MPS 31-06-fl592
<br />
<br />~Vil it l7Atl~
<br />3
<br />Phis form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four family
<br />provisions of the' Nations[
<br />Housing-Act. ,
<br />2•Hf3lFfOk'fYsAGt3,madeandexecuted-this 10th "day of Novetnber ,A. D.
<br />14 $O. ,by andtietwepn Motile S. Malone and Tattti V. Malone, husband and wife.
<br />of tlte•CtwMy of Hall and Stale of Nebraska, party of the lust part, hereinafter called
<br />rhrMortgagor,attd Mortgage Plus Incorporated ,
<br />acatpdratitutotgarrizedandexistingunderthttawsof the United States of America
<br />party of tfte secotrripsat, hereinafter ca[led.the Mortgagee,
<br />WITt3t3SS8T1i: Tftat the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty- Three Thousand and
<br />00/100ths-----Dollars (S 33, 000.00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />-~, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Biu-
<br />gai>b,- Sd[> d'sottvey alai Confirm unto the ~rrtgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-describxd
<br />real'aatate, 9luatad in the ConntYOf a ,and State
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />&ot Fifty-$'4ttr t5ej , rdolfe's St?+division, in the [City of
<br />Grand"Island, Hall County; Netaraska.
<br />Also 7mawn as:
<br />420 Sohrtson Orive
<br />Grand Island, 23E 66fi01
<br />af'the S[xth Principal Meridian. comaittfttgin alt city p>•opertY Deeps itccording to Gavern-
<br />mpat,survey:
<br />T_ly HAVE :A'vLt'C[) HOLD the premises adtu_z dzscrit~d, v.tth ail tht appurtenamces iherzurua tazti)nging and ineiudiny.
<br />~~[ [sCatirr,~-ptt,n b:r~a.rct tgm'iii~fiatures seed ~.yttipmcru now ur hprza[tt'r: at NaGhcd tr+~a useu in atnneefton with .ltd era! estste
<br />until the M[ortg~ee, seed to:its successors and assitms. [urever. 'f_he Mctt~tgagt!r. a'epresenh~!a, ,nil +:uveaants wnh. the bfurtg;
<br />gqp-,'.tiiutt ihs• Martgagct€ilss-good ri~tt io sell at~td ~tms•ey said pranrrs~n~aq f~~hdnt ihoy ane feeb'from encumbrance: and that the
<br />t~ctr ~i-[F'~srt"~5t-;~t[d~#a~-4r`tz same against t[te law `rui claims dr aii)+rraanc whamvoa ver: and the said ~furtysger here-
<br />by relinquishes alt-rights.of hutnestead. and aR martial rights, either in law ur in e+}trity, and all other contingznt interests of the
<br />Mtrrigagtrr in soil to the atwve-described premises, the intentian being to aunvey hereby an absulutr title, in fee simple, inctud-
<br />ittgall rilfhU of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />#iftfll`fDED'ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the followingconditions, to wit:
<br />- -The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Martgagee, err order, the principal sum of Thirty Three Thousand
<br />and QO/100ths-°--------.Daltars iS 33, 000.00 ).
<br />with pntereu lean data at t[te nte.uf Thirteen r centum 13.00
<br />!» l `"~) pzr annun: un
<br />the unpaid balance unt[I paid. "fhe said principal and interest shall be payable au the uf[ice of Mortgage Flus Incorporated
<br />>s~tg~$wood C.c3 g ur [suchut} r +.yc h~~derrtf
<br />to ~ ~1
<br />Utenokeutay~iesigaateihwr[tittg.ioinanty~mentsut `yhrae Btutdred Sixty dive an 1~1'1:1'~~'~is----___
<br />'- _---"-'-----'flu[la€s iS 365.31 1. a+mntendmg un the hr+t J~ty of
<br />' JrAZluaxzy ~ , 19 81 , and un the first day of each month thereafter until the pnrtctp d :nil in~
<br />cereal alp fatty -paid, exsepl chat t e fvu~l pa ~ tut principal and interest, if nut suaner paad, shall he dun and
<br />t+a}r~ble-on ttre Hrst+3a of Oer ~~~~
<br />Y ; all aaurding to the farms of a czrwm P.rumu-
<br />-~~a~t£ ui-ovt€t-d~#c herb€h ~xzouic~ ny the aa[d PAuttgix-gor.
<br />'Tlte Murigttgvr in ceder mote fuQy to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />t... `that he.wi[t pay the indebtedness, as. ttereinbefare pravided, ['riuilege is resen'ed to Ray the. debt in tubule, ur in an
<br />arrtouiuegyat to Drip er mote monthly payments an the principal that are nest due r+n the note, on the first day of any month
<br />pTrur to maturity: B4uvi¢C.Xf, hnuevpr, That writtea natice.uf tm intentiin to exercise such prtvilege is givr:n at Ica+t thirty 1 itb
<br />days psis-~ to ptepaytnertt~
<br />.'~, 711at, Cc+gpCg4r w7th, slut-irs addititn tu, ihp rnonthiy Payment-s of prineipaLand interest payable under the terms of the
<br />ruYtp scrVrurodhetebg,#hp Mortgagor wiJi~ pay to the Mortgagee, oa-thC first day of essch muntJt until the suit4 ntue i5 [Wily paid. the
<br />fo[krwing st'ems'
<br />fa} A,-notrnt tetlfitt~nt tetpta~t3he ti+atdet hetta# with lands w gay the next mortgage insuean~e prtnuutn tl thzs
<br />instturneitt the natte tr~ttred hereby are tttmrted; ur a muntttty a-harps t ex fleet trf a :rartgzzec irrsiirut,rr• tier
<br />+sltrml if i$rpry srp-hektdFy' rJkp 5errptary of F{auurtg ant[ lFrban Dttvetupntent: as #a[kns-s:
<br />fi;_ •' -^.-. -„% its:~ ~ note 7f c°- a d #kis irt3rromtn2 ate msured <4r are eeutsur:•;! sender rite p~;c,-
<br />vtsts+n[r r!1s$a =~tirartat Housing Act. an rent zunF atr('tu;3u€it 1_~ aceutnufat~~ ur the hands at [hr he,ol+3r. c+nr
<br />yi£t1,;gl d rdrerrs,+nay be ursct urrrit aa+yFtr :. e.t, wrtae i+'1:1T6° t iii' ~ E§ fi ttAk Kd
<br />