"'~ ~ ~ C3 O ~ ~ NiC?R'FGAGE
<br />Tfffr Morr~ge is eitixred iieto betaeen D. .7C1tE~79(!d dTSl IBCItFA M. aR1, _
<br />F~e~sd mze~ ii9.i`e
<br />.~ 3'IpYTTt~3RL }~L (k' ISr.A?m, G7Carxi' Island, t~bxa~tfa (herein"afur~a„1
<br />bkatgatn* }arnde#ltad to she itt tree principal sum of ~ .25.000.00 .evidenced by lfoetgsnote
<br />- - - dam " -'-~ ~~ (hexin "NotE") providing for paymattca of prindpat and intxxst, viib-the bWnw of tit
<br />.. tf nntait6ner pard. dye Ind payaldr QI[___..~ 1.5~Z987 .
<br />- 'fb atat~e the pf~yswli2 of the-Note, cr)tk fntemt u provided sheevin, the paymenc of ati Mhersama, trtt6 bltermc,.
<br />- - mdv~ttrd §~'- 3ife~2tspxotaet tl~ atrrsnrity of this A4oKgate; and the performance of tlw coveoanta aed apaawana oY
<br />-~..i1Alyat'~-titiatrMed-hexie, Mtrt~llgpr doea hexby +nortdgpe and an.ry to the. foliwinE dwaibed~-
<br />" r pit'7{xalrri in A9:~1 __..._.___._.- C.bisty. Nehtasfu:
<br />IL]t R:il2Z ($~ r BIOG~[ `~I.I.TL~i"91t (3$f 7131 ~ alfJt~ Ba2T'9~ ..'C~Al'i ~,
<br />tao t-ha :its c1f Grarw~ xsl~ldr hall C7o~tmCSrr ~
<br />'iS.rgrther srrtlt alt truddirtpa, inlpmrrmrrsts, Futures. ,irmt~. rllr~.s, pasragrway~, .~ruv -:,.:,«,, iiat4>, ~~:.~ ~ ire
<br />aF,~rplrfaizerrs toraird 4nrrvon rr to any srtlle pr•sta:nm; tnerrt.a a;rxd Uw• n nr.. svavwr. s~rtii prnfl4e. repaermioat slid remata~dece-
<br />tA` P-r~: ice~tsd';r.~, tY-It :Mst i to trrxtt,t,c arstl ~ rsrd+rtg =fit tpRUnni ar~d wrh prrstsnaE praprrty 1Fiat sa adtacited tD the
<br />impraxsapsenta w aF ttr r'~o~6ttn4e a Yixt.strr; a!i arf witirw, .ncfudnrg rrpiatr~me!n6t and addriionx tnrrrto, it hrxhy df!'efared
<br />pubs a pMT rst ttr Hy1I iftabt' latcotld by i:he ben of then Mretlgnµw' rrtd ad! oaf chr Y~orrgo!ng Mang ref~e'TTRd tta t~wrein as tYyl
<br />_..)~~~„
<br />,d#'t,tYagiAr i~'hat ~t-aafiaf. aad +gYC+`.6. wiih Mairsgxxrr. an r.effsrrrs
<br />C..,"t~e~`- -.± 4sf tt..€ tpde6t>Edts€~a aria t)tr asvkrr»>v tEsrnw~nrv area t~rrs v,-sdrri :n [,hi'.= trtaraptagr and Ellie 6yotr.
<br />stie. 7Aut{~ggur iz the .moor of Gfxr Nmpent . nay. tM• r~>Frr cud autnonta to mortgage ttte YroprKy, and
<br />aaerant6 tkat for trele rnate+d tterryy .s a filar and prtur iron un tha~ Prnprrt c. ,xtrut a~ map othrrwssr be »et fotth hex!n.
<br />i ~thr property ra subiaa1 to a Mariam wbrrenr _
<br />is the ~or'tgt{prr, rcxcredcd at Bout ... -_ . fags „t rh+ Li..ngag.• Rrv:nd, oY _ _ -. . ______ County.
<br />'-iE6c#aka, whicAt 'de~K~ige s a lien pncN to tnr r!rn rn-ai.Ki h.~rrht
<br />~ (hher pefur 4teot rn arxvmtraucsa. _
<br />a. TataL. Aatrraar, v !'o pay when clue all taz.-,, .inatat :.vwu.mrnt. and a!! retltrr rhrrg~ ltge+mt Yhr PruprrtY
<br />xr*+1. upsrp Mitten deoland aF; ~iGK,;r, is> add to Ghr pr; nfrestr~ rvyu.s«d .+nd,rr Chr '~avte w°urs+1 rirrrriy, +ucir rmuuni a.
<br />he wtffxserd w crr,€de f#r 4igrtge$>rr ttr pay ,ucn lazes, aeu=.~.sarnen t5 nr other s:hargr-s to ths'y vu<yrnu• <iur
<br />~. 1r11nrrWae, To traep sore +mpnrrrmt-ab iww +i€ lrerrattrr !oeatrd am the rrW estate desc~nbed Hereto tnectxd
<br />a~aahn by M raf satl+ nlirer basardr. y ?+IUKYadnr nary n^cluur, +n amtwnts acrd wflh ttrmparur. acccplatdr w the
<br />)dleet~. ab6 ~i4} naa Fryfrslar err the Sh-rf[pa~re, in .•ak- .rf ixms undot sums nedias.<. the Alnngegee a authon-rxd io
<br />a+bftk- 5~,.-. .tmraae.. ::+';:i sla;~°€ton. ati eta+my thc-rrundrr rt its ,s>:r r.pirvn. authorezrd err richer app!)lhr
<br />?!et6 iy `_`.. =.-; ~~_°,~ ge .s.~ t!r:;;e^~reft :~ a~ !hr +^debtrdrse~ ~. u.~ hxlyy. itui pa.~:,rrt;ta Itr;-ruoda: =3rrii arr..
<br />ttedE ~,~ r~ -,~.A1a atr^aa~ iYlMi:'. ~ ppd iR in1L
<br />5. s.: Peatiar Far 3~saa rhY tsearawnr- !ipiw~rthftandtng anything owsUrsord m paragraphs ;S antl ~t hrrmf to Lha
<br />trY', ,1lferf~agir fiWlbl pigr t~n leer hlnKgyar at sbr t{mr of payvng the mwttniy ulsteitrnrrsta uF prstleipa! end fntrrrst,
<br />murd+rol#tt rrl fire y*a'K+i Lrutan, arwmunenys, harerd irduramt prrtnturrn, and gmund n•nts Sit anyl rrttirh may attain r
<br />Ixintia: >)snst Ltri# tdrart~e.:dt ar r.es~.atuv rsrett~ied renm trr~. a:. +;.~_ sfv- err.. +a.,n~.. •tw..,~.,,>!,. -, .,a,e .
<br />$aid ~ tdr -•' apNAnat is/ereat and ap~iad to rim payrnrnt of the itetm ter n+spert to vriitt`h push antounte wex
<br />mod- isle sou. -~s>d w- Alaet hanra#s xrv ptrdted ~ additiw~ sravrit} fau the rrrdrtKrdireas srtured by ihh
<br />• ~!'~.ptty is S~,rtdadeve ~ anxwnt aY an9 tirfttarary between the artuai taxaz, a+reaanuvfts, itleYtannY
<br />~4ad ~+w+zd xrlrer aexi the hetrrttdrr svtthro tU daya afLrs drtsumd µ mnk upon Mort~or rrgaewtntg
<br />Ftr9maact ltttigeod.
<br />$: t0eg~rf, ~ t~ t:~. Fa pr~spky ;rPSna, trvr:.3m :>•; ;-,i'sa*etC ary trutiwrsga yr issptrtr~«xata uv.. xri
<br />f~t# ~ for FYngarttg ep Rip t)wr Y*t+prrty ~. gt~td.ca:exz~rx.^ a.^iA ;ry~s# ~tfh:vst; -a,rc- aa;~E im• fruu+ rxe.-t~aic'.. or
<br />m4Fvr 4itrtn exu!.t~apKartfy to the iiea herrgf: Hari ir, tnair. ;offer... tsrntt._t arp =.r+trrattr~ to exra+. ne±r car ttlmsn-
<br />a85- a'7r ~ ~;. +.iair~ ?sf. rtee r~lnst.Ky ir9 any at>f ;sr f.7ttuk€:.s; t 'x?> u't, b3i .a i•ai+i+alf} 'ar{ii rti ray -rrzw-._ : t ea,c rr;th
<br />*~ tsr tizir Prty~i-Y.
<br />