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. ,. ~ 2SY-]AC'S I.~A 's? 1'-~^f l f s ~-' ti `.t'7 1-s~ x~s~a c. ,t snsab ate. uadn. ssnr. . <br />State of.__.__Nebraske___..-._-..l <br />Hall ss. <br />- -------°--°-°---...-°-°---°-° - County <br />'A ant,; Robert G. Ma11um, President of Mettenbrink Electric Inc <br />~ ----------------------------°---------------..-----.........-------------------------------°------------------_..-------P-----...~...-----~ being (first <br />duly sworn, on his oath says that fhe foregoing itemised account of work, labor, skill..-.._.._........_-.....____..-......_.__-..--._. <br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same viers done and performed and furnished b,,-~ rise undersigned <br />Triangle East, Inc. <br />far the satd---------`------------------------------......_........___ .....----°------------------ ` <br />under an-----oral -_.......-- ---- ---. contract-- - -----.... -- - - - <br />for rhea.......~].~~.kxieal_.wixing.........._ ............ .--of a -- -- - <br />an-the fol[avting lot, piece or percel of Iand, vis:s__..-$x.&... ACC3.t<_~~5~.-_EXt~IB,ZT-- "A"-.--_-___ <br />That at the Bute said contract was made and labor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder..............-._.-_. <br />Triangle East, Inc. was the ozarter o seid remises' <br />......_Tt?s?~..~A.~...COTtS.t.X:L3.Ckx.4A,,.--.~bSC._..~aS.._~}3~.~COI1tx~.CtoF..on.--said--business shoe.-.. <br />-and.actiny :for -the owners <br />-- <br />That the date of the first item furnished and delivered was......_.JulV.. 16, 1980 end tlee <br />.. <br />data of the last item was-=---.,.Iz1]-.y.--1-z-~---19852.........._.....--- - .... ............ °--- -- -..... - - ......._.. - - - <br />A~'iant further states that said tabor was performed on, and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and used in <br />said- building or premises on and between the daEes specified. <br /> the prices charged Therefor are fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account the sum of <br />Qne Hundred Thirty-Eight-and 10/100----------------------- ` <br />._ ......................._.................. -- - ............-........_.....- _.....--- -- - - - - -...-..............Dollars, that said' , <br />.................__....---.............-..-..._Metl:enbrinl~...E~e.~.k_X'.=..~.~...I~?C ~......-..._.....-.............- . . <br />--.._.----_-:.._ ................................._..._......_..----------..........._.........._ctaims a lien on flee said ¢rcrnues for the felt amount of ~ ~. <br />said account, fo-wit: The sum of $_138.10 togefher vnth interest thereon at the legal rate, <br />from-the.:._~,~.~~-._.-...:dayof......,..7tl~.~t..-... .--..... ..--.--. ..-...__ , ~9..~Q...., and .further aingnt says not --~ <br />METTENSRINK ELECTRIC, INC., A Nebraska <br />....-Corporal-ion ---....__.____ ............._..........__ - -.._......_...._.._.... <br />,...._- -BY ..f...~s-.~-~.~,+6G~~r.--.,..~.._E? <br />SEAL. Subscribed fie a+y presexce and sumrn Eo befora me this... :.' f~,..... _____ <br />>7 <br />daU of `~., :_,- .~.:= - ..__., iy --! < <br />_ --- , <br />(See reverse side for instructions} ~~~~ ~, .~irti, f „ „i~. <br />Mt~y M MR t~ ~... <br />Lien claitned •: November 14 $t] <br />Mettenbrink Electrica_--Inc...__..___ Agaittst:..__Triangle_Ea~~,_.~tt~~____._._....----•_. <br />~'. 0: `Box 54$--------~-- <br />Addreu~~.F~_.~S.7.r~i151.....1Y,E,_._~.HBQ.1....._ ............. East Highway-.30,-..Grand---Island NE F~ <br />iy...BQ._ Dr. Cr. _ <br />