<br />
<br />L ~x..ey.~,rne...a.~.>t~.a....etttl~...:
<br />~. rr:fJ ptta'ptt~ p.y eb. eridatxmd by .ttid pvattttimay sane ~ the tfaaea .tad m tLe
<br />tattttttttar tbnaia prati~ad
<br />fk l~ trfct pap rll texas. assatimea, ~ fates, asd ot-v ®orertaaatmtai or n»~tt+rai ~. >ywar ae
<br />fyr..t~., tae.r~ Pe..~t.. hs sot bets foals hotuid~ata, +~ wfu ptusptly at~~ tie ait>ttsl tteaefpta
<br />taa.~er oo else tt.:a
<br />s. He wiU pay aath expentrn asd ices as tray be inenrred s the ptotectioa and maiatestmtx of .aid
<br />Jxaperty, iaelrtdintt the fean, of any ,[tamer empbytd by the tnortRasce faar fire mileetion of aep au all a>j
<br />the iodelNednda itetebr neruretl. or for Coretlomrc by mwtgytax's teal., ax court praaeeediny, or in say other
<br />litiptiara ur pr~axeditrR affectisy; .aid premuaa. Attoracys' (a!ca rcaaaaabfy inearted in :ay other way aba}l 6e
<br />paid br the esortaaEar.
<br />d. For hwtter neaarritr oB rho isalebtwnftxaaa hereby arwtrrerl, upam the request arf rho mortp{a{tte+ id aoa•
<br />+-anrota aer ~owiytnw ht aftai) azaruoe nnr} defivrrr m nuppJetraeuai mortptapae ar rnartgapm wrveriaR aay additiaoa,
<br />im~yrtorrtoesta, ur brtt+!rmetntm made to the prapeny hrroiaahawa aleacribed : tvi al! property atxfuired by
<br />it aufitrr the afatr. hereof t nil i:n iruzre natiefartarr to mortttattce i. tnnhermnrw, nlueald monpcaµar fail to cvre
<br />ausy x~fan)t in tlrt (rymeer fiuf a. ptriar ar inferior atntumhraretw <m the pnrpwrtp alcewribad by tfaie irrtramsst,
<br />rsmn{[aytor fawrr..by nptrera to permit marf~m~tt to cure Hoch dtiault. lxrt maerttagee fie Hat ohfi~pnted in do eo;
<br />and awtch a~draatrn .hell Jan+ramnc Jrnrt of the indefitedneea nearrrcd by this itunlntmcnt, euhjett to uhc anme
<br />twttm and cnaditiotn.
<br />.^. Thw rigkta created by this ronveraact .hall remain rn fall farce and tlierl dunnR any parMpametaenl
<br />rrc wzirnaron of the time of travmrat :rf thr indebtrdnres vv-edrn.~rd by earl promiaurorv Hoer nr any pats thercaf
<br />eeturcd hwrehv.
<br />;. lir wfil nontmaovely enatntatn h:zsrd mxtrtanrr- of auh tvpr or tvpre and m arch amounla as the
<br />:aanRagrw may tram try to ume require , n rhr impn,wrmrrru Haw nr herraftrr nn ..acd propertr, and
<br />tertll pas ptvmptJr whto drat sap premiums thrrefm. All itrarattoc shall 6e umed in aompatteis aaweptaWe
<br />to anast~a{paa and the pnlic~wa and reaeexaL tbtvaof aJtuli be held by martbt~ae sad haze attaadred lhmats
<br />lwtre pbie rlauewa is ferrate td asd to Irmo +.acptable'-.a [fie ~. to wrest err Tara„ aaort6ar,~r well ftrwa
<br />ittraeldate aatiae is writntra as m and ttssgt}}tstSna raa~r rusk. ptwo( of las if trot mad, f>ramptly 67
<br />+orw~ttgaftae, asd tweh itrearuxrat a»attparp a±naaacrteu.~ is fterekry auilgrtiaed acrd tfinwmr~ to make prraaana fur attadt
<br />{aaa dires~zlp to tsartgpyyse Lararead of m taaalpar vwd rya praatfy, asd else frtaarxatna prooaada, or asy
<br />~, n§ey ~ ~ bl aasaret~,a~ra ate rs spmirto eitJhag aaa, tkuo :odwutiattt of tixa indeirttaneieatw loara,b;
<br />aaestwtd erg an toe rastararpou oar rmptuir of the peosony dtaarrmd awr daatrarad.. is oretrt ~af (asreclaaste ai abia
<br />+rlflai, tr watlrate trmr(tsr of thtia tru said ptapremy as watiattsialaswttrt of the Vndobtmisaaaoaeuraai bartdry< all
<br />t riftfe, aald iaH+yraet al the rtsart~~ in a:zA to any caaurarre paniktm [Jar en toeee ehzli pas W the
<br />pttrrhteser or trrortRaser ~, at the aptiaa of the errortaaRet, mar he eutrcadwt+ed Tarr a rwrfuad.
<br />}t. Ifs will krxp all batldiatts and other ieoprorcmenu am said pmpenv in Kaawl repair and caadiban:
<br />will pwrmie, retwmit, err wtlYer fro was.: impairurent, dnrrtonuaw ni ++aid property or snr part thereof:
<br />is the .vest ad• failtue of the monttaJtar to keep she 6aiJdiao .vr card prem.... aced those rtected nn .aid
<br />presinmr~ rrr improartsaar6 tbereas, ra {food repair, the marytatMt may make each repairs a in rta diacrwtiarr it
<br />map deem rrereesarp fw thr proper preswt+ntian titarreai: and the fall amomf of etdr sad ever. earl. pspment
<br />aJwli bee imrta,dlataly ,fun Had payable and shall he rreratreel hr tholim of tJsia tnartlypn.
<br />h. lla rnJf not wolnalanir create or permu to fa! rroua®d aRaimt the property evbjere to this mant{atte
<br />anp Jsen s.r Jieaa isfarrtor +.r wperta~ to thr. ileac ..i ekes anartFaar wethaut the writetn rorr.r - ai thr raort•
<br />peJpet: and furtNtnr, ht wrU ka'r`p and marntam the eemw firer from the rlarm of all persons nupp)venx lalmr or
<br />rnrrttrtaln lam nmortt•rweien of aver anal s!I twr)dinp err rmpmrarmwnt Haw ltern~ erected of to tw rrrrtnf on
<br />«nd prrmieea.
<br />.. Ne ..fill sat rent +n aaapar sap pan re( the rest of naid monRattwd peopertw or eiemalafi, nr rtsarve.
<br />err twiuentiafip nftei any buildiaR xithout the wrrttea rorrneat of the manRaytte.
<br />i. All avragds ai' daneaxra is rwanee:iaea with saw condermnatien far t,vhJit oat .rf om iotvey to any ai the
<br />p.rrp..ry etrbyarrt to thw tnungtaKe src 6e.abr .retyaed anal .half )rt peed ro awrtttapea, wka may apply thw
<br />tame ea psyfnmt of Llrw inraaFhertstta fast due amalar cud tur#r and rrtaatttaRew rn hereby atrtharnaai, m [fit
<br />raarpt of the manrl~or, to exerott and deliwrr .slid arquNtaaeea therroi~ and to apperl (crave nnp even award.
<br />k. The taortgattwa r#rJ] ha.e the riltht to isapest the monRa~ad pr~iiaes at say rr-aaoaabk time.
<br />:. lJ~faaH in srsy of .tea rarerrnt or eaodittana of ibis rnurvment nr ni the nrur nr taan aarrwrrrent atr•arnd
<br />shall trvaniwa4n tlvs tarertaa¢atr a rilltl to ptreeaaewn, car, and :•aiowaeent of the property, at tlrr .,pt urn of thw
<br />as his atueitsts pit bei»a attreed ghat the marttt®{tnr >lulf havo xnwh riKhi +.mttl de*(aulit 1•ptat any Hoch
<br />~ eke oWrtgaJtxe .half 6eeunur t,'aw awrrer of all of the rent and f.rafita atornrnx alter +fefaatlt an ecruritr
<br />h! flea f~ +arwred kerohy, with the ripaiat to cntet vpan .alai pra.tteny fnr the purprwe of oallatintt sorb
<br />easels toad prafttn. 71tw iorgrrrmtari .ha{i aspesaae as age aaai~aaasdst r~ any twntab am card prvprnr to that rxirnt.
<br />