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F <br />Qx~p} :~:: - - _ <br />T1fACT I. <br />A Bart of the Soutneast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE~FYa of <br />~` Section One {1), Sownship Eleven {il} North, Rangy Nine (9) West of the <br />btts F.M., Hali County, Nebraska. ire particularly described as follows: <br />Beginming at a point on the South lice of said Southeast Quarter of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SF}y5~;}, said point being Five Hundred Shirty Eight <br />and Five Tenths (518,5) Feet West of the Southeast Corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {SESy$F}=}; thence running Westerly along <br />the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {SE{CSE{tJ <br />a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty Four (724.0) Feet to the Southeast Corner <br />of a tract previously surveyed for, and deeded to, the Geer Company; thence <br />- deflecting right 101 33'3019 and running Northeasterly along the Easterly <br />line of a Lrsct previously surveyed for and deeded to the Ceet Company, a <br />tiiatane® of-Seven i{undyed Nineteen and Nine Tcntha (719.9} FeeC Ca a poinC <br />un the Southerly Aiglit-OL-Wuy ling of U.S. Higl~wny No. 30; tl~enca deflecting <br />right 53035' and running Northeasterly along said right-of-tray line a dis- <br />Canoe of Five Kuadred Ninetg Seven and Fifteen Hundredths {597.15) Feet; <br />Chenca deflecting right 134 4O' and running Southwesterly a distance of Two <br />Hundred Fifty One and Eight Hundredths {251.08} Feet; thence deflecting Taft <br />-`' 132052' and running Northeasterly a distance of One Hundred Twent~ Three <br />and Fifteen Hundredths {123.15) Feet; thence deflecting right 114 lO' and <br />running Southerly and parallel to the East line of said SE-rSE~ a distance o£ <br />Seven Hundred Eighty Eight and 'aticnty Twa Hurdredth~ {788.22) Feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />TRACT iZ. <br />A tract of lead located on part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SkSE-~,,) of Section One (1} in Tawnsnip Eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9) Weat <br />of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South Boundary line of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE{t} of said Settian Oae (1), which ie the intersection of said South Bound- <br />- azy line the Fast line of the Tract conveyed to the Geer Company, a ear <br />poration, by Wararty Deed recorded in Book 45 at Page 437, in the Office of <br />the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; thence North along said East <br />Line of said Tract so conveyed, to the Intersection of said East line with the <br />South right-oi~+ay line of United States Highway No. 30; running thence North- <br />easterly upon said right-of-waay iina a distance of 231.4 Feet; running thence <br />Southwesterly at sn angle of 128017' to the Right, to a point an the South <br />.line of said Section One (1), which point is 62.1 Feet East of the place of <br />beginning; Running thence Weat along and upon the South line of said Sectloa <br />One (1) said distance of 62.1 Feet to the point of beginning; being a tract <br />of land 231.4 feet wide slang the South sight-of-way line of United States <br />Highway No. 30 and 62.1 feet wide along the South lice of said Section one (1) <br />icmoediately adjoining oa the East the tract conveyed to the Ceer Company by <br />the Warranty Deed hereinbefore referred to. <br />TRACT IIY. <br />Fart of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter iSW1tSE'-c' of Sec- <br />tion One (1), Township Eleven (I1) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />mare particulasy described as follows: <br />Commentan~ at the Point of Intersection of the Southerly right-of-way <br />tine of U.S. Highway No. 30, as new constructed and located, with the South <br />boundary line of the Southwest Q~rarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWkSEit) of <br />said Section Ono (1); running thence Enst along and upon the South boundary <br />iii of said Southwest Quarter of the Sautheaae Quarts: of said Section tine <br />3 (1), for a diet-once of 1104.9 feet; turning thence North ac an Angle of 900 <br />`"at'and running NaxCh for a distance of Sb9.6 Feet to the Southerly right-of-way <br />- iina of said U.S. Highway No. 30, as now constructed and located and running <br />.,.- thence is"a Southwesterly direction along and upon the Southerly right-oF-way <br />iina of U".S. Higlwny No. 3O as now constructed end located. for a distance of <br />1258..55 Feat, to the Piave of Beginning. <br />