<br />~..,~ (~ , i n zi i V
<br />ir'. Coniftsrtis~COa. The praceeJS of ar:y award ar ~ia~m for damage,. direct nr canuyurntiaV, ;n corinestion with any
<br />conrrmnadon nr othr. taking of she Property, or part therwt, or for conveyance m lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall ht paid to Lendtr. -
<br />Cn the event of a rota} taking of tCse Property. iht proceeds shall ire applrtd to tMe sums secured by ibis Dttd of Trust. _
<br />with thz zxeess, rf any. paid so Borrower. !n ehr even[ of a partial taking of the Yraperty, units Borrowtr and txndzr
<br />athenv-ise agree to writing, there shall hx uppiitd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust stsh proportion Of the proceeds
<br />as is eyuat to that proportion which the amount of t{-,e sums severed by this bred of "C"rust +mmediatefy prior #a the date of
<br />[eking bran to the fair market value c£ the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the procads
<br />paid to Horrcwer. _
<br />If the Property s abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notiu by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oilers to make
<br />an ewer) or scttte a claim for damages, Borrower tails to respond to Cinder wuhin 3b days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Gender is authorized to collect and apply tM proceeds, az l.tnder's option. wilier to restoration Or repsir of the
<br />Property or to the sums soured by this Deed of Trust-
<br />Unless Lendtr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such apphcauon of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or pas*.pone the due data uE the monthly mstailments refe;rid to Sn paragraphs ; and 2 hereof Or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />20. )Eorrnvrer Not Released. Extension of the time fa: payment nr mvJification at umon¢auon of the sums secured
<br />by [his Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any su.^crswr m interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the origins! Borrower and Bormwer's successors m interest. Linder shall not fee reyuirrd to commence
<br />proc¢edings against such successor or refwe to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amnnizauon of tht sums - -
<br />secured by this Dteel Of Trust by reason of any dernt+nd made by the ongmal Borrower and Borrower's successors in imeresi. -
<br />1 t. Forlxarance by Lendes Not a Wainer. Any forbearance by Leniler m exercising any right or remedy hertundec, or -
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not Ix a waiver of or predudt the zzerist of any such right or rtmedy. -
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes orothtr liens ar charges by Lender shall rot tin a waiver of Lender's
<br />right ro accelerate Ihr maturity of the indebtedness seturrd. by this Decd of Trust
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. Ali remedies pravidecf ~in ~th~s DteJ of Trust art distrnct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Dted of Trust ar afforded by la}S or cuuuy-, and ma} bt exercixJ concurrently, independently or
<br />successivtSy. 1 ~•
<br />l3. Successors and Assigns Bout$1; Joint acid Serena! LiabiBty; Captiom. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />t;ontaintd shall bind, and the rights hereunder shat! inure to, the resptchve su::cesson and assigns Of Lrnder and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. AI! covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the y)aragraphs of this Dud of Trus[ art ,'or canvtmence only and are not [o ht used to
<br />in[erpret or define the provisiaps~hrxeof.
<br />14. Notfce. Excep[ for a7:y notice reyutred under applicable law to he given in anothea manner. (al any~motice to
<br />Borrowtr provided for in this Dted of Trust shalt be grvtn by marling such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrowtr at
<br />Ute Froptrty Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any notce to Lender shaft be given by certified moil, return receipt reyutsted, m Lender's address stated herein Or to
<br />such other address as Lender may designate by nonce m Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Died of Trust shall be deemed to have tx:en given to Bvrn>wcr or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Ueed of Tnut; Governing law; Severabilitr. This form of JeeJ of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by twisdicuun to constitute a.aniform security irutrument
<br />covering real prvptrty. This Deed of Trust shat( he go•~erntd by the law of the lurisdtction in which-the Property a located.
<br />In ehr event that any provision or clause of this Ueed at Trust or tPoe•Nott conflicts wnh applicable !awe such conflict shall
<br />not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust ar the Note which cap he given effect without the conBicting provision,
<br />and Iv this end the provisions of the Decd of Trust and the Note art declared w fx severable.
<br />1>6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed;vpy of ehr Note and of [his Deed of Trust at the time
<br />of execution or after reeardauan hereof.
<br />17. Transfer of tfce Properly; AesumpUoa. it all or any pun of the Prop':ny' cr an interest therein is sold or transferreJ
<br />by Borrowtr without Lenderi prior wntttn consent, excluding ta) the 'cfeatiyn of a lien ar encumbrance subordma[e tv
<br />this Deed of Trust, thj the creation of a purchase money security interest for household apphatuys, tcf a transfer by device,
<br />Descent or 6y operation of law upon the death of a print tenant ur
<br />- - Lender may, .+t l.znrfzr's a~ticn, Jeifarc ail iht sums steered by this Dc-ed of Trust to #rt
<br />immtJiately dot and payable. Lendtr shat! have w=ooed ouch option to accelerate if, poor to the salt or transfer, Lender
<br />and th;= g.rson to w hem the Property is to he svl6 ar transferred reach agreemtr:t in writing th8t the credit of sue?: ptrsOr:
<br />is satisfactory fo C,tndtr and the: tftt interest payable an the sums secure) ny this Deed of Tryst shall bz at such raft as
<br />Ltndsr sn:+ii rtyutst. if Lendtr nos waived the nptiOn to acct3eratt provided in this paragraph i 7, and if Borrower's suecessar
<br />in interest has extCweJ a wntten assumption 2grernxrnt accepted in wrung by Lender, 1_ender shall release 8urrowrr from
<br />aIi ohtigatioos under this Iktd of Trust and the Natt_
<br />Sf Lender exercises such option to aeceleratt, !_ender shall mad Borrowtr notice of acceicration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. 5u::h notice shell provide :+ pine) of no[ Ins than ]U Jays from the Jae the Honer is mailed wuhin
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared Jut. If Harrower fads w pixy such wins prior to the expiration of such pitied,
<br />Lender ntay, without further notice yr demand ou tlarrowtr, rnvuke an} rcnrrd~es permitted ny paragraph l8 hereof.
<br />Non-Una-oars Cavsnxnrs. Borrower anJ Lznuer further covenam anJ agree as (allows:
<br />lEC. Acceleration; Remedies. lrzcepi as provided in paragraph E7 Arrroi, upon Borrower's breath of any covenant or
<br />agreement of Borrower in this Dred of Trust, including the carrnaaL+ to pay when due any sums secured by ibis Deed
<br />of Trust, Lendtr prior to aceeleratxrn shall mail xeauce to Borrower :u provided in prragraph CO hereof specifying: (!) the
<br />breath; ft) the artibn reyuired to cure such breach; U) a date, nil leas than 3p days from Ilse dale the aotire is mailed to
<br />Borrower, by which such brrarb msW 6e cared; and t41 that Failure to cure wch breach on ur teeforr the dale specified
<br />in ehr notice may resukt in acceleration of the suosa xcurrd by this Ueed of ~frust and sate of the Property. The notice
<br />s;-.all Fat=her ireForm Eorrower of ifce right to reinstate after acrrlrratluu and fhe rigiu ra hrin(; a court attien to i»aa:rt
<br />the non-exfslence of a defuah us any other aeienae of Burro»rr to acceltratioo and side. IE the breach is not cured
<br />tin or before the date specified in the iwtlcr, Ixndrr at Lrndei s Option may decforr uli of the sums secured by tbu Ueed
<br />of Trn+t to be in:mrdiately due and payable without further demand and may invoke fhe power of sale and any alter remedies
<br />permigtd by applicabr taw. Lrnder shall br emitkd to ndktl uIl reawnable costs and rxprnxs incarrrd in parsuing the
<br />retnedirs ptovidrd in this parageaph Ig, iacludfnK, lea nut limited to, rrasonaMe attorney's Errs.
<br />1f tlae pow. , of salt is invoked, Trusfre shall record a notfce of default in each coumy in which the Properly or wine
<br />par4 lhrrrof is ii.calyd wed she!! mail cup#es Ofsuch iwllce in the manner prexribed by applicable law to Harrower and to ehr
<br />other persons prrsrribed by applicably law. After ehr lapse of such tfine as may be rnyuired by applicable law, Trotter shall
<br />give pa2d.ic rr;f."ste Of coin to dhe prssoas attd in the enanarr prearribed by uppllcubtr law. "!'raatyy, witboat demo-ad On
<br />Burro»cr, shat! sell fhe Property a# public aucti0a to tree higlsesl bidder at the time and place and under lire teens designated
<br />in ibr eeofire of sate !a urn or more partrls oral !r such order ens 'S'rustec may determine. Trustee may pustgore sale of a!I
<br />or any parcyl uE the Pruptrty by public annoum•eusem at the time and piece of any preciously scheduled sale. Lendtr or
<br />E.tnder's tiesigsser may puccbasr the Pruprrty al any sale.
<br />Upon rereipl of pay rstrm of Ihr price tad, 'frustrx shall deliver to the purchaser Trrutye's deed conveying the Property
<br />sOfd. "fhe rerltal5 in the 9-notice's decd shall by prima facie evidence of Ibe trufb of the slalrmenls made therein, 1"rsarlee
<br />shgR apply lice procrrds of ehr sate in the followipy order, {{al to all reawnabte costs and txpensax of the sale, intludlrrg, bW
<br />rn~ tCmi#ed #u, 7'ruaite`s fees ref no! more than Z L of 1 `n of the Kross sett prier, reawnable attarnry'a frra and costs of
<br />...._ ,..
<br />#i..¢ e.idenci; f'i! io all surrrs srcurcd by #b!s iiced Or r r#asi; and iii ehr recess, if any, io the person or perauns itgatiy xainsyd
<br />ilrttttu.
<br />14. Ekrrrowyr's Ril;ht to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Linden's aeczlera4on of ehr scans sceun^J by Uny [wed of l7ust.
<br />&lurruwer slxa(l have the right to have coy proccaxliixgs 6egwt by t.tnder to enforce this [kcal al Trait disurnunutJ aI
<br />tiny U4r+c pnpr to thx carntr to o::cur of ii) fhe fifth day htfwc the sale of the Pnq;tny pursuant ^+ the power of salt nvxlatneJ
<br />in they Decd tit Tn:a[ tier tn) cnny of a }e:Jgnxcot erxfbrcuxg this CXed of Trust d, tai tiurrawtr pays S ender a!I Hums which would
<br />be ttxn Jue sender this DeeJ of I nest, the Nnu: anJ vines >ccurtng Eutun° rAdvansen, rt ;nnp, had na acceterauan cxwcurrcJ:
<br />thl lforrr,.vet cart, :tit hrcaclxas ,ri any cdhvr eavrnants ar agrt&ntnts tit Burrawrr cirmai;.cd m rhrs Famed tit -Trust.
<br />r~J E3nrra»er i*ak` .+11 +cas.rr,;ibk~ vttrz:i,av+ u,cm ttJ by Ltn'kt and "trustee in rntorc+ng the : _ en.tnis and ag[te+nems tit
<br />[ , ni'3
<br />- - - , , t)erd .:f 7ru;r stiff tie anCatbiug !mot=dens and sru-.tc_•~* rcnudtrs n+svpa r~JeJ i reragraph f8
<br />rrrrrt. _ ion,~+J t0- r.,tu table .+4toa.. _ tets_ ynil !Jl rim r:rwrtr take 4 ~h ust+rx0 as lrn.lcr'xxx y xuP,ts~
<br />rcyurre 6-- r..+.nn .,at .hr Ie+, .a ibex (herd st l:ust l..etdai'~ .ntCrrst ire the Prapxnv sod Bartz wcs'. irhhya .. r. F.. s
<br />