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OF 9SOA'iGAGF Cozpor~a ~Q, ~ =(-+ 1 j ~j' ~ ~ Haftean and ieiton & Wolf WaHOn ite. 68461 <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the HOP4E rEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF RAND ISLAND hereby releases the mortgage made !o <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION CF GRAND ISLAND <br />byMAXON E. STANISLAV, a single person <br />an the following described real estate, to unit: <br />L07 ONE (I), li! BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), IN ASNTON PLP,CE, AN P.DDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRANG ISLANC, NEBRASKA <br />of Section in Township ,Range of the F- M., NA LL <br />County, State of NEBRASKA which is recorded in fleok of Real Estate &tortgages, Qage , <br />of the records of said County. Document # 76-000726 <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, tke said NOA9E FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOC I AT 16N has caused <br />these presents to be executed by :Yft~esidenf>~~S its Corporate Seal to be mixed hereto this 10th <br />day of November , rg 80 . HONE FEDERAL °AV I NGS 8 LOAN <br />14~'itness: --------..l~-O.if1AZ.LQN, nF_GRAP~N...J.SL9NII .................... <br />yam'- ""... ~uc _ . _~..-. .. - -- ~,- <br />__..:. ....--- --._.... ..._...._-4uest ......._..... - -- _. __, ~'9,1W(iHCX9bE)F8i1l~§iC <br />ST ~ N IOth y November 80 <br />+~' ------ ---yk=-- -------------- ---------- -- - ~ On this......----- -...da of-...--- ~- -°-- - --- -- ----- ~ 19-°----- <br />"' x'+ 19~SA~ ~ _ County } before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />... zy- -..--- ...............:.~: . <br />~' =c• See hen P Seltzer, Vic Secr. <br />~ ---------°- - --- -- ---- ~--P - - =~ -- .... ---- - .............. . -- -,ePresident of the <br />HOPdE 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND I S LP.ND a Corporation <br />to-me perso wn to be t~~ ~fesidents~fiF identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />acirnowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and decd as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at-.Grand I s I and, Nebraska in said County the day and year <br />last above written. ~/ <br />~Io <br />P'y ~~~ I y-, 19 ~~ ~.~.~5~ -J1.. ~L.. _ tary Puh$c <br /> <br />L. <br />