<br />.. .T'E(E MOgSY^AfiOR FUP!'PHER ODVENANTS AND AGREES: ~~~ () C- ~ 5'?0 L~
<br />Thai the btort;agar roil( pay the irWeFrtednos as her¢inhetm prwiAed- rJ a1 V
<br />Thai eke Mortgagor is tlft oNrcer of said property in See simple and hx good right and lawful authority fo set' and
<br />convey the setae and that fife same is free and clear of grey Litre or en vmfirartrn; aad that Mortgagor will warrant "and defend -tba - "
<br />title to said premises age-trial the claims a( all persorui whranaoever
<br />Ta pay-immediatelywhen due and payable alt genets! taxes, special ta:ea, special assessments. water chargc_s, sewer sew-
<br />ice charges, and ottdr taxes and charges againsE said protr<rty, and alt-taxes levied or, th¢ debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon regular, w•itlf the 'original or duplicate receipts fterr-for. The Mortgagor egrets that tbtre sfiafl Fie added to -
<br />esch montfily payment required hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to he srt6tci¢nt'-to-enable the Mortgagee to pay, az [hey t,ecvme due; at! taxes, ^-~----eat, acid similar charge; open thepr¢m•
<br />lees subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall be forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the ?dortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shalt h¢ dreamed a delaulf in
<br />- paymenE of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder. -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also tie added to each monthly payment ut principal and- interest required here- '`~--
<br />under an smvunt estimated hl• the :sivrtgagee to be sui6cient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, t}u= insurance
<br />premium on any insurance (x ticy delivered to the Mcrgagee. Any deficiency F,rcause of the insufficiency n( such additional pay-
<br />rpent shall tie forthwith depnited-fiy the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any defantt undei this
<br />paragraph shall Fro deemed a default in the payment of insurance Premiums. If the pnliel' nr policies depdsifed are such as Ftorn¢-
<br />owners nr all risk policies, and [he deposits ere insufficient. to pay th.- entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to be insu reel by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above netts gr,iphs may, a[ the option c( the Mortgagee, be held'by if and
<br />commingled with other such funds or its own funds Lor the payment of such items, and until sn applied, such Payments are hereby
<br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />To procure- deliver to, and maintain tar the benefit of the Mortgagee during the fife of this mor~age on;,dnal Policies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ten days before the expiration of any such ,policies, insuring against (ire and other insurable
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee m v require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by thin
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptablr_ rm Che Mortgagee--. -with loss payable rfause in favor ,+f and in Curm acceptable to the }tortga-
<br />gee. In the event any policy t not renewrrl on nr be[ure #_n days u( its expiration. the Mortgagee may prrxure i surance nn the
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefc:. and such sum shall berme immediately due and payable with interest at [he rate set
<br />Lorth in said note until paid and shat! Fro seuu n-d by this m+rtgaga Failure on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals
<br />as are herein required or failure to pay any ,isms advanced hereunder =bath at the ,-,ptivn nt [he 3orgagee. c nstitvte a do-faun
<br />ender the terms of #his mortgage "Che delivery of such policies shall, in the event o, default, eanstitute an assignmemi ..f the nn
<br />earned premium.
<br />Aay sums received i - the 13ortgat;ee by reason of Ives ,. damage insured against may he retained by Ehe Mortgagee
<br />and applied toward the payment of the- debt. hereby xc red, r r, of the option a[ the Mortgagee. such s Hither wholiv or in
<br />part maY be paid over to the ;dortgagor to tr~ r sed to repair such buildings e r «, huiiri"new buildings i utheir place nr Fur any
<br />at.'ter purpose or object satisfac#orl= to the 'vlartsagee -a~ithovt .,r'fectir:g =h? lien on the mortgage for the full amount ser~u rod here-
<br />by Fa>foce such payment ever lurk place.
<br />Ta prompt!}• repair. ,-estvre +. rebuild any buildir:g +~- ur rnameats rev-+~ ,~r +errafier •,n ihr prem. ., x~hich may i?e-
<br />comc damaged or destroys-ci: to keep =aid ..s n .k,.,<i r ndi ti+m and repair and ;. -e from any mechanic's here nr other ;ten rr
<br />claim of glen oat expsassiy suF:er dinai~3 :c tbsnircn hrre::G r; , ,; ,uprr yr permit a aw~[ul use of or env nuisance m «_ list on
<br />said property nor fo permit caste on said premises, nor «~ do any ether act robe-rebv the property hereby r_u ed shall h¢e-e
<br />-- valuable. nor [u dimrnisb or - pair its v foe by ;eny rf or r,mrx.i~•u tr> ,,. r. t, ,. ~,mpl}- arth ail req utremrntenot taw with respect
<br />to the mortgaged ffromrses aad the use #hereof.
<br />That should the premises or any Ffart thereof Ire taken or damaged by re.. „[ any public impravenrent .~ rundemnetion
<br />proceeding, or under the right of en Went domain. „r m any other n .r, the btu tgagv-.r ,bait br on4tled is alt eumpensatians.
<br />awards. and any other payment or relict therefor, and shalt be entitled; rat its vptian, to rcmmenee, appear in and Prosecute in its
<br />own name any action ur proceeding, ur fv make any cvmptt,mise nr settlement 3n connection with such taking ur damage All such
<br />eotnpenaatian, awards, damages, right of action and prw;eeds are hereby assigned to the ;dortgagee, who may'• after deducting
<br />therefrom alt its expenses, release any moneys so received by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mnrt-
<br />gagor.agrees tv execute such further assignments of any cumpensahvn, awards, damages, and rights of action and proceeds as the
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That incase of failure to Perform any of the vvenants herein. [he Mortgagee may dv nn the Mortgagor's behalf everything
<br />so.roveaanted: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may t3eem nerrssary in protect the lien [hereof: that the :iortgagor will
<br />ropey upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee fur any u( the above purposes, and such moneys together with
<br />interest themort at the rate provided in said note shall became so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may he in-
<br />tt•,tdMt in any decreo foreclosing this mortgage aad t ~ paid out oC the rents or proceeds of sale of said premise,-s if not .otherwise
<br />paid; that it shalt not 6e obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity rf any lien, encumbrances. or claim in ad-
<br />vanring moneys as atfove authorised, but nothing herein contain¢d shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any
<br />morfEya fa-any such purtroa¢ nor to do any aft hereunder: and that Mortgagee shall trot incur any personal liability because of any-
<br />tfiiog i4may do or +fmit to do hereunder.
<br />1n the event of the deisult by Murrtgagor t the payment of any installm,-nt, a required by the Nutt- secured hrrelry. o
<br />-rt-the psrfurmartr`F of tt#e ~igaiion in this mortgage .tr in tine ::ore .secured thereby, thenMortgagee .shall be rniitlwi kt declare the
<br />rtelxt secured hereby due aad payable without nutiee,_aud the Mortgagee snail f;r entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself
<br />or 3fy a receiver m be aptwinted by the cvu rt thereof, anti without regard to the adequacy e( any .securit.• for the indebedness se
<br />cared hereby fo enter upon and take posh¢ssion~ of the mortgaged premises, earl !o rnilect anti r¢c¢ive• the runts, issues and Profits
<br />thereed, and apply the same. .leas amts v( operation and coitection, upon the indebtedness securaei by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />inures arc( pte5ta fitittg~ hereby-assigned fo tFft Mortgagee as further security for th¢ payment e! ail indchiednea~ s.rured hereby.
<br />The Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpvsr of repairing said prem-
<br />is~s; renitrtg the same: epllectin$ the rents, revenues and inconfe, and it may pay auk of said income all expenses iircurred in rent- ~ '
<br />ing ens( tuanagitfg the setae and oC collecting She rentals therefrom. The halantx remaining, i( any, shall ta• applied toward the
<br />discharge of the tnurt$age indebtedness. This,assignmtnt is to terminate and hrc•omc- null and void upon release of this mortgage. -
<br />J
<br />