,~- _
<br />MORTGAGE ~~~.~f1cE 3616
<br />.~
<br />~.moregaga wade and enatad intr this S day d' `~i~//..t.~--~--~ ~'
<br />19 ' : fiy and betwew Dolores D. Bartz, a widow,
<br />(hereinaftu referred to ae mortgagor} and the Adatiniatntor of the Small Bussner Adsninistratroo, an ageary of the
<br />Goverroment of the United-.States of America (hereinafter referred to as morgaget}, who maintains m olrtce and
<br />plaeeofhtriaer at Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />Rtirnasssr~ that for the c~eidention bereinafar sated, receipt- of whi~hu hereby aeknowLedgod, .the
<br />ttsoregagor does herabp tuortgaga, sell, Rrau4 asaigW and convty unto the mortgagee, his eorxnaon and assigns, aU
<br />of the following described pmpetty aitaated-and beeng in the Comtpof Aall
<br />Sane of Nebraska
<br />Lot Sixteen (16), "Holcomb's Highway Homes," A subdivision of apart of tits Northeast
<br />Qtia:rter of the Northeast Quarter (NE%„NE~) and a part of lot four (4) mainland, all in
<br />Section Twenty-eight (28),. in Township Eleven (11) North Range Nine (9) Westiaf the
<br />Sixth P.M. excepting therefrom a tract of land more particularly described in Beed Rook
<br />162'page 362'in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with and including al! buildings, all fixtures including but nut limited to a^ plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, relTigerating, incineraling,~air conditiunirog apparntaa, and elevanrrs {the +nortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is intemled that the items herein enumeratedball hr deenu•d to have been permanently in•
<br />-taller! as part of the realty ),and. all improvements now or hercaftrr exiain_ thereon; the, hereditamema end
<br />appurtenances and all other ri;:hls thereunto belonging, ur in anywise appertaining, and the revrrsiwt and re-
<br />vereions, remainder and remainder., all ri,~,hts o! redemption, and the rent., issues, and peatits of the ahoy+•
<br />described properly (provided, however, that the mart€ngur .hail br cutitlyd •tn ihr po..resion ul -aid property
<br />and In rolled and retain the rents, issue>, and profits until default hereunder). To have and to hold the o-amr
<br />unto the mortgagee and the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or .urh other estate,
<br />if any, as is sated herein.
<br />Tw° ,...,-tgag.:--ao;~-.n.a tba.::t a :a:r..n.. °.r. u °na Y..~oatd o! ..nd !:aa tbs di,. __ III _nd _ ___ ~d
<br />proptrty; that the same is .tree from a1T enciunbrancea excapt as heminabove recited;6andnthat he hereby binds
<br />himself aad his succemors is interest to warrant and defwd the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof agsinM
<br />the claims of all persona w}remsoever.
<br />• - - - '•M// .~
<br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ''Ltr~'~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~~ .
<br />imthc;irincipal sum of E' 26, 400.00 ,signed by Dolores D. Bartz, a widow,
<br />in f+ehaif of herself.
<br />~aA corm 92T 19-Tl1 er..lon. Edlaas, .r. Ub.ol.,..
<br />