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� _ _ --•--'------------�-�----' �_- -'' ''�`-- _ - -_--__ - <br /> ii_" - _" _:__ .." _ . 3'. . _ i, . - ' . '_, - '.. _ _ <br /> —4� . _. .� :.- . , - � . <br /> c� . '.r . . _— <br /> .; i'.' . " .CZ.. . _ _ <br /> , . _ _ ..�`? - . , . .._'_z- -.. . ' <br /> _— . .. e , . ' . _ ..1..�:'R�. � .. . _ , -.�.—. _--_ -_ -.—�__'"_ <br /> �— . .a i . '�" _ . . . - ` -. . . . , . , ` _ . � ' . <br /> ""�S'_`- _- _ .` , . - ". � �. ` `. ` . `. . ' ` ` ` . - . .. � . .` ` . ��~ ��Sr�8A}1` • <br /> . . • . . .. . . �i . [ <br /> . ( • � <br /> ' caisdcm��tian or other talcing of a�tv pai[o[the Property,of forconveyaa�e ia tieu of condemnatiar�ame hereby assi�ed and , � <br /> � shall be paid co[.ender: ' _ : <br /> fn tf�e e�ent of a mtai.taking of the�acecds.+sfialt be aQplied to the sums serucrd by thAC Secusity � ; <br /> - '� �tsua�en�,whejhec or not 1'hen.�.witt�a�ty excesc paid t�BorraH•er. tn the event af a partial taking oF the Property in <br /> which tt�e fair market vatue ai the Ptoperty immcdiately 6efo�e the t:JCing Is equat to or grea�er th�thc am�wnt of the sums <br /> secuced byr this 5ecurity Instrument immediatety befate the taking.unfess BoYrov►ee aaa Lender cuhecwise aS�ee in Kriting. <br /> the sums secucrd by.this Securiey instrument shalt 6e reduced by the amaurit of the praceeds muttiplied by the foflaweng � <br /> - -- _---- -={txtion:-(a)the towl ust.tount of t�suats seiatred itaated'rstaiy hef�re the t�tcinK,diaid�d by_fht tttc faut maslctt 4s1ue�th� . `-- __ <br /> — Propeny immedi�cety befae�he u�ing. Any batance shat! 6e paid co 8orrower., tn the�e�ent of a partiai fakin�of thc--'-- -- - <br /> Qruperty in whieh t�e fait marlcei value af-tfee Propetty immediately before_ihe tatcing i.c Iess than the anwunt of the swns _ _- <br /> - secured immediare[y befone the taL-ing,unl�s Borrower and Lendcr•�therwi,e agrec in Nriting oc uatesc appl'esable taw R -- <br />;„ otherwise pravide.c,the pmiaeeds shatt be apptieQ ta ihe sums seaned by tb't.s S�c�erity lnsttument whether or twt the swns ace <br />. thendue. " ��_-� <br /> !f the Ptopercy is atx�nd�ned by Bortow�er.or if.•�fces notice by txnder ta Borrawer that dic cartdemnor affe�to mak� -_ __ <br />:;.� an awa�d or settk a ctaim for dam�ges.Borcawer fa�'Lg ta res}�ond ta t.ender s�ithia 3R days af�er the dafe the notice i.4 gi+ren. ___-�, <br /> Lender is at[tJ►qrized ta rnlkct and aRply the its apt�ort.eit l u.�to restoration or rcpair o£,the Pra p e r t y or w the -------------- <br /> sums secue�d by�lus Secariry fnstrament.wh�ett�er or not thef►due. - ��-�-� _ <br /> �: Uniess 1.endes and Bam�R�ec othenvise agee irt wrieirtg.a�ry applica�iort of proceeds to prmip3l.shall not exten�or _ <br /> . postpone tl�e due date of the monthlY PaY��t3 refe�red to in paa�raphy 1 and 2 or change the aenauat af suchpayments. �;�:;_%Y -- <br /> il. Barro�rer NM Rekased: Faebearance Bs.i.e�der Nut u Wai�•er. Eatension of the dme for isaymeac or `.-.' .� <br /> �.._�:��..:. <br /> -, modific�tio�►of amnrtiratian of the swns secured by thfs Secarity,iaswment p�nted by Lendcr to any successvr in mte►rst •-..r.x.-,.- <br />.`�'•� af Barrnwer shati not operace to rcte�se the liability of the cxigina!Hoirawer or Borruwer's succes:�or.:in intem-�l.ender � ��z`=;�:. <br /> '�s�_,r <br /> �ha11 aot be required to commence pr+oceetings against any suecessor ia interest or refu�e to eatend titne for payrrtent caE -_-�.��,_ <br /> othecwise modify amortirrtion of the sums secured by this Secarit}r im-trument 6y ceasan of any demand made by the Q�igevaC.. -;•,_-:�'- <br /> _= Barnwer or Bnmawer's successrm in i�teriest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercicing�y ngt+t ar rerrkdy shall noc tne a �L:•3,;�__ <br /> �'Y waiyer of ar preciudc the exercise of any righ[ar rednedy. : .��-:r`�.- <br /> 4 = 12. Successas s�ad Assi�s Bound;Jdnt�rt�Se�renl LiabiUty:Co�signers. 7he cavenants and agrce�eRa of tliis � .-._ <br /> s�g <br /> . �� Security lnsaument shall bind and 6enefit the successo�a and a�signs af Lender a�d Borrow�:subject to the pmvisians of _- <br />-.-- ' -- . patagr�pli 17.•Borrawec s coveawts and agreemenu shall be jaint and severaf.Any BaRawer wha cv-signs this Secuuit} -_- __- - <br /> ' :, � � �. �• lnstiument 6ut does not execute Ihe Note: ta)is co-.r•igning thu Security Instiument ortly to mortgage,grant and convey that .��- <br /> ; . �:- �_ Borrower's inte�est in the Propeny uuder the temc�of this Security Intitrument: tb)is not�ally abligated ta pay the sum., ; `'` ` ` ._ <br /> � ' ' secumA by this Security Insuumeni;and tc)agrees that l..enderand any ather Barrbwer ma}vgret to exten4�nodify.for6ear �. y_-= <br /> ,� ;:��,.,:�?� or make uny accommodations with re�ard to the terms of this 5ecurity tas[rurinent ar t6e iVote withom ti�at Horrowers '� . `r= `_,:_=_ <br /> _�'> :•`�' :.. coresent. _' . .��=- <br />,',��: � " .'•�t��;. 13L �npo Gwrges. If the laan secured by this Secusity lnnrument is +ubject to a law which sees maximuae toan F, • °_ <br />-`•t: • `r;;;� charge�.:,,�#ths�t law is finally interpreted w that[he intemst or othec loan chargec collected or to be eoltected+n cormeaian� '�s��:: :.:_.- ^ <br />�.�' ` �= '- +����c�� with the}�n exceed the peanitted limi[s.then: la)any such toan charge xhall6e rcduced by ihe umount neces5aty to reduce •. <br /> , � :.. the charge to the permittNQ(imir and(b)any sums afr.�dy collected from Barmwer which exceeded permittecii�w�,:iis wil�be - . - <br /> '•_,� �:�;r�_ W,:• refunded to Borrower. 9�nder may chnase to make t�i�refundhy mducing the principul owed under the Notezc��*�.making a �` j.. } :��: <br /> � - �'=:j%��=°�-;,��� direct payment to Bortower. If a rrfund reduaes priacipai,thc reduction w�ll be cr�ted ac�partiai pcepay�r�t�4c:thont any x _�__ <br /> �: r'�a.•...2-..f�.:,.r.�, :• . . <br /> .,,� .. � :.�: prepayment charge under the Note. . <br />`�' 't°�:�`=��''!•r'"`` 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrawer provided far in this Security In�icument shall be given by delirecing it or�by ,__ <br />' '.>':. mailing it by firs�i et�s mail unless applicable law reyuire�utie of anather methad.The notice xhaU be directed�s the Piroparty <br /> :;;t;:'�' . '. Addrecs ar any ather uddnss Boaower designares by rtotice to Lender. Any natice to I.ender ShaU be �i�•ea�s�r first claati . �� . � , <br /> �s,-;=-�r,.°�,_<--9r-: mui!ta 1.ender's addresti stAted herein�r any athcr add�ess l.cnder designatet hy noticc to Rorrawer. Any notice pravided far _ _ <br /> '''.��;��:':,;i ��.;_?;�: � . in this Security Instrument Shall he decmed to hxvr tx;en given to Bortower ar l.cnder when given a.c prnvided in this � ' <br /> _;•� <br /> ` ' ������'rt.::°� pa�8��- � ��y�.. <br /> ;''� `_'--'°"-=�{�• Severabllit This 5ecurit tnct�ucnent rhall Ge avemed b irderal law aad the law af t�� <br /> - - �`,,,. . • 1;�H;'overnin�{Law: y. Y s y .- . <br /> ' '":"' �, jurisdiction in which the Property is locatcd. In the event th:►t any provi�ion ur clause of this Sa.urity Intitrument or the Nate , � � • <br /> . coaAicts with applirable 1:►w,such cnnflict rhall nat;:ffect��ther prnvi�iun.�f thic Securiry I:syxzcment ar ihe Note which can : <br /> � � be�iven cffect without the canflicting provi�ion_ ���4hia end Ihe pravi� this Sccur:� ;."��Irument artd the Note are , , <br /> �=`;:..•:':• , declarcd to be severable. . � � <br /> •s;r�:=: :.. � !6. Bon�ower's Copy. BaROwrr-�::l�al3lx si�;n one cnnfoancd capy af thc Nutc and at;i's�:�`'sacurity Instrumcm. '�;;.�;; <br /> ='�"= -'� 17. Transfer utthe PropeMy os a 6ene�ss,iad interest In 8arroNer. If alf or any part o:�:YR Properly or any interetit in �s!�:";:� <br /> ��.,.�¢. �... . , <br /> ,�. " ii is w1d ar transferred(a�,if•a bencfrcial iniec�:t i��8orrower is,nld or trantiferred and 8onower ic not o natural per�anl ;;:.`�•: <br />. {r _'}'��'.�..`°'.'•.�. - Sf� <br /> 1 �f without Lender's prior•���ra�en can+ent,l.ender:��4;::�itti oplion.�cquire immediate paymrnt in full of all�::enc securrd by <br /> ���� 3 thi�Security lnstrumena:.,�lowever,thi�optia�kv:aw!.�_�Ue exercised by t�nd��r if exercitie iti pr�hibited b}F�.�ra!law as uf , <br /> ,• t <br /> . >w,�t�.:�i�",-. •- • <br /> �����'• ' . �he date of this Security htstrumcnt. . . , , ° <br /> ;i�''F'`�i`=;, , Lf Fi.c;tder excrci�es thix apfic�.�r.dcr tiha!'s�:4'C$ORON'l'�lctice af ac�:lcr.uian. The nutire shail provide a periocf nf .. • <br /> . . ' . , nat te��.�t;�an 30 duyti frrnn the d.ue f^��r�atiee is d�r;tiered nr mai;�_�within a•hich 8urn��ver mutit pay aU�um��ecured by tbiti <br /> " - Security InsirumcN. if Borrower fail�to paL �i��: sumy priar tu�he cxpiratiun nt thiti periai. I.�:ndrr rnay imukc :u�y • <br /> . , remediey permitted hy this 5ecurily Im�rumrnt A�;?a�.t.further notice ar demand un Burcau•cr. �... <br /> •' � •' 18. f!a'rower's Rig,ht tu Rein!�tate. �i`-�%r�?rva-cr mcet� ccrtuin c�mditians, gattaw•cr �hall t�a�e+lse right tu hrve <br /> ...` ,.,��,+;'�';� enfurcemcnt of thi�Security In�tn:�i�c.u;a��::r-k.;t at aay �inn priur tu Qic carlirr��f: laf��tay�(or�uc4�athcr�xri�xl as � <br /> ::;.,,,. , � . ' � <br />� . ...`,',.�- SinglrPa^��t�..-�dsinit'tt�r•fteddM�l�r1�IFIlR�11�ti'INl'NF:Yf--1'ndunnCoccnnnt� 9'90 ir�ic�•�r,(np�i.c�'•� , ' . <br /> ,�''• .. � � . � . f�;, . <br /> ;i . . '? <br /> � ' --—- ..�,,,-, . . . <br /> . , <br /> ..,_ __ ..,-..,.,,�•,.�-:.- -- � <br /> , , .js.; • �. 'if'':} . . :.. <br /> . , 'r� • �r , <br /> .�+� . .. .. • , . . . . <br />' , . . . <br /> ; . , . <br />. . � , � . . , , <br /> . . . � ° , � • -_ . . ,-. - , - ,' . <br /> _ --. - ' —-'-=-�-.'_ ' -- - - <br />