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TRUST DEED <br />~~~ ~~~IC3~(y <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 7th day of November , I9_$g-_ <br />by and between ~~ V. Stoeger and Susan J. , Trustor~andFirst American Title Insurance Co.-rrustee, <br />Stoeger, husband and wife with right o= survivorship. <br />and Postal Savings Catnpany, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiazy. <br />WI T NESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Rea! Estate including alt buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />,Lot 27, Wolfe's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Zaland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, <br />his executats, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and <br />each and every par[ thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the Stale of Nebraska pertaining to [he exemption <br />of homestead. And the Trustor convenanis with the Tnrstee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purposes: WIiEREAS, the Trustor did on dtis date execute a <br />promissory note evidencing a loan for the principal amount of ~ _TQ~2]9.25 _ _ _ and interest <br />thereon according to the terms of the note; said note being payable in roual monthly installments at the office of the <br />beneficialy;andfinalpaymentbeingdueon._._._______________._November 13th________ _____ _ _ ly_90__ <br />t[ is agreed by and between parties hereto that until tiling of Notice of Default, the Trustor shall (1) pay all present <br />and future taxes snd assessments, general and special, ag..itts tiaiu property befntr the same L•rcomrs delinquent or <br />actionable; f'-) keep aH nnproa~emenG GrCCied en the land insured as ma}~ be requimd from time to tune 6y beneficiary <br />against lass by fire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts and for such periods as are reasonable <br />and may be required by beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such insurance in force or effect upon the property herein <br />described constantly assigned and delivered to benefioiary, t ~ 1 pay and comply with al! [hr terms and conditions of any <br />lien, claim or indebtedness that may be senior [o or take precedence of this Trust Derd as soomas any such paymettt on nr <br />of such lien, claim or indebtedness shat! become due: and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said agreements, heneficiary <br />may pay such tax, pay for such insurance or pay off such liens or alaints or indebtedness as the case may be, aitd the <br />money so expended with interest at 19 o per annum shat! be secured by this "frost Deed, and the Trustor agrees to repay the <br />same upon demand, and upon failure Co do so the balance of the attached note shalt be vote immediately due and payable <br />ai the option of the beneficiary; (4) specifically confer upon the Tnutee the power of sale as provided in Nebras~Cg law; <br />tS) retain possession of the premises and collect the rents and revenue, therefrom. _ <br />Upon payment of all the sums secured by this 17ust Deed, the Beneficiary shall reyurst the Trustee to reeonvey the <br />property and shall surrender this "trust Deed and all notes rvidcn~mg indebtedness .rrurrd;hv this !Toot Deed to the <br />Trustee. Tnastee shall reconvey the property witltout warranty to the person or persona legally entitled thereto; but if <br />default be made in the payment of said note or any par[ thereof or any of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful <br />performance of any or either of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole of ,aid note silo!! become due and he paid ss <br />herainaftar provided, and iltis dead shah remain in force; the. truster or hli atto!nry may proceed ro sell [he property in <br />its entirety or in parcels at the option of the truster hereinbefare described at puhli_ au,~tian, [o the !tighest bidder, fnt <br />cash. However, the power of sale herein conferred upon [he tntstee shall nau hr rsrnnrd anal . i i the tnistrr shall first <br />file far record, in the office of the register of deeds of each county wherein the u~uat property or some part or }?areal <br />thereof is situated, a notice oY default, identifying the trustee by stating the namc_, nl the truster and names therein :md <br />giving the book and page where the same is recorded, a description of the tent property, and containing a statement that <br />a beeaeh of an obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security has py:rwred, and setting forth the nature <br />of suc[t breach and of his election to self or cause to be said such properly to satisfy the obhgauan: and t_ I after ihr lapse <br />of not less than one month, the trustee shall give notice of sole as provided by `<ebrtska taw. RYter notice of detBuiE and <br />iap5t; of not less than one month, the vustee shall eve written uouce u! the time and place of sale particularly describing <br />the property to be sold by }subhcauvn oi` such Holier, at least five trines, once a week for live a•ansecutiar weeks, the last <br />publication to be st least lt) days but not mare than ~0 days poor to the ,ale, ut •annc newspapt~r having a general <br />circ:ulaiiost in each Bounty in which the property to be sold, or ,once port thr~raN, r+situated Ui.on :.airh .,ale, tfte tnrs[rc <br />shta!! exec-ate and deliver e deed of cam-eyance of the grope rt_y :.o!d to tiro punhaser or purcllaaeta thereui and aria <br />statesncnt ar recital of fact in ouch deed m reitd,on to the Bair rxe of the power ~, carte and -.rte at Cllr property descri h+rd <br />,a~. „ <br />