<br />X30®= s;,i~~_,~~7
<br />iiwlt~rcACE ~~~ Mortaave re-recorded to show_correct rnarita3 status
<br />MORTCAG£ LOAN NO. LZ3>' 843
<br />3alOWALLMBNBY7HPSEPi2ESEN7'S:Thai Thomas M. Atkins, Sr., and Linda J. Atkins each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Twenty Thousand and No/100 ------------------------~ort~or'wfiethermt`orrt~e'in°°~ztatinn°ftE"'®°f
<br />-----------------------------
<br />lwned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and [,oar. Assaciation of Grarnl Island, Nebraska, MEartg~gee, upon 2~D fa(((ce of atodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cer[ificatt No. L 23,843 , do hereby grant, convey and trtortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBwv®g
<br />described real estate, sittated in Etall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with a6 the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor tpvtrings, cell window sixeens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or htreafier attached m or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree there the mortgagor shall and wi6 pay all taxes and assessments {evied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upur. this mortgage and the bond secured therebv before the same shall became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />irsstuance upon the buildings un said premises situated io-the sum of 3 2O , UUU. UU payable to said ASSO(lIAT10N and to deliver [o said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies forsaid insurance: and ^ot to cammit or permit anv waste un or abtmt stud premises;
<br />•~- is rue of default in [he pertarmance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage ur the (rand secured hereby, [he rttortgaget Shall,
<br />on.deniand, are entitled to immediate possession of tltr mortgag_^d {,rem:us and the rnuttgagur !erreby assip-,ns, transfers and sets over to fhe
<br />mortgagee all i he rents, revenues and inwme to be derived from the mortgaged pmmtsts durvsg such tune as the mortgage utdebmd.•aees shall remain
<br />un'ps~; and tht rrtortgagce shall have the power to appoim any agent or agrats n may ilesne t:ar thz parpvst aC repauutg said premises and renting
<br />tha~aaine and collecting the reins', revtmrrs and incortu, and it may pay out of said tncomt all expenses of regauing ~tid premiss a.^.d ntM.ssary
<br />eomirsissians seta zxpens~ incurred in renting and nianagmg the same and uC callcettng rrutals tbtrefrom; the 6alana remauting, if any, to tee
<br />cep tawaril the d;s„-~l;argc of said tnurigagr indebtedness: these riKitts ui tl:c murteagcc rtay be exerctu:d a5 :env e;-,,;r dsui.ng et:e ;•xisfeex aF sp;,h
<br />de `gyt6, nresprettvr ref any terrtpanry waiver of the same. "
<br />'t"l:ex~ Prrstnts, hc:.~.~r, are upon the (:ondition, I [s'tt tf ih,r ~.rd Mort„agar v8:al.l repay •.,as.: loan ur, ur Qe[aee thz sruatuity of aatd shares by
<br />paynuenl; pay rrnanthlY to said ASSOCIATION of the sum spccifrcd in the Lund srrurrd hrtzhy as :merest and prtmapxl uu ~ !rut, oa err before
<br />tht Twentieth day ut each and every- rmsnth, until said loan t_ fully paid; pay aE! lazes and asset relents kned against sand premises and on ribs Mortgage
<br />and the Banil secured thereby, before delinquenevl tumrsh approved unurancr u{can the bwldings thereon m the sum of 3 2U ,ODU. OU payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay h, :cad ASSO(IATION upon demand all ttnmry by a paid fin such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest a[
<br />the maxunwn legal rate thereon from date r;f pavnwnt all of which Mongagm hrrebv agrrxs m pay, pentut nu waste un satil p¢mises:kctp and comply
<br />wrth all the agreercents and conditions of the Bond fnr $ 2U ,ODU . OUthts day given fry the said Mortgagor w said ASS(A'IATION, and comply
<br />with all the rsquuemtnts u(the CunstituLUn and By-Laws ul saiil ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become null end void, otherwise they
<br />shall rornam m foil force and may bt foreclosed at [ire upuun ul the said ASSOCIA"f10N utter tadurz mr (beet months to make any of said
<br />payments or be that nnrnths m arrears m ntaking stud monthly paY mrnts, of to keep and unnpty wnh the agrtrmems and vndrtions of saiil Bund;
<br />and Mortgagor agrets m have a receiver appointed Garthwilh in such foreclosure pnsetedmgs.
<br />!f theta is any c!!angt m ownership of the real estate mortgaged heaein, by sale ur otherwise, then the enter( rernatnmg indebttdneu hereby
<br />secured sdxall, at the option of,The l~qurtabie Building and Luan Assucialxsn of (;rand Isiaitil, Nebraska, betumc imrnedutdy dot and payahk without
<br />Curthtr notita;, and iht arrouat reertatumg dtu tinder said bond, and arty other bond fur any addiuunal advances made themtmder, shall, from the
<br />Aatt of txtecise of verb( opucnt, beat interest at the maximum legal rate, and this uwrtgage nary then be Cortcloseil to sa[isiy tree artwunt due an said
<br />band, and any other bond for additiurtal advances, together wtih xil sutras paid by card 'f rte Eywtable Building and Loan .4ssucmtion uY (;rand Island,
<br />Nebraska fo[ rrtsuranee, razes and assessments, and abstracting extenvun charges, with interest thereon, from dale ut rxynrnt aE the nraximwn
<br />legs[ tatr-
<br />As provided rn the Bond srwred hereby, while this mortgage remauts m enecl the mortgagee may pterrattu adaarcx nddnwnal scans to tht
<br />rtaalttrs of said Bored, [heir assigns oa successors ut vtteresi, which sums shall br wnhm the srctuuy of this rreurtgtrge the sanm as the funds originally
<br />sMtred thereby, the fatal amount of principal debt nut hr cxuc6 ai any ume rite uuynal amount m tha niurtgage-
<br />-~~~~~ `4th. - '~ ~~ut""" . 'iJOVemu2 t' A. i).. 1't ULi
<br />TifQm~4ts. `iT`'"A-t fk P ~ ; ~-`'4-
<br />Linda J. Atkins
<br />STATE Ot' NEBitA:ikA, ~ _ ,s { s,
<br />C(YfiN1'Y OY HALL ~ w "" °°~, • un. day of ,yovenroeY I9O11 -before ate,
<br />iht undtrngncd, a "iotary public ur and tot sail County, lrcrsonally came
<br />Th(xnas t~. Atkins, Sr., and Linda J. iatkins, each in his and her nwn rirlht, and ,~s snousE
<br />'.if coach Othef wbo r ~ iw~nally ketowo ro
<br />mo tt, !m thz N.feotrcai ptrwn 6 whose natue ;, d Ye a,`hxed us the a!mve mstrurnert ax murtgagw s;,d `hE'y severally
<br />ardtrxswStdatd tEte s'ani tns[rt._.rtetu ',, r,~ f ht:. i r• t„lunta;y abt and deed- '
<br />- ~3;NE,;~3 ss: i,~d -acrd Nor real Ssxl the dnr€ atureo-aid
<br />S;ps.~ -' .: care='
<br />eoa9zu At `„«.~ _ _ .~ • ' rtj„taR i`nhhc
<br />