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_z_ gp.= ~~~~s X474 <br />as a Lien upon the Trust Property subject only to encumbrances <br />existing as of the date ixereof,will cause this Trust Deed, and each <br />amendment or supplement thereto, to be filed and recorded as a <br />mortgage of the Trust Property in such :canner and in such place, <br />and will take such other action as in the opinion of Trustee may <br />be required by any prn_sent or future law in order to perfect, <br />maintain and protect the lien of this Trust Deed, as thES'same may <br />be from time to time amended or supplemented. <br />2. Payment of Principal and Interest' Trustor shall punctually <br />pay the principal of, and interest on, said promissory note in- <br />cluding any advances thereto as provided herein on the dates <br />and at the place and in the manner provided therein and will punc- <br />tually perform all agreements ,, conditions, and provisions of any <br />ether security instrument given in connection with this transaction. <br />3. Preservaticn and Maintenance of Property Trustor will not. <br />commit any raaste upon the Property and will, at ail times, main- <br />taro the same in good order. and condition and caili make, from <br />time to time, all repairs, renewals, repi<:cements, auditions and <br />improvements which are reasonably required Lo preve:at waste, <br />impairment, or deterioratian of said property. \o building or <br />improvement rota ar hereafter erected upon the Property shall be <br />altered, remoued or demolished without the prior written consent <br />of lit neficiary. <br />4. Damap.,e to Property. In case of any da;nage to, or destruction <br />af, the buildings, improvements or personal property constitutin <br />part of the Trust Property, whether such loss is covered by insur- <br />ance or otherwise, Trustor, at is sole cost and expense, will <br />promptly restore, repair, replace and rebuild the same as .,early <br />as practicable to its condition immeciiateiy prior. to such damage <br />ur destruction cr ~:ith such changes and ai.tLraticJ;xs as 7`rusL-or z:lay <br />deem apprapr:Cate, ;~ravided such changes 3t:d^r:-a~ti.ons cio net. <br />m,a,terially lessen the value and util:Cty crl such ]auildi.;gs, ..-.~,;arovst- <br />mE.;,rts and•4se1,-5(:)1°Saiity frcJrl that exi,sitrtg imtnecli;a'~eiy j>riox• ~w suer: <br />r3;;x„:rage o rr action. Trustor shall ue an tr.t.lcei to ~, irtburscmc=r.t <br />~:rom tho^Llrllm t: e.E tU the extent ~l"' ;: k.... :.°.t ~ ,S tYruil C„La p~CtkL r_tx'u5 7. f3-^ <br />calved by Ts:-ustee, but only to the exttncsof the actual su,~t <br />pea~ded under this prevision. j' <br />5. Corporate Trustor. ii Trustor is a corporation, it will cio <br />all. things necessary to preserve its corporate existence, rights, <br />and privileges under the laws of the state of its incorporatio;;. <br />6. Insurance. Trustor, at is expense, will maintain with ixl:sut°ors <br />approved by Beneficiary, insurance with respect to the improver„e^t5 <br />nand personal property, constituting the Property against :oss by <br />Lire, lightening, tornado, and other l,eriis covered by stanciarc: <br />aaxtended coverage endorse,~mrnt, in an amount equal to at lea:~t ;,rc,_~ <br />hundred pere,ent of the full. replacF.m~ent value t,nereat; and i.r~=•ur- <br />,:anco against such other hazards and irl such atraount as is cu~t,.~,::::t,- <br />ily carried by owners and operators of si;rrilar properties and ;;~ <br />E~eneficiary may -require for its protection. Trustor will com;); <br />with such oth.~r requirernerrts ac 3eneiciary ;lay Lrom time to i`~~. <br />=equ=:st for the protection by insurance of the interest ai t'r:,- .. <br />spective parties, All insurance aolicies r.;ai;tai,;eci pursua;-:t ,~, - <br />this Trust Deec't shall name. 'Trustor atld I3c:neticiarv as insures, , <br />Their respective interests rlay appear, and provide that thc.<>~ ~:,~:-~.. <br />be no cancellation or modi.ficaeion wi.fihout `iitee:l days prior lar~l- <br />ten lionL-fication to Trustee and Geneiir_iary. in the ~v~„t <br />pOlCy fif?-Pelt' ;car 1~ „yt r3i; c' u uli ui u3ivi r, -.~iL4t. E';, i.a le <br />lt& @xpi.r?10'1 date ,~TrUSteL Ox' t?'exl iCl.3 ry ~.kly '.ri Oi:Urc.. LC ::, 1; :'-- <br />anee and the ;;oat thereof shall be added to the lozlll secur:,.i ;>~,; <br />this, 'frost 'iced a:td shall. bear interest at the greater .,f ~;.~ - <br />~e;r<.st rate specified therein er th=~ highest interest r;lte~ .:ut=,~>~ - <br />i~~;d by the law:: o£ the State of :vebraska. Truster shat: doi~,~- <br />