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<br />L`SDA-Fm HA t~~`1) { i ''' t~ ``~ ~ Position s
<br />Form FmHA 427-Y NB
<br />{Rev. 5-15-74) REAL ESTATE'stORTGAGE FOR i3E8RA3KA
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by _LYIE_L . } aTtd_FRA27C~S A. ~ 1'113b0I1d
<br />-_aTY~_i41fEt_ed~l 1T1 1118 _32Y~_~12I U4ir1 _right_and d8_~f~Q.O~_~~_~i~L_.-..-_--_.__..._.
<br />residing in ____....---..._..._.-1~1-°------...--------...'.-...-.----.--.--. County. Nebraska, whose post offue addrtss is
<br />IBJtItE' 3, Esc 59, S~~^bd River ------------------ , Nebraska -.. 68883 . ,
<br />herein callkd "Borrower; 'and:
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of America, siting *_hrough the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United States Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note(s)
<br />or assampcion agument(s), herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />t",avetnment, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at [he option of the Government upon any default by
<br />Borrower, and is described as follows:
<br />Annual Rate Due Date of Final
<br />DUte of Irutrumeni Principal Amount aj Interest Installment
<br />Na~vet~er 4, 1980. $L14,000.00 li`} Nwadhes ~, 2034.
<br />(If the interest rate u less than --_..-.---_% for farm ownership cr operating loan(s) secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in the note.)
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government. at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Aa, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other statute administered by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />9 And it is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among other things, at all times when the note is held by the
<br />- Government, or in the event the Government should assign this instrument without insuranc< of cue note, this instrument
<br />- shall secure payment of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holder, this irstrument shall not secure payment
<br />T of the rote or attach to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />- to secure the Government against loss under its insurance contract by reason oC any default by Borrower:
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which may be granted to the Borrower by
<br />- - the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a.
<br />_ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loan(s) and (a) at all times when the note is held by the Government, or in
<br />the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance cf the payment of the note, tc secure prompt
<br />- payment of the note and any renewals and extensions thereof azrd any ay;reements contained therein, including any provision
<br />For the payment of an insurance or other charge, (bl at all times when the note u held by an insured holder, to secure per-
<br />: fotmance of Borrower's agreement herein to indemnityy and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance
<br />contract by reason of any default by Borrower, and (c) in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of all
<br />advances and expenditures mace by the Government, wt[ir interest, as hereinafter describeu, anti rice performance o[ every
<br />covenant and agreement of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agreement, Borrower does hereby grant,
<br />~' - bugain, sell, convey and assigo, with general warranty, unto the Government the following property situated in the Stace of
<br />~: Nebraska,County(ieaj of..._.....i~l._.._.-...-`...------"-----'------__._----'-----'------'-----'---------'------'-------.__.-.--._`
<br />1
<br />The Southwest Quarter of the IVorttxaest Quartet (~;), the West Half of the
<br />r East Ralf of the Northtest Quarter (P~), the West Half of the West Half
<br />of the East Half of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter (l~'"`zF~iN4$s) , all
<br />r 3n Section Ten (10), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the
<br />6th P.M„
<br />SUR7ECP to a Mortgage in favor of The Federal Lard 13arilc of (Ynatri, a Corpora-
<br />FmHA 427-t NB (Rev. 5-15-79)
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