<br />~_ }~.~~~
<br />Phis Indenture, Msae by ana between .Dugan Ftmeral Services, Inc,; A Nebraska Corporation
<br />- :-....._..._ ...............whether one or more, hereinafter referred to ss mortgagoz
<br />and the First National Bank and Trust Company of Fremont, rr^remont, Nebraska hereinafter referred to u the Bank,
<br />The Mortgagor for and in consideration of ($.. 1~O~EN~OzC0
<br />-One Hundred Ei Thousand and no 100th^ paid by the bank
<br />..----.___......_ ...................__._. Sd?tY...............___.........----_......_...........--._..----......----...._.._......._.......__--..DOLLARS,
<br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents, does grant,
<br />bargain, sell and convey, unto said bank, the following descri~real prcpert situated in the County of ...._H211........
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-w;t: Fractional Lot Two 2 in Fractional Block One Hundred Three~~(103} iIl
<br />goenig & Wiebeta Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and its complement,
<br />Fractional Lot Two (2) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103) in Railroad Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska AND Lot Three (3) in Block One Hundred Three (103) in
<br />goenig &Wiebeta Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska .AND Fractional Lot
<br />One (1) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103} in Railroad Addition to the city of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska and its complement to-wit; Fractional Lot One (1) i.n Fractional
<br />Block One Hundred Three (103) in Hoenig &Wiebeta Addition to the citg of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />towt.`rer with all {he tenements, herediiaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, claims and
<br />demands whatsoever of the mortgagor af, in or to said premises or any part, thereof; and said mcrtgagor doss hereby cov-
<br />enant, tl[at the mortgagor is ]awfully seized of said premises, that. said premises are free from incumbraace and mortgagor
<br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises againsi the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDEB ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions:
<br />WHEREAS, the mortgagor has executed and delivered to the Bank .._....... _..._ tine ..... ..... mmisacry note
<br />calling for 81~ consecutive monthly payments o£ principal and interest of $3, X3.20
<br />beginning December !t, 1980. The final payment shall be due and payable November ty, 19$'].
<br />and has agreed to maintair. fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance on said premises in amounts required and in
<br />companies spp:•o:•ed by the bank and with standard mortgage clauses which policies shall be delivered to the bank, and hsa
<br />agreed to pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises before the same become delinquent and to maintain said
<br />premises.
<br />Now, therefore, if the mortgagor shall comply with all of the provisions of said note and the provisions hereof, then
<br />these presents shall be null and void.
<br />However, if the above note and interest thereon or any payments called Por thereon are oat paid when due or if any
<br />of the covenants of this instrument ere not complied with, the bank, or the holder hereof, ut its option map declare Lhe re-
<br />maining balance of said indebtedness due and payable amd may maintain an action at lain or in equity fa recover ail amounts
<br />due and enforco the pravieiona hereof. In the went of the failure of mortgagor to maintain the prarnisea, ar to maintain
<br />insurance as is above provided for, or to pay taxes or assessments, the holder hereoY may advance the sum or soma neresea~ry
<br />to obtain compliance and such amounts shall be added to the amount duu.+ on tha stove menti[taed pots: anal hear interest at
<br />the highest legal t~tE.
<br />IT sS FURTHER dGREED, this mortgage shat' constitute native hereof, ihek this nuartgsge is sar[:rity for not snip
<br />the amount advanced concurrently with the execution hereof but all future advances which may be made xG the ~nriaa of the
<br />parties or their assigns up to the total amount stated in this mortgage, to the same extent as advances ariginaliy made here-
<br />under. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each Mortgage Note including the interest rate, payment, maturity,
<br />penalties, and other terms shall concurrently upon execution become a part of this mortgage.
<br />IT IS ~EURTHER AGREED, that the said 1ortgagor shall and will pay ull taros levied upon this mortgage or the debt
<br />secured Lheiebq;together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under fire Lawn of Nebraska, against the
<br />said,fQ-=4R~ h~10&at~.holder of the said principal note(s) on account of this indebtedness.
<br />~'DR? A~RSED, if at any time, while the mortgage is in effect and the note for which this mortgnge is
<br />li'gli ~seenriry, or §ny'~aM~theL•eof, remains unpaid, the undersigned Mortgagors sell, convey or coa{rac[ to sell the real
<br />hereip described; ti~ arfj thereof, or the Mort
<br />gagors do not have or cease to have title to said real estate or any
<br />'pIK thereof, then and in sQy ~eventa, the Mortgagee may, at its option, declare the unpaid principal balance, and interest,
<br />7"0! the nf~e 8scured hezebp TnsulRd(ately due and payable. In the event that these premises are not now, or should hereafter, not
<br />,~ aeeupitt~dty mortgagor n his instrument shall constitute an assignment of rentals and service of a copy thereof unen the
<br />- oi~upa,[tit-;~lt $e'°~afficieao:regaire alt payment for rental or use of the premises after date of such service to made to
<br />rtw,;tp'~~g4e. ,„
<br />"~tgg~adis~¢Lh.._.,:~ .....:...day of....._November .
<br />-.... _._ , 19.80... ..
<br />~. flt ~.
<br />-; ~q ~ ~ as ~- "~ ~ ;Rln t+saaence of DUGAN.. FtTNERAI, ST(.r,~S, ITiC . .
<br />.;f"~rt•• ~c ~ -t: e A N~ C RATIO .~...
<br />,'
<br />i,... ..... BY % r
<br />r--~
<br />~ ~w .. ... l i'T}17a ~' TSiraa~ w-a; -d'B~-'
<br />.- :~~_. ._M..._.
<br />STATE OF......_..._.._..._...,._ ....... ........... __ ,County of ~ v
<br />Before nom, a notary public qualified for said r-vunty, personsllp came
<br />~'~ttown to me tp ba the identical persoa or uenons wha signed cha foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution tltere-
<br />~f to ha h1a, her or their'6oluntary set and deed.
<br />„~ Witness my head ltd notarial seal on
<br />- .._ .. ........_..._..........._...._...._ ... _.., 19--....
<br />Mp eummisaion expires:.. __ ...... 19. .._ .. _..._. _.... Notary Public.
<br />STATE OF ..._.... _ .... ..... ... ..... 1 Entered on numerical index and flied far record
<br />County ..._... _... _. _._.... _ { es in CY,e Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />. ......._.___...-....-day of.._. ... .._ - ls. at - o'clock and. minutes 35.,
<br />end recorded in Book.. of at pegs. -
<br />Keg of Deeds
<br />fly lk•put}.
<br />