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~~~ts~6 ~3 b _ . <br />~: Tlx moregalsar ravraatet! erred ayses that 6f 6e eha17 fail to pay said isdeltledtter or say part dxseef when <br />t4m,ar riiaA fail m perform any covmaat or aprseemant of thir iaetrtemeat ar the promiatory sole assayed hereby, the <br />teslit: ~ hereby aeesred shall immotdisteiy °~aaame due, psyabk. cad eoftectible without notice, at the <br />of 6hr taortRagee or aripta, reRardlma of maturity, card the mort~a~e ar leis aaaiFtts mej 6efeae ar after entry <br />aaN aairi prapesty without appraisemest irks mori{agor hawirtR waived and aeaiRtted to the emrtaasee a71 ri6ita of <br />a~laaisenrent 1 <br />t t at judicial rate pursnaat to ebe prowisioss of 20 U.f.C_ 2001! a / : or <br />(tt } at the optics of the tnaet~eo, edthar by naatim ar by .olieitatiea of seated hidy~far the hi~arst t~ <br />beet 6sd ere[aptyiag whit the teams of sale and maeaar of paya,eat apeceied is the pttWrhed calla d sate, 6aat <br />iPvieta forty weeiu' sailer ad tht time, Mrats. asd place of rtte7: sale. My advertiammt and tees [hm ma <br />dmriaR em:h of raid frmr waeiu in r taetwtpaper pablishsd or dirtrihated~ ro the couaq is trhtch acid ptnpratp <br />k aidtNSd., dl other neliee bouts baeby wowed by the mortsssor (mi laid masep0oe, or say patsoa m <br />habd[ of acid aeart~ may bid r~ the ewideated M .sic aotel. said sttk tiirli 6e <br />held at or ae the prspasty to ba acid nr m the Feral, ooaaty, or city ~artboase for the oseaty is whirb the <br />prapmty a loeatsa. The srarsaa0se ~ hereby attthsriaed to eserau for attd m behalf of the mortse~r card to <br />de#irrer ~ she paraleartr st. aaeit ask a atd6riest cosreyeaee of acid ptsparty, wbacb cmreyaaa shall eoatais <br />tteefitds r m tie happtaeias a[ urea ds[aalt eepioo whie6 the eaeenum of lice pmrer of late berets strasmd <br />dl~esadsc seal u4te acid raartsalpsr hereby tasxiiturea alai appbiata the maets~osae er a.y aseat or aCtuaey of the <br />taamtsttsae, ehs meat and attotraiey is face of acid moMSasor to ttwlta cash tmeitaLt and to crepes said <br />eaatwyass anti lteoehy owrtrwtta cad: asreas tbaa the nx:tala ao~ msde rhafl Ire rlfectael ea her alt aepnity nr <br />rit<itt of rademptlno. Ikoaneeaeed: dower, and ail athr. exemptioae of thr motY;sear, aft of wttirh are hereby <br />evcitreta~ty waived and eeataexod nr rtes tttarrflasee: ter <br />i ttt i salts any otb~ sgpeopriate aeries pnrsaant to stau rer Federal statute either is Mate ar Federal <br />c~ouet .x atbetwke for the diapaMtim of the property. <br />[a the crest a; a rake m itereitta#wtve ptavided, the mwlttaRar nr any pereen is prtaaersian under the mortsaRar shall <br />tires bewrsso road Aa recasts hoidiaf over and rhall feevhwith deliver potaeaaioa to the parchsser at sash wk m be <br />rteraararely ~, en aceordesce with the provisiosa of taw spplirabk to tewanta haldina over. The purer <br />attd asesay hereby frawted arc coupled with an iaterM and see ittrvacabte by death or rHherwiae. and ass Rrauted <br />m eaetwktiae to the retaa~ tar eolkrtiua of said indelaednpa prsvidoai 6y !aw- <br />3, The proseaitre of coy tale a! stud prepetty in staeeedee.or. with rtes pretvtdins prrasrrplw tdtali lte applied 5rrt <br />to pay ~e seals rod aspeasae of said ank, the ettpensea isenrrrd by the mnr for the pnrpaae of paalertiss or mein <br />Erisins ,arid praiytett{~. told tetNraaable attottumyni (rr.; rarroetlir, tae tray Ifwr itatrbtedrerav nrnrarrral itrrr7ep, cad thirdly. <br />t>z per avy aezrfaltAe adr esasga to tf~ patv~n or pax lryl;al@s ent4tiewl therr!es, <br />~. la € s~ icy n ate st a jarf7rial fotae'~sasss rein ar psttaaasi to the power of oats a <br />srae4d, cad des ptoaeedt ere cot svtfeient to pat the total ~ aeeeund bT thM iaattvttseat and evidmesd by <br />avid perttaimry sofa, the moRSa;oe rill 6e mtitkd m a dafitierey jadswawti fa for amovmt of the deficievtry tsitltoae <br />^t/end to appratiwetawl. <br />6. is tltr event the m+trtWttW+' taib to pay asp F`rdrral, state w farai tea aaaeaamrnl, tscome tat or other tax lien, <br />eltae0a, fry, or other espevtse rharpsd sptusvt the prapenv, the martRarcee is Itrreby anthoriseal al kin option to pap <br />dte scale, :Lsy vtaaot w prid by rim shell Ew s~sd to asd beooma a part .>< the principal amaust at the <br />avideserd ~ ..aid esota, .abject to the .asw tea,wa cad canditiotw_ If the enort~or ahaFi pay and <br />diaeltarpe tits isdrbtdiseas rvirlwscred by card pnnvtavrrty pate, and ~dtali pap such coma and abaft dixhsrpee alt rues <br />sad lisaa and the cattw teas, and aapeatste of esa-tWt, rtttfwciatt, and rseruuntt thin mnrtaage, then thu nxoetteaRe <br />.6rN isr caseakd anal mtteir4anM1. <br />'. The cu°esastr boasts wntwmd rltall 6is~d suet the b~usriiEa and advastaRea nhail tsars to the rspectivre atae- <br />anasls clad taaiptr e/ dte ptatir haarrr. N'Ieneetar acad. doe ria#prlar tntttaber abail iaeluds the pleat. the pltsat ihs <br />aYl~tiatr, and ~a ie o(aay Oardsrtit>eA iaeiedte aA pmrima, <br />'~ '"~~ ~ aa'!' ervaamt hvma nr of ~ etiera reerrts+d hereby deaf! at any base tf;zrcesfter ka hid <br />rt ii4 a tsaivor of the terns hereof as d the oats eaeasad trrekl. <br />9 to oatopiiswta t.tdt aestiaa lsi.7 i d { a( dm Asks toed Aesalatiaaa ~ des sw11 Aasiasot Adtairiwrstisa (1S <br />C.~,Ii. tB7.7ld) j, tba itae&aettaet a ~ bs aesrtraed cad eafaeaed is attwdaaar whit applieabk Faderat taw. <br />~ ~. imkttitd drtws„ order ar jttdWant haldiyg say petwisim or psrriete of this iaatrantea! iaralid er me. <br />a nos let spy 'ra7^ itsprir or pateehtds tM eaforeamoett of the naatinias proviaisaa or psrtiwr s( <br />dtfta iartrtnewera> <br />ter sea ear aro-ea, '"-- • . a <br />