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<br />
<br />Thi. male attd msa the deli of `~-~t.~ . ~ ~'
<br />I9 ~ ,-by and between MONICO C. ANDRADE, JR.: AND CIA S. ANDRADE, HI)<SBAND AND LITRE ^ -
<br />(hereinafter referred to u raortgagar) and the Administrator of the Small Bttainea Adatfnistratioq as a~ttcy"of the
<br />Government of-the United States of America (hereinafter referred to u mortgagee), vrho mtintaau an owe"`ttad
<br />plaoeotbutiaenatEmpire State Building, 19th & Farna+, Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~trtvtsa~ that,fot the eoneideratil~a 6etraiaafter stated, receipt of wlueJt- ia_heteby , tie
<br />taettgagor°doea hereby mortgage;-sell; ~raat, attiga; sttd convey unto- the mortga~ ma:s~r~ aad taut, ;11
<br />of the folhtirins.deserihad pwpetty sitnated"tadbeirtR in thm County of IPall
<br />State of Nebraska..
<br />Lot three (3) in Galvan Subdivision, in the
<br />Gity o£"'Grand island, Ifa1T County; Nebraska
<br />Togrtaer with. pttd including all 6uiidang~, all fixtpres incinding but not limitrtl to all plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air condiUunittg upparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />derlating kltat it is intended that the itemr, herein enumerated +hull be deemed to have been prrmaneutly iu.
<br />.talleSl as part of the realty), and all impruvrutents now nr ixereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appuHenanrren andall outer rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />versions, remainder- and remainders, all rights of rrdentption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the alx,ve
<br />described property..-(Provided, however, That the mortgagor shall be Pntitled io the po'•~r.=iott of <aid ;rr±xper2v
<br />and to cotiect undretain the rents, issues:, and lrwfits unlit default hereunder). 'l'o have ata,l to hold the same
<br />unto tae•nwrtgagee and tae suet±r_saors in intecesi of the mortlyagee forever in fee simple or :;uch ether estate,
<br />if any, err is.staied herein.
<br />"x`lte mattgagar-ce±renanis tint be is lawfally seised and potseased of and has the right to Ball and convey said
<br />property; that thg:.. same ie free- from "all eratanbraaees -etteep3 _aB _ hercinabove recited, and -that he hereby binds
<br />him, tell and his sacceaaors in interest ko warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />thaclNibw,et all liergona"wltomsoevet.
<br />'Phis instrument is given to secure the payment of a Drortueenry r+ae« d,,,ad `~~~.~ ~ ) ,
<br />inrf7te.~stiacipal:etmtoES:-1~:,SJ4-rD0-.-.~~yMoaico C. andrade,3r. and Pfarcia S. Andrade
<br />iah,•hs}f„f themselves
<br />~aA rerm 917 I3~-'133 Prorlov, Edfrfoor or. Ubrolrm.
<br />