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. at ~,~' <br />~~~ ~ <br />~„~.:. ~Q <br />t <br />,~' ~~ <br />a9riajtiortgase ,sade ana eetered tote t'ai. ~~ dad of ~"t.t-u-:_ .-a~-lc.tcJ <br />I9~~/ by sad beta'cm SALLY ANNE ETHERTON, A SINGLE PERSON <br />thereinafter referred to o mortgagor) and the Admittistmor of the Small Ba~neas Admffiinraeiaa, as a~of the <br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to u mottgagtx), who tae®taitm an' afGee sad <br />phtteofbttmaru Empire State Bldg., 14th & Farr+am Streets, Omaha, Nebraska- 68102 <br />~RtaCSaera, that for the eo~deratim hereinafter stated, receipt of vrhiehu h~ezeby' ui<aowledgsd, tLe <br />dog ~~y ~6a6e. m11. Rraat. arises and-cmvey tmto the morgagoe,-hie eaatxuets attd a~igps,-tdl <br />of the foilowias described property attested sad beiyi,ia the County of H6T'i. <br />State of NEBRASKA <br />LOT EIGHT ($), BLOCK TWO (2), KNICKREHM 3RD ADDITION TO THE GITY <br />OF GBAND ISLAND, AALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with and including all buildinss, all 6stures including but nob limited to all plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing, ventilating. refrigerating, ineinerating, air eanditioning apparatus, and r[evatorn (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring that it in intended Thal the items herein enumerated shall l,r deemrd to have been perntanently in- <br />staUe)1 rs part of the reatlh•i, and ail iroproremenls now or hereafter sainting thereon; the hereditamentn and <br />appurtettanees sad all other rights thereunto heloaging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />versions, renuindrr attd mmainders, all rights of rrdemptimt. and the. rent., insure, and profit. of dte above <br />descrihed property (provided, hoxever, that the mortgagor shall be entided'to the possession of said property <br />and to rolleet and retain the rrnty in.,ac!y and proSts until default hereunder). To have and to hold the same <br />unw the mortgagee and the successors in interrM of the mortgagor forever in fee simple or such other estate, <br />if any, as is a4ted herein. <br />'I~e mortsasoz eorenruta that he is iawfufly aired sad posxased of and ha: the right to soli and convey said <br />property: that the taste u tree from all eacumbrart~e except as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />hsmaeif and Lie utec3aq;a is iutetrat.w warrant and de(aad the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the ehtima ~ 411 pertwatt wltpauoevar. <br />_.,t-~V <br />~fhisutatrament u given to se.cure the paymto¢ o! a prarnissory note dated C~~.C¢~-;rte ~?/'~ ,%~~~''~~, <br />in tits preaeipal sum of-~ ltt,$p0,06 , aignod by Sally Anne Etherton , <br />io Mhsii of her self . <br />,a4 r=.~ 9rT !e-Ta) rex:4_- t'A'q~aa s~z )'~+:»e. <br />