<br />~r~fl ~,
<br />~[081YiAGE
<br />
<br />~ aaade ad atstaaed ;rata thl. ~ j ~ ~ ~j~v. ~
<br />14fl~L~hetireta Richard H, Eckhart and Dana A. Eckhart, husband and vlfe,
<br />iLm+afrafea referred to as aaorfgaBcer) attd the Adeninfstrator of the 3®af! Batsirxas Adaa#e~atiw, a ~f of the
<br />Gent of tSec i3aited States of America (hetrinafter referred to ~ taortpgee), srba aka as oix asd
<br />piaeafia~Laaraa Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />err, ~ foe. rite moaideradeu better stated, reeeiPe- m trhieL is Lamb?" ~* tie
<br />Itsart~ae tbtea LereLT t aa1i, !~+ ~* a~ eaavoY mto tLe nrnstgagOe, his- aereeetesra: sretd arFBoa. a-
<br />of the iai~Yrfng tiat~lied propnety situated and bets in the Caantp ~ Hall
<br />State at Nebraska
<br />The South Fifty-five (S 55) feet of the North One Hundred Forty (N 140)
<br />feet of the West Half (W~ of Block Fourteen (14), in Pleasant Home
<br />Addition. to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with and iaeludiAR all buildfngs, all fixtures including but not limited to all plumbing, hosting, light-
<br />ing, veutilnting, refrigerating, ineimratinp, air condetioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />decbtripq that it is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be doomed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalied a» part of the realty), and all-improvements now or hereafter exisiin~ !hereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appucteoateces end•a!f otter right>.thereanGs belonging, or in an}wise appertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />versions, remainder and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above
<br />de~cri<I ptuperty (provideai, hs,we+er, that the mortgagur shall he entitled io rite possession of raid prapeYiy
<br />and tw esllect and; retsitr rite rears, issues, aAd-profits unlit dofautt hereunder). To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the mortgagee slut the sneeessors in interest aF the mortgagee forever in fee simple or each other estate,
<br />it aAy, as 1S Stated beraiu.
<br />'f71e tswttg~gor cwxemmu that be is Lwfally seised and possessed of and-has the right to Bell and convoy-said
<br />property: that the lama is im from all eneuntbrattou euept as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby buds
<br />tu-d; $i4 ~crecat~tx iA iutterest to warrant sad *lofend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />tlio elaitew 4( tl~ persgsta w6pmsoever.
<br />.~
<br />This. iAStrntueat is given w secure the payment of a pramiesory note dated ~~~, i j ~~f ~ )/'',
<br />~ ~ per'-~}'- of fit, 740, 4~} ; :.staed bg R9.chatd H, Ec'ri;,art nod Dana :,. Eckhart, husband
<br />t?es€1vPQ-
<br />xaA raarw 4aT (3•SJ) r...eob~ 6di,i+~, ,.. OM+.M+r~
<br />