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R~ ±i~t~-d6~5~# s a~x'r~~ce <br />Tht- is ®ared tnto between AFfgF: .. at~'artarak sad P&YLS i : 3[~; ~;:A <br />'lam (NFS?IAAffl bil/TI0l4AL BAHIE Ol' C~F2AlID ISI,ADID lhe~'~'ri, ~ - <br />lltoetagm s indebted to in the pdneipsl cum otE ~, 750. t7D , eeidaansd by hi6rt~a~s'a noDR ==: <br />~ 11114lSU rye~n °Wke'7 ptoaedinglwx pannen~ art [ uA fs>nt'tKr w[tlt the ba~Ce et~e 1 . <br />isdaMad+t+aa, tf aoe eeoear psld, dueacJ ps~be ds_ ~'ff~Y ~, .19133 _ _ - - <br />7b asean the payrwatot toe !~, with fatetast as pmakdetf thweis, the pyrrest of a8 wtlwr ~ vatth ice, ~ _.._ - . - <br />sdvaeeed by itmtpre tw protect ibe recuetty oCthia , and the perto~ of the COerlOaOta aa~ ipramtn~i.dt: _ - <br />the cas[aitted haeeM, 3fortpp:r does 6arebq moet~e and conwf to Maeq~e Wt f.tlelstatlYett- ~ _ <br />pnopeet~ ia~ ie )3ell .~ C.ooatY, tiebesata: <br />tnY 4. Rass `Ittesnfeyt?2• .."stlbdivisian. Ball CAftntp, ATehrsska. <br />'f'nl.the: wzt6 aR WtiSd-:ag~, imprasetrtests, Hxiursa, streets. alleys, paaat~eways, easemenis, ttghts, prlrilegea end <br />ia~sed i$er~a w m anywise pettiatnfna t~reia, and t:'re eats, s~wca and pttits~, reezeeians aad retnafntleis <br />iheteo[; iaciitdf+sE, tat net fitsited tw. heating cad m«eng egnfptneltl and each prtaonal property that iv aitaci~d to the <br />impeaaeaaeaW ea as to crtnatiWte a ftx Wre; all of rhlch, inclurbng repiuameet+ and addttlons ttterew, a hereby declared <br />tai ~ a fsatt a~ L*x rea €•&tafs aasu;ad bS+ tba titan of ihic ylwrtgaga and all at the taregatng beeag ref~rted k: herein as thw <br />,fie <br />atw.~~~ any .-~~:" ~a wft5 ~etg, ar raeeowe; <br />4..:via~ : v t~Y tf'd ~ . nd the t8tcrt3't =iisert--a # vYw~~ded n ;i3p ,'daxsr and the i:afe. <br />Y. TIiM. Mwtgag~sx ds tt+e awner al the Praperey, has the right and authottty cc mortgage the Property, and <br />wareanq That the then enahed hereby is a heat end prtw !tart wn the Pruprtty, ex¢rpt as rruy atherweae be set forth herein. <br />r' 'frhe Property is srdatect W c :MwrtgaAe wheertn <br />4 tM , raearded at Brook __._.,___ ,Pap __.__.._.._ of the fdURgagr itecords of _____. _.._. _. _~__Gwrmry, <br />TtrEaaafitl. which fr~risaga pt a Cretr pew to the hen created hervfry. <br />~t iltfter pear lktarweueumbrerteas~._.._...._.. ....___.--_--.---.. _-._... . _..... ___.. _._.. _~.-----_--- <br />k. tYxa+;, .arratxevrntr.. T,a pay alien due a:l curs, a:pe.-u: a.~essmenis and all vtl:er ehargrs agarreat rite PrrrpFng <br />cad, upon wrftirn .kauad fly ;dartga~re, ea add is ttu paYnsenta required unrfrr the ,i'atr aecu[ed hereby, such amouni sa <br />say i>• wft6eiaait to eeatlka thr tMittgagae is pay snt~ ttrxea, aaaeeamania ar rathrr ehaagn as tlxlr irecwmc due. <br />d ttfa~c. 'Ya keey thr iasprtwemean trace wt hereafty Inrated rm the real eatatr drscrrbed hereia rnaurcd <br />' tw_ 9n and avtdr ether haauds m l~t~_ ee may rrauire, kn amawn4 and with rompaniec umernable to ttw <br />a~irat tip <br />Aag.e, see' xtib nar WY.~a ks `x 4r. to caaF wf fi;cs undrr scab p>ilipes tfsr 31o:2gagre r.: sutharf~d to <br />add. edazt aRd :~pra~a, a fG datioa, ~ e, _._. tbasaunde: at i : a~ sY.ior., suthurlrad t:; erttu*: apply the <br />P to the Malorartloe at fire PtVpariy wr upon the rndetAedneaa secuterl htrahy, trot paYmraw nrreunder slid! cwr <br />tltgte rlaitf tits suaaa st;etilseditaaeh} sae pefd to Hctl. <br />5, w3 Tiaasaw Pas 't'aws and faaatitaroe, tiotwitdtaleading asythtng cwntained in paogispha 3 and b harewf 4o the <br />tom', ;IAR[i~agad 3ltaft per' b tbt ~ xt rltr tteair of payiag the maathfy nwiaArneate wt pnncipat and latereat, <br />rat rIM ti. _ ~-. iazmc ..,tom iaaxaeh ; _ ~,! ~:niad r.ui~ 4 if s .~ t uAu.L r~ sttva <br />pr6~ity a+nnr the, .1~tctt~ad-. dl as+rt~eawnrDiq eatiataard frwm tame to lints by the Mortt{ ITie amounts so paid shalt ba <br />bald fef' ±i1w ~ seiX7a~kt aatarnoe and applfad w lire payment wt tf~ itetm in rrspeci to rBtch stttii amounts wam <br />degfaaiaad. 'f'are crane pedal. tw 1krwaitraarc beaeit9tkt etc pid~d as add'rtftna.f sreurite tau the iatdr66rdneas snucrrf by ihro <br />^es ahtidpg~ to ~ 6Ae :elnattst of arty'- detSrhency fretween thr artaat taro-, aasratuants, irrauratttw <br />pee and gtxistaxt teaks asst the t5epesis haeadndirs srdthfn f R Jaya alter demand is made wpon fawrtg~or regwaatthg <br />iaN ihrees?1 <br />~ , ~ itll ~ ?w ~" repair, sasK ~ a: re#:ni::7 aa'r '~"l~tt~ et ir~arck-na.:a rwu~ rr <br />fAi!lri" aN the Petipeety; ie the Pty ta~teaad cwadfitan and mprir. mitfiae4 wwAa, and tree fram tnat~nanir'o- ai <br />19eW ~ to €ha Stan hatsra[: ntti W tnsha. wYpr .x nr-rmft am nuis,~r~e to rx-irt.. rae to dinrtn. <br />bah. ut fmplte tilts eaiur +~ dir PrttpeRy h% any I~t ttr wtalwiwn io atx: and to rrnnpfy eeith ail rwfutrrmrnts ~f ism math <br />