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3 <br />I~s~xuerlt'rvs: <br />~rj If tkt ktn is ctairitd by a fisrn or carporatiox, state kert tkat rs~iaut u a uscnebtr of Eke ~ ar #is <br />o~cial fapacity in tke corporatims. >~~~~ <br />(l~ State ktr6 aksr LY}'bal OP WrittHt fantraft, If 2t/!ittflf, attack tflpy, df iKR iS` L'oed. <br />(3j "Ercctiaa,,, ā€˛Coastruclson," "A_keration," or ;Repair," as tke case nwy bt. <br />%¢) Htre insert correct legal description of laud. <br />f~} !f tkc labor and material wart fnrnisked tkt tontractor and curt tkt ottnt¢r direct, scale "tkat-.-...._---.-.- <br />~os ekr caatractor ox ,raid building st-rd xtircy )or tlxs myxtr." <br />(6) If note leas bten giLtin, say "said amount is furtntr va,identtd jy a praueisaory Holt, a copy of said note <br />btattg kersto attacktd and marked `Ezkibit B :" <br />