80-- U(1~i6~3
<br />MOR7Y'ACE LOAN rio. L 23 , 860
<br />nr~"Att~NSV7ttEsEPtessrP.rn~:nrsf Ruby M. Hnfrichter, a single person
<br />Fourteen Thousand and No/100 ---------------M-O°~Or'~sQrOBDOt®0r°'m0pd~0°°ff6°a"`°r
<br />SaerrM to aatl tawf~yor by lire EgWlable Bre7dq sad 4aur hmc4tioa of Grand Sahod. Nabndra. ItortpOx, upos ~ 40 ~a ~ amrk of
<br />rid A940CIA'f10N, Ceaifox Mo. L 2 3 , $ 6 O . do hereby ~, SKY std trnrgy fe oatn the raid A$90C1ATlO1V the fc8tw~iri
<br />daeaked rsl eaWe, aittrated m Fia@ CotutY, NebraYu:
<br />LOT SE~:EN !7; ?N EO ROSS SUBOI:?S?ON N0. T~0 (Z)
<br />tngethar wuh td ehe SellOarYRta, herrditanseuts am! apputtenancca theexunto fxksaautg, utcludns~ atta.:lrcd tltaor mstri[gs, aU wY1dOw rerserra,
<br />a+lndoaa shadrs. 6iuds, swrm wudowr, awnttrgs, fieatttaR, a+r corni:twmny, and plumbuy and warm eyuipmrnt amt ac euwau therefn, pusups, riovea,
<br />refrteeaaurs, and ,Wier fixtures and eympnseu rnaw ru hereafter atta:hed tour wed m ennnntam w+th sanl tni caste
<br />isC :c!trtra.: 'R- xa' :-•~~ a agrerd an•} ,1.,., b.r.n., ax+re that thr mrn taaaar shalt and •rd( pay all taxm aM asaemnenu kriad ur
<br />aaaeanrd upam aara pe+maes r.nf uptrn thu monaaer and th¢ hu+ed xtured thereby before the same sfu0 hea~rae dennytsrnt; to ttunnh approsed
<br />asaucarscc upon the htaaktm(a wr sod p+enuaes s+ttutsd m the :um t:! S ; $ , t)Ql). C3O pnyabk to sad A55(X'IATiON a+ed to deliver to sad
<br />A-SSElf'fATlf}N tftc p'-'h,~"" ±,4r asd rcauarar. an4 wx !t? rssnstnts ;x ,A,ern„-, any waa4e t,n or a6uut saxi prect,asa,
<br />fn tax .-d defadt m tha perfnrsrssus ut any ut thr tarma amt itadsrtuna of ttus rnrrcttpeg tx the twnd mcrnrd hcrehy, [hr nasrtgaytrc shill.
<br />art destnna. br e+ttnkd w immeduu ptsreavon of thr nawtpµsd prcmrcs and the nxutha)ta,r Merrtw aau¢na, tranafrra and xts star to the
<br />_-~ a?i !L ante, rrv~ ,ssas am! :zc.^sx :p :x ;k:.~r+t *ru.-r, ;:ce ;r;rt~d pran.~s d:n-sg .~ci, r:~r,e ,.the m„ngage md<brainew aiy rartusn
<br />unpnus: std tAc rrsaxt~uaer shall Max the pswer rn appaxat zay spree to atieasts n may dn~re tar tpe pastpox of rrpautna sad prsmtxs and rentirsg
<br />t!ffi rrae and auk+-tasef llu rants. t . sntxa aed encx*n>£ aa4 .t ~s+=y ~y ,a:t „p sw te_;~ sL -:grc.~ .,f ;Ting sad i'-rs[~t- a_ad .ne~'s~x;
<br />erxasauansru aasJ ezprmu nzyured m rcnrsrsg asst nuna`try{ tfx aas-nr arni .,s c:slk irra :eata;s therrlram, :fie bafutrx rrrauratng, if arty, to be
<br />wtrstied towarA the a>~+~ _u :ass r.usrta~ ,_,,.~.t.r.ws;yx, t!ps r~ is ;a ;!x : arrt~~ nv:y . c ea~,c~f a: ~ - .,r,~ ~ -,~u .Fir caiarorr>v ui as+o+
<br />dvtavdt, ,rr.~src-ttYC c~ ar.Y trw~wary wsnrs .-d ttw smst ~ -
<br />i~tex Prtxnts, issswrser. are upns the f-imatta~n, ilst ~~ r-hr satd Mcttsgagas: dtsl! rrpaY saxi bur...n .3t ~ torn the trwtutstY ,+i wrd rharea by
<br />paptaem, pay monthly to sad .ASSQLLATlON ..f r;er sx+rn xpec.tfrrd m thr Fksrd se..waa hereby as interest and Mmcspa! un wd loan, an ar before
<br />the 7wmerah day ~ taste and exry rnaath, untd w+d Icau a f+d1y pad. pay afi tsars trd awcavrcnts krted apmst and pramms and on thra Murtpte
<br />rd alx Bond secuaed thrrrby, bs[urr dritrsgorns:y, itunrah apprared tnw+xsrr tspuss thr buddns{rp sMrrun m the sum of S 1 4 , QQQ, QQ paYabk
<br />m rsd A55(XIATS[RV, rcfaY ro wd ASS()CIATif}N upon dematd ail rrartiry to :t pad t.u stu:h taus, asarsarvents and mstuanca wtth uuercst at
<br />she srasaanmm }egtd rate theream tram dau of payr+vcnt all at whuJt Mma~nr herehy adrxrs to pay, prtmn nu waar on caul prrmaes, krrp and wmpiy
<br />turtle atl the ageemrnfa and amdr[wru tsf llu Bond tat S 1 4 , QQ(i . UO rho day 8+•rtt by tnr aasu Mottp~ur to wd 4S31)t:lA"f1UN, and wmply
<br />witA ill rEx tariuuamemt ae the Csmartutmn and By {,awr at sad AySOC1ATt[?N, thin rhea presents shat! beacsme null and vad, asherwtx they
<br />xha$ rsansr, «a fail iwu and may be fusxciusatd as sisr upcwn .,f the sad A,U''UC~fATI[7`i sleet tadurr tut three mantle to nuke any of nui
<br />paytaaasa su 6r thsce maustta m araears m rttattugi rani monthly payments, w «s keep and wmpiy wtth the a;reeatrnts and talutdnms at std &rrtJ,
<br />and 9fart{s~w ageer w Maur a rrcrsver :pprunted fuaehwuh ut such iuroc}owre pnxrosdtnps.
<br />II' there to any clunrr m uvnraafup sti the teal aasu tract`aped he+am, by ask .>r utherwrx, then the ensue ratnunmg ttdebtednew hereby
<br />tca-utW shill, rt the uptiws srt The Fgwtabk kurldm~ sad Laar, Aawcutwn .af f.t aul Island. Nrbrasks, br vitro tmmedutelY Jett and payable witfstsut
<br />furtlrw rrotxie, snd tls amount emamrna dae urntrr wrd baud, stet ass> u11Kr lwtrd Em anv addsuo+ul adratscra made thaarurdsr, shall, itrrrt the
<br />loss u! eanr+x ,a! and lwt, brt mtrrra ae Ihr nwunswn 4'W rase, and ihn naxt~e tna} thrn be Corocturd to tatnfy the arrwrusi due on red
<br />bond, asd soy suhsr bnn:i fua addpsmgl sdranc~, n;Atthrr wnh aN sus•.u p.d by rsrd The Fgmtabk Buttdveg and Luau Asws•fatian ni [:rand (sand,
<br />1Ve0raaka for unrrrMtae, !saes and aaarasmanrr, sad at44ra41ny~ extension ehtrges, wuh mtetru t!tereun, From c4ir ,sf payment a[ the maarsatsm
<br />rare.
<br />Aa Plasidfd hs she Bsr•d ap~vred hpsby, whilr shsa nx»s~s rrsnana: m rtfa:.s thr murt~ne troy heroatter adranve addsfwruf stsma to tM
<br />arknw o~ aWI ~y~d. f)sss pa~aa os sw,rsaaots m mmreN, whst;b wren rhatl !ar wuhm thr sev:urNy of ihu mwiaare the ume as Flu feuds usyaally
<br />fartaaaS thefaby, rise tuW arutnt ul prua.:rpal dtstst +rW su eacxsd as any trmx she .ugsnal anwunt ,.f ;hu nwrssast.
<br />y_..-~ 18t31 3~~ Tylovetrtber A.il.l? 84
<br />;:
<br />~; c er
<br />~rsrt oc far.~sA3icA, ~
<br />f:Cl{~'N'TY AF Y4AiS.~_. `m •.,,° 184th :,•,°, \ovecibr.r ~Ygp .wturc me.
<br />the umksrtrpr~sd, a Nueaty Pu61tc m and icrr sad 4'uuaty, prrnmally ssnr
<br />Ruby M. tloi`richter, a s'ngle person
<br />who i 5 prrtamllY ksawn to
<br />Bart w. he this ritlstacai Swann wbanr euuse 1 S afllu l us eler above yrgrnmilsl as nwrig~tu area ~; Y!e ,b~M
<br />~ tha rld ratrervmrw so 6e filer '^*+satsry act and damd. `
<br />IMIT]tn',~ ssy iwW and t~tae.sad ties! elm dsb .fatrrd -. ~.
<br />fdY t rns,rtsaaamrt capers ,, _
<br />( 1q iatSl: ars .tr. aw ^t~uW slrW rt.• -- T ~ tarv~nla~
<br />as:s:aa se
<br />~~ chat w CN.S ~ - _.
<br />f Mr ~mw krY. NWr i2. 7
<br />