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r _..., <br />~l ~'~ n 1 <br />ThS. m,mat~ cad tanhered lore tLa ~ day of 3~fer.~ett( <br />~I9 ~D,bpnpdbrtweea Je€€rey L.'-Fern and- Barbara J. Rern, husband and wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to as atongttgot) and the Administratar o! the Small Bonner Administration, an agency of the <br />Government of the United-Braces of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee}, vvbo-msinfams--an-office and <br />phree~baeieerat Empire "State" Building, 19th and Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraskai°6$102. <br />~t>tr~t'H, that. for the wnadentim Lereinafter pa-red, ceaeipt of which u hereby Rdmowle~ed,- the <br />ttmrt~et•-taitw hereby mttttsaga;; atsll, grant. aadpt; and convey muo. the mortga6ee, hu moee~mr: and: a~ta, all <br />bf the foliowina-tieseiihed"prnpeety eituatett amtbeingin the Comtpof. -Ball _ - _ _ - <br />Statetr€ _:Nebr2sic3. .... -:._ - - - _ ~_ .. - - - <br />Southerly 31.50 feet of Lot Three (3) and the Northerly 30.56 <br />feet of Lot Fiye {S) in Block Eight {8) in University Place, an <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with.and.igcludttrg all buildings, all fixtures including bul _not limited to ail plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing,.venttlating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, cad elevators (the mortgagor hereby <br />deciasing that it is intended Ural the items herein enumerated -.hail be deemed to have been permanently in• <br />aailyd es part of the realh'), and all improvements nuw or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditamants and <br />appunenantxs ahd:sit other rights thereunto bebnging; or in envwiee appeetaining, and rile reversion and re• <br />~'vetsions, rrmainder and remainders, art rights of 'redemption,- and the rents, -issues, trod. profits of Nra above <br />` deseribed'~ progeny-{provided, however: that the mortgagor .hall lte entitled to the possrssion of said property <br />and tocolleet andretain.the rants, issues, andprofils until default-hereunder). To have-andto hold~the same <br />unta~t)ta--nwxtgtrgee-and,the suaxsson in interest of the mongageo £arever in.fee simple or such other ealale, <br />if any; aP it: stated herein> <br />~w ~ t i:.. ~ ~.,__ L,._ aeiaad cad= - <br />~"'^°°' ..~,. _ _.~ ~r+uuy pw-assedoiaadhu-tlm-righttaaell-~utd•amveysaid <br />propenyt'tltt<t tlm:~estae u frtrfeaat a1F~~anetmtbranaas_e:ceptu,heranabove r~ited; and=that-he-berebg=~6iotL <br />birtpelf and:bie sucearors in iatereat:ta warranttwd.dafmd the title aforesaid therota and every pan thereof against <br />thadrimts~ef alL`petaeYUtveoevcr:. <br />This inuframent u given to sectiro the ~payrntgtt of a pmmiteoty note dated <br />i~>,t,kteTr~ptr~isaipai~snm~[:$;3~->~:Q~.~AQ.+„~,;,ai~drhy Jeffrey L. Ferri and Barbara J. Fern, husband <br />stn°Fit~i>e9Ynefr themselves. , <br />. l6A r~.s 9X (!-Tttp YN,tep EilWra.a O)NW.. - --.. <br />