r~.~ r~s '~_", z~ ""ses+zxsa: `tsaa ctx dolt s€snzavd
<br />-.^' ._ j
<br />y ~ ~ _= '
<br />_ t-
<br />ra.:f.asa ue t$ - :4#.a-V, .7x; y ,;a;¢ u iyshr~ -,. ! s y taaEr
<br />.,..%a -., Ql..~N
<br />