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<br />9fORT'GAGE toAN No. L z3. e5a
<br />!KNiowAl,t.MENBVTtfrsera~sians:ntaf Raymond P. Van Buskirk and Linda D. Van Baskirk, each in
<br />his and her awn right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Forty Thousand and No/100---------- _ ~O`.~~'O~O`~`"~.'at'OAafma'aemn¢
<br />lowed'. to xsirl morlpigor by The Equitable Brrildiag sad itwt Association of Grtmd itlaod, Nebna&a, Nortgsgee, uptm ~4DD alittsea rtf ~ttt[~ of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificrte No. L 23,852 , do hereby g[aa1, comsclr and mortgage mto the said ASBUCIAT[UN the tiiBeswiag
<br />desm'tiad real rotate, sitwted ut Iltdl County, Nebraska:
<br />together with a9 the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, inrludir~ attached Hoot oove[args, all wiadoty saerns,
<br />wiatiow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, av uorrditioning, and plwnbing and water equiprttent and accessories thereto, pum}vs, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixttues and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used ut connection with said real. estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shag and will pay all taxes and ^~---^~-^ts Icvied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage sad the bond secured tkirreby before the same shall become delinqurat; to furnish approved
<br />ieL9rrffitce upon the buddiogs an said promises situated in the sum of b 40 , ~ ©~ . UD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to delivr[ to said
<br />ASSOCIAT'!ON the policies tar said insurance; and root to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />1n rose of defaatt in the performance of any of the terirss and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hettby, the rrrortgagx .shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled [o immediate possession of the mortgaged premises sad the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers sad leis ovxr to Gee
<br />mortgages all the cents, revenues and incomu to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the petwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said p[emisea and resting
<br />the saute and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of ttpsiring said prearives and necetsa[y
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of wllecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />agldied toward thx discltargr of said rsntrtgage indebtedness; these rights of tta; mar#gggee :nay be exercised at any tirrre drrrirg the existence of wch
<br />defeat:. irres~c#i: of amq temporary waiver aC tbe same.
<br />Thrffi ~ettms, howrv^_r, are u,^..~..^. Ih~ Cc:.dii~n, That if t!-,,, said ma :gagar sl-a:! r.oay -said iaan am m h~fare ihr ma?urity of ~'r s~siss by
<br />payment; pay rtnnthiy [o said ASSOCIATION of fire sum specifred in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or lxfore
<br />the Twrnt~th day of each and ~ry tnnnth, unto' said Poan u fatty paid: pay all taxes acid aMR~ants levied a said
<br />gaittEt pzemises sad an this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquenry; frunish approved instuance upon the huildings thereon in the sum of $ 40, ~~~. ~~ payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATCON; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by ii paid for wch taxes, assesunenu and inwmnce with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment ail of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and wmply
<br />with all the agreencents and conditions ol'the Bond for $4l), DDD. DO this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all [he requirements of the Constitution and By-taws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become nuB and void, otherwise they
<br />shall rrtnain in fu0 force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payments or he three months m arrears in making said monthly payments, ar to keep and comply with the agrcetrtents and conditions of said Bond:
<br />and Mortgagor agrces to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if there u any change itt ownership of [he real estate mortgap~xi herein, by sale w otherwise, then rite entire ttnraining indebtedness hereby
<br />rcmed shall, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of (:rand island, Nebraska, becaare immediately due and payable without
<br />(tsrthcr notice, and rite suutunt remaining dme under said ba.„d. and any otixr land for any additional advances made therzuader, shall, fmm the
<br />date of exrrcuc of taut option, bear interest at the nvaximtun legs] nte, and this n.ortgage Hwy then be foreclosed to satisfy the amotm[ due on said
<br />hood, sad any other bond fat additional advaatxs, together with all surra paid by said 'Cite Equitable Building and l.aan Association of Grand lslatid,
<br />Nebradu for uweronce, taxes and aasesstnents, and abstracting extension elrarges, with utterest thereon, fratn date of papaen? at the maximum
<br />~ mre-
<br />As provided im rite &rad ttictircd hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the nmrtgagce may hereafter advance additional su[ua to the
<br />rwkers of said Basid„ tl~ir tua~,igttp„qg sucwswrs in iptesest, which sums slvtll dx: within tkte security of this rmtrlgage the saute as CMe foods origiaaBy
<br />secured thergby, tht ttrta<E amtttunp.~crf ptincipai debt mat. to exceed at any tune the urigutat antewrrt of this mortgage.
<br />-~)ated Clt«S '~p.,~Y <lay of ^~f3Sft~7E:r A. D.. {yr
<br />1 _._ ~ ~~~ . ~ .
<br />- - CTyttl{(3n fin a5 r
<br />. tit f... ~ ~_.._-~__
<br />Li nfNa D. °,Van G'tsski rk
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ da of ?'104L'IRITBT `i
<br />rev rarrtr rv_ u e r : st. On this 1.2~J3 y 15~- .before me,
<br />,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ;,r,....1
<br />Raymond P. Van Boski rk and Linda D. Van Boski rK, undersigrtcd,a Notary Public in and far said Cotmty, perw»aBy saute
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other who are pcrwnally known to
<br />me to be the tdenitcitl perwn S whose nanrc S d re affixed to the above instrwnent as mortgagor S and they severally
<br />ackmcrledgrst the said instrument [a be their vo/untsry as[ and dced.
<br />WffNESS my Crurd and Nota[ial Sea! the data aforesaid. -
<br />My Conurtisaron xpues i /.,~ ~ . .
<br />strum ar ~ _.,_ - _. lYOlary -
<br />i ~ . .
<br />