r~c~ss7s - __
<br />!!tUllMTtAtE. taade tips _37 dry d -_c~~ L`.~~Y t4 ~Q MFY~ecn .
<br />x~ }~xn!aa5i 8~[~ rte, .,~~.e. 9141f8 old ~._~i__~ E1C _
<br />e!a~}r~~ #~1!ir 5me„~ ~ryza~trrt- haena-+
<br />RTG)1iFetllF: rrd:#Ri~EDT[. {fES: 6~Y+ ~ t~ES~1r` 14f$~, tate..._rfewnctE es~.rana, .die @pgp~'
<br />>: -Kt'PNESSETN: 79rt eireren ~ Marf~a. ~ ht)et-~aur >/;6„otce -:» tAi Maysape the iliartptar°f rau id the. sraedEe a!f
<br />s ~~ • ~ t y+:r!P hlr far txmis ryeEib~ ErlleTt{ht ardd hY ~ *-eats°
<br />*~lr;i#EE.®aawid~aioa~fuepmmiaa.tl~. efwrp~Or deeshmeey. re~a.+a#x~fsattwtgC+uta,~lewaht~.r~z.
<br />tIr eaa MICCkdaar rre- ate. _ - - -
<br />r8tie twat tx pra+M etiwOl~r!ad h!t4r~atMrcypty of 8a621 ,ssr~~~: r~ ~~'
<br />Ap sort i~ortls t~ att~e~d~d. Eyr~i~o~1C Ae whfaA 'fir mrb a,
<br />part ls~a,~~.
<br />wh1s~ C+n- :lie a::c:;a MS ..._.,_~ya^'~...L.Y. J°w_.___..'--~- ~.'..~smar:"mow .. _._ __. .... _.._~.~x~~._ ._, ~ ~~
<br />6'h!roap .R M,rnad Ra!wax .t il~r! i1+,Wa! t,!„P 1 rwlr,
<br />- Td HA1'~.,i•'j):'ST tTFx},S3 tNE tiAMF.t.i~EElK#wetA tak herN;iamrnE*aad apE:untenarwn therstarxirrny,tag Er.ttSe sa!s1 St.xtgagee. and
<br />Mutrtsapee`s s!rmssc!n and xarptu. Itnrr n •imi [Ae sad Mextpegor. lur said Mungag,~r nrtd Mortgagor', trr!r,. adm+mv[rutu!,. +utcet,!rr-.
<br />and assrlans dtrs::n+rnant woh!ne ud Marteagee. and MuRaagCC'+sua1rsscv. arM a>ugn, a: tuilows. Innt thr Mortgagor :s iawtult, ,c!rsd .~t
<br />vd PaCmt.e, xrrd Ms gtwtd rsgtrt to ,Cd anaf cvnsev !hr sattsC that !nr ,a r I, cr itnm a}i rx:.umhrancrs, !ha! :he •l uu gagm .+nd ,errf
<br />Mrsnyat{¢e". su+:!zsscus atd aatgm +ha}I +{uK1I; enruy and pussrss !nr wm Band !hai !hr Murtgagsu ,half warraN and detrnd !re otlc iu!Ac
<br />wrtlte apnms alt iawlus staama not AeretnArtore sptt-circati} cacrptcd
<br />!rq(}VIUf F}. s.E~~ERTNf 4.fSb. f)rat rt EhC Mur'tyabtar ,Anil Pay i,r xhr Mongagee, ur Mortgagor ~ ,uc<e>s,o, .,r a..,gm. ;hu ,om „!
<br />~ ~-0~~) • ~Q _.. a!~.ae'dmg to xAe teiAa tl! vat p£lnYtpal Pr':*rrts'4ulry !uNC nlnr'e,~a!d. titre and palank a, :allt,w:,. !u.wu
<br />t)rs Naredrrxt ~~.~tl~i L'dya6QYltsC tparx6)y tneEai7aatnts .N 5..~26.7f...__...__ each. ..r mr,rr. „n the - 75th
<br />_~._ ~__. dae .,!
<br />arch aad us!erp t~rptA crrynesytxnh wdh xhe ._..._ T~~ Qt} w ~_.._?9tln~?FY._.__.~ . tw 6 ~ __ .and rrrv mnmh nc~rea}ttr
<br />aeW xRe fY6 srpt tat Y ~y,e,'~1 }.as~ _.. _ rAat? have been praU. tngettter wart ah >u ms aUrNyxy in Pr oxeeong !.."~ {ien .at the, unutgnge.
<br />xy pEgtbaeS .rl uaas. an stW paerxse . a~sErat't p%srptrtns ea*dtad AwtdxnEs thexes+a, Px mc3pal ex-taferest un arvs Prtor ksrn,. rsPenses and
<br />NtolYrev:r' ttss Aafetn Ssnmldt0 Iwr, arri the ,omt xdvanrtd jar :ue)' t>t hcP Paf(k.4r aulhs+r! sd {rtrerrt, attd Yhr!! t€tp and tteeturn? ell !d lar-
<br />Crrra6lrees a~i aj{ffineMS Aeneas tnrtaroed. !Aen ehr deed :=a be au!! rmi >ud, and s,s hr rcieasrd as !hr Mongxgrsr-> cx(xn,c
<br />a:aT} f1}f hHH)A Ti'rA{;t.1}T. Sian Mcsnyirpsr ara! Mra`k)gtgru's }terns. admrn!srraton. •u . , u ,. and +eaegn,. inn-, Itrehs ,.,.rna n, ,rnd
<br />- sitA the 3Efortgyee aM Rdaatgahrx's sudxsswnatd aw><tn, ru pay the Pnnctpai aum „!>mu:try and ,ntcnst an ahnsc ,pCCniru i.: Pa, ail
<br />tteas and lNeipsaererN4 nsxw dens qe ihtq may AeetwEt11er 1.DVWnCtit'ntaµrrt5tlad Premxt6s a!ka,t ten Uav, nrlurr t+cnah)atral'hc, !ture!u r„ln•t,
<br />~wr and3~srceserrsi,4.v COmpatr~s apytrnseai AY the Mnngagee agamsx r,a,. no tore aml wvods[rrrn tar ar kasrt~hxraa.c,; u,
<br />to-etas rs1fiR~G, ah6 tv itaN`+cr in iaiFT 6`onga~e [At Puitud lien rArcll toa nv toe atra wuki,r+u ar !ur at o~a,t ! nc nsiat»c .Sur un .In: Harr tr;uxc
<br />aM W dNtwa xo trd A4ad6pwa the pnMcrca t« sr)r:A tresrtrrac wdA gwetaage elzEne attacne6 !n tavtu of rand Monggee, or Muogegre >
<br />- ireppttasrxa~+twyae. to pq, w'hnr dye, )rylle pnycao.~--ate!! ttleaxaxt of a# prsnt irem ar rrkumAra~ea. d any ah.svr mrnxarncd. and !„ Acre sanl
<br />prsawast the abd rkAt c+€ aN nRhte prtas ietas nr eleevMbnl~a: xn exatimu or permu ;xn w-nsrr ors wd Premrxs and to A rcP r hem ,n r~,,.r ,, Pa.r
<br />Ess T6d![p)¢te-9mtthrah, arty t>apru+rnsrtaxn yhxlr nir}r Arrralkee A'r e~Arr cnurso 01 t+tx»tr~av~uon tMxeun, atW to Pes a ,... eaM~n,.-.., ..,
<br />INCM€lille+%' rrevfaenl4s erect lNere'~y9[:. )!rd Mcat'ssxcesarrrs or xr!exdrtt, 6y sraMrn .n A€r~atota wnA anv +hxrd Par ts'!,n !err P,.:+. ,.r.,.n
<br />sd Hee 4xa W iAs mecr-
<br />fa:sr!c#AWwrwprs e!rd scree aads,9rmr Aem~rsnc~etbrs!eeex, rs,)lrnmaa ,.,datsxsrr!cva ires a•ah.sar sPecrra~d..o r_, rnvat.
<br />sled NE{ dihaytihl! baAwa~ as a)aarasd, fhe Ala9hr~]Mr!t, atira!f )t!vlefg!ger's stsccep.xs w awtFns, maat Pat sack eases, aases.msmts
<br />-s~~6 a~ ~~xyd:sze€ast t9~acs?r, ~rxt u-~R;~. ~~ thr *~s - -~st ==.a _ - .=rrr.- _ Y°_ ~-,: r:r:.
<br />- '!^~.rt~_~F~:~?x,~~s~Yrmea*.'TeE~axasc~.nrRb°.,ixihd+s~t:er„iyn..~,x ~,.~o, ~,c. .,. .,..... 3,.. ..
<br />$tNSet 51ria5~yf. xM swai ?dwxhagrp's tregn, adtntnixtransm,. surtsssnrs, or asssten. r,. .a«a~ 14~te.y,zx ..r,u 1).vrgst,c .............
<br />aw~pp.> atrgk 4Axa tnwidet~a erwh. (rraxrt >brxe r+ss€ert{: a~r arrc t!!e r!ryixs>rr+sr a! .vuxh zd.~a+uxi-,
<br />