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1 62yr--SEG)ND REAL ESTATE MORTfiAGE-With Tax Gaup Huffman aM Feltnn & Woti, Walton, lk, 68~WI <br />$f?-- ~} ~~ ~ 5 ~ 4 xivow nLL n+~x aY ~sE srrrrrs: <br />THAT I or WE, LEE D. TURNEEt <br />of HALL County and Skate of NEBRASKA <br />THOUSAND AND xa/zoG <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto <br />i <br />DAR.ftEl.L D. LEN(KE AND FRIBA }I. LE6~E, HOSi3AP~ AND :+'TF'E, <br />of HALL County, and State of NEBRASKA <br />situated in HALL Couney, and State of NBHRA:>ICA <br />in consideration of the sum- oj~ <br />DOLLARS <br />,_{mortgagee), <br />the following described premises <br />to-wit: <br />LCT EIGRT (8), BLOCK THREE (3) IN REPEAT OF RIVERSIDE ACRES, AN ADDITION TO I?iE CI77 <br />OF GRAND ISLENDs iJE$RASKA. <br />~ ._ <br />~~ _ <br />~f <br />,t, r <br />TTie intentions being to conv€y hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVF. AND TO HOLD the premises above described, uYth c11 t1:e appurtenanc€s therezmto hclonging unto <br />the said mortgagee ar morkpdgees crd to his, her ar their heirs and ::ssicrts, forever, ,,^ravidsd alzaaos, and these pres- <br />ents arc upou the express co;rdition khat if the sand mortgagor or rnortgagars, his, her m- their heirs, executors, admin- <br />istrators or assigns sltatl hay or ca=se to be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- <br />aeutors, administrators ar assigns, the sum of <br />T:~l+1Ti' YY.OUSAtdD AND NO/lOO Dollars, payable as follows, to-z<~ii: <br />i ULI. AMGUNT DUE Tti4G `LEAKS AF'!'ER DATE GF edORTGAGE. <br />with interest thereon at 13 per tent per annum, payable 9t?tal- annually, aceor'diag to the tenor and ejject of <br />the ¢romissory note zaith interest tou¢ons attach ed of said :ifortgayars, hearing c:~e:: date .<ith these przs- ! <br />cots, and shalt ¢ay all taxes and any interest an, or maharing i+sstallnsants of principal, due on any prior mortgage and <br />assessments tetded upon said real estate and al! other taxes, !z~,fies and assessments Ir•ied xpon this ueortyagt or the ; <br />rota tallith this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent and keep Liu buildings nn scid <br />premises insured for the sum $ ,loss, if any, payable to suck just mortgagees or rhis morrgagee, or both, i <br />then those presents be void, othertaise to be and remain in ju[I fore€. 1 <br />IT IS FURTHEIk AGREEU {rj That if the sisal mortgagor she! fril to pal' suck taxes and snck inlerrst ans. <br />or maturing installments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and procure sash insurance. then this nnartgagtr may <br />pay such Lases and such interest on, or maturing itssta!lrnents of principal, due an such prier vrortyagc and procure I <br />such insuranc€; and the sum so advanced .oilk interest at nine p€r cent shalt be paid by said mortgagor, and this asart- <br />gaga shalt stand as scnsrity for dhe soma. !z/ That a failure to pay any of salt money, rich€r principal or interest an i <br />this ar afaq-¢ertrr mortgage, when. the same Lecomas due or a failure to comply zcnth any of the foregoing agrecrnersts, ' <br />shall cause the zohole-sitm--of money harzin secured !o betonra due and collectable at aru€ at tlrz option of the rxori- <br />9a57ee. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said onortguyee, pending foreclosure of this »rartgaga msd alter decree and <br />pending stay thereon or appeal therefrom and pending sate of premises rrwrlgaged, stay pay such taxes and maturing <br />sntarest ar rnattsrinq inslaltmenis of ¢rincipal, an prior mortgages, procure such insurance and suck stone shall be <br />added to the amount due on decree sad u¢on confirmation of sale by the cotn't w~dered taken Dist of proceeds o} ,rate; <br />or i( redeemed duel»y stay, appeal or sate, sucle amounts shall be collected tiro same as diarglr i6 were a part of such <br />decree. <br />Signed this IlkLh day of Pioveatber X950 <br />!n Presence of <br />.ter, <br />