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wF <br />i Iz,.-;~ h.- <br />`} <br />s3 <br />!) 4 <br />'J <br />xi <br />S <br />dE <br />3 <br />SEAL i -------; SEAL y <br />j~j ~_,. ;SEAL] <br />u"TATG 0'n' ! v'7~~~~ <br />tS: thls~day of ~ ~ ~ H.D.. 19 ~` , before ne, a tto *.ary Public Sc a.y Cor said County sad <br />scat?, nersonal!y appeared Jerry R. Dibbern and Verna F. Dibbern, husband and wife, <br />to the known to be the persons named 1n and '•vt?a executed tha foregoing Instrument, and acknowleCged that [hey execute^_ <br />the swine as their voluntary ac+: and Geed. <br />rlv commission expires-.~t.(2~_I~~~.?-. <br />~~11'-"I~UMNMtMU.. <br />~~ _ -_- .~~fRtlR- - ~ - <br />s~a,~;T ra'~3b <br />E r~~~ - <br />y ; ~. <br />t0 ~ j~d £j~ AQti u~. - - <br />fV ~bv3N~~6 31 iS_ ~ `~ <br />i ~~ ~~,Eq)~e:antd ~ '~ <br />_' .~~8 d .fit $ <br />- .__ _ <br />Vd <br />-''~"sr'`~2~t "~~ <br />]. T3rat She ov=al a7y dwar,.g i^e Rte t•^. t2 Y!o 23a3 '. .~ --e7r v 12'stgres. '-;r .ak'n or <br />o Lhe =.xarc LS2 a' emiherr, daeair: the whom ar ar• ^ar± n. .ne ..,aced .~_.> cr acv ?asezen' .*.erPS rn.~e31"g <br />y * ^tw - ~ - t'.^. -r>ive, a, .he said <br />award' are here,.y BSSig`i'.0-.^. tO nB Ma, ba$8?; t,ie 7f +r *i3$9? i i~r_ i 3ii: - 'Ze'`. tu- _"^_L " 3:i1 ^eC°.pt <br />t'2e:4ior and rd aaply the sae>_ iR pdy;sent of dnI Sdde3.,e.^_resS, -avured •,r ,^.-!atured, secured bY =••*.Ss mortgage. <br />{71 TLat Sn the evefit !'.artgagars deta,lt 'a the payment o. lain p^.^ci>=' s,~.,,, or of ar,Y ihs*.eZlment *hereor, rr <br />n. anY Snterest t?cocoon, at the time when the same shaY1 be du=_, or wit;^. respect to :rv aaveiiaat Dr condition h?re- <br />•, rhea. at ciao option of mortgagee, the entire 'rzdebtedness ~n'.;red r.A^cDY s*°ll f ^CLwlth Gecn:te due a^,d r^ayaDle, <br />shall Dear Interest at he default rate described in said acte, aad the Mortgage=r may Seeeedlately Inreclose this <br />mortgage or pursue any caner available legal remeh,,f. <br />(3) 'fiat In the even*. action is brought to _*oreclose *_his mar tgag°. **-D.e Mortgagee stab be anti Sled to ksenediara <br />ponsessloa of tY.e e+crtgaged pram.Ssas, and the sour*_ may appclht a race±ver to take possession of said premises, with <br />the usual powers of recaivers Sn like cases. <br />(9) That failure or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of its rights nr privileges shall Hat tae construed as a <br />waiver Lher=_et; that aaty act of Mortgagee waiving ary specific default ct Mortgagors shall Hoc be construed as a <br />waiver of any future de..*aults; that Sn case of default to t.*,e payment of and amortization installments or Snterest, <br />or Sa cage of paymenC Dy Mortgagee of any 11 en, judgment, tax, .nsuraace, cast o: expense, or rents, Zees ar cDarges, <br />said Mortgagee shall have the privilege, winc~ut declaring the whsle indeb^.edness due and payable, to foreclose on <br />amount Df such spool fit default Lor such sums as are in default arzd such foreclosure proceedings may De had an^ <br />the land described he.^ein may be sold, suD~ect T.o the ur.Fald SndeDten_ness Cer?by secured, a.; this mortgage shall <br />continue as a iSer: for a-Ly unpaid Ddlance. <br />(2oj That the Mortgagee may extend and defer the maturl ty of and renew and reamortlze saSd indebtedness, release <br />fi om 1labilf ty any party liable thereon, and ralease from the 11en hereof portions bf the property covered hereby, <br />without affecting the priority hereof or the 113b 11Sty of Mor±gagars or aqy ether party for 'the payment of said <br />indebtedness, all sunk extensSons, daf=_rme.^.ts, renewals, a_nd r=amortizatlons to be secured hereby. <br />(:.1) Trangier of Securl ty. It is ogre etl between the ,parties Derer_o, their heirs, legal representatives and assigns, <br />that t.*.e integrity and respoas1Df11ty of the Mortgagors cnnstl*_utes a part oS the noasideration ..*or the note secw-ed <br />hereby, aid that in the ?vent the Mortgagors shad soil, transfer, ar convey the property described 'Herein, the <br />Mertgage;e may at its option declare the entire Sndebtedness Smmediately due and payable and may proceed In the en- <br />fa_^aement of 1~5 rights as on ar;,• other default Sa r_he terms of the ante and mcrtgaga. - <br />(iz3,Asslgnment o° Proceeds of Mineral Lease. Mortgagors Her?by transfer, set aver, and convey to Mor`gagee all <br />rents, royalties, Damises, and delay moo?ys Y.hat may from time to time became due and payable under any oil, gas, <br />or other mineral lease of any kind now evlsting r that, may hereafter come into existence, covering the above land <br />or ariy~ past thereof. All such received Dy Mortgagee shall. De applied to the indeotedness secured Hereby; ar <br />se.Id riortgegee may at its op r.inn turn over and d2li.ver to t9fe Mortgagors or their suca?sacra in into..^ast, any or all <br />of sack stu7s without pre,iudlce to any ar Mortgagee's rights to take and r?talc, future soma, 3zd wl.thaut preJudtce <br />to any, of'~,1t3 r, ther rights antler ChL==; mortgage. The cr ansler and canvayanoe hereunder to Mortgages of sold rents, <br />royaljt i,es',,. bonuses,, and delay moneys shall he construed tc be s prrvi lion it;r the payment or redurtiorr of one mart- <br />gage tlebt, sttD,J~ct to the Mortgagee is option as hareinbetar? pra.ided. Sndepandeat of the mortgage 1,1 en an Bald real <br />estate~:~tipan payment in full of the eortgage debt and the release of *.h1s mortgage oT record, thisaonveyanae shall <br />become Sncperative and of ao further force and ef_rect. <br />tWords ami phrases heretirz, ir-ivdirg Cho ac krzo•.~ledgment hz rea r, aka 11 be ions true3 as in the singular or Mural <br />nusbe.-s and as masculine, feminiw_, ur neuter pc_rder, ¢c rordin2 *-o the rontexi.i <br />~ n <br />(SEAL) ~ (SEAL) <br />' yJ~er R. Di born <br />(SEAL) -1. t. ~~« ~J_~~/i~-2.z ,~ (SEAL) <br />Verna F. Dibbern - <br />l Type or pr, nt rdet siq Hat u•e) <br />Notary Pub 11c In and for said county and State _ - <br />