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- _. --- <br />!COTtD'HEAL: ESTATE-MDRTCiAdSE-tAltth Taz-Cisuse~ - Tbn Hnttaua aevnrnl 3vpab Honso-, L;vcota, 1Pnbr. <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY' T~FESE PRESENTS: <br />~80~`~~ffi~4~+~ <br />THAT I or WE, HDWdl~t W. and. LORE2dA I. LEGG_ <br />of Hall County and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of <br />EIGHT THOUSAND THIRTIt AND NO/i00THS ($8,030.00) ----------------Y-_________ DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL a+sd CONVEP unto <br />JOE E. and DOROTHY M, SETLIK-and Q.ARENCE and VERNIE SHUDA <br />, (rno:tgagze), <br />of Hali County, and-State of Nebraska , tke fdllowinq described pre+xises <br />situated in Hail ,County, and Srat¢ of Nebraska. to-uit: <br />Lot Six (6), Westroads Fourth Subdivision <br />The intan#inn being to cum~ey hereby an absolz~.a tins in fee simple inclading all the rdgltt; of horncstead and dozoer. <br />TO H.'lYE r9ND TO NrtrD the premises nbnve d¢srribed, zcatl: ctl the app„,rterantcs therastntn t°F•lo>tyisrg onto <br />Cho said mortgagee or mortynyees and to Iris, her nr their heirs and ass°icrs, for¢z~~er, prnzid¢d atevays, and fh¢s¢ pres- <br />ents firer upon the express condition that if the said rngtrtgaynr or annrtyrrgors, Iris, her ar their hears, executors, adnrca+t. <br />isiratar:r or rtrsigns shall pay ar carne coos paid to rho .raid mortnagetr or zrzortgaq¢es ancd to his, star tr thc`ir heirs, ¢s- <br />arttvrs, adsnni.;tt~tors or assigns, the s'.s~c of E1G"t3T TIiQUSgNt~ t"'I1;R7 ' ATdD NO/i00'PE3S DOLLAI~i ($8,030. <br />nnlr;..., payarla' as fellows, t,. ~,.,. <br />-lfiayable in• fu].I. plus--interest on or before April 1, 1981. <br />.p --- <br />;,~ .w.r <br />tihik ittt¢rest thereprft at ..~,2 per cen# par annum, payable annually, according to tlza tenor and ejject of <br />!1~' pronstsor~t 3sate auith intarrst roupuns a#tach ed of said ,M1lortgeyors, barring Ex~saz date ;;:•ith fhrse p.r~s- <br />en{s, and,. shall pay all tales and any interesE on, ar aaturing irsstadlmenis of principal, due otr any prior mortgage and <br />ossessr{Wnts levied upon said real estate and al! other taxes, levies mod assessments laxhad upon this ar;ortgnyc nr the <br />note tVl4reh tkis martyr is given to secure=, before the same hatarrt¢s d¢linqu¢nt and keep the Lnildinys on stid <br />premises insur¢d far the .turn ;~,` ,loss, if any, payable to suelt /first nwrlgayces or this murigayee, or bath, <br />then these presents be void, othertcire to be and raanain in full farce. <br />IT IS FURTHER dGR.Z;ED (tj That if the caul uturtgayrrr sltald jail to pay such tales cud sorb irrlarest rn, <br />or maturing install+ritnt~ a4 principat, dye e-n any prior o--art_gt~e : sf t t a;;:=t <xr..:nst r .;za`fi that rror.gugrr +rzay <br />pay such taxes and stadt znt€ras{ nn, or ar_a#urvtg ~irrsksllrna»ts of prtn t f-a1, dot err rrcl, prior rrtoriga;7,~ and proeur.• <br />ssich insnrarsc¢; and the sitrn sn atavanced with. irtterest at nine per rant shall 6e paid 6y said mortgagor, and this +nart- <br />9agq shall stand as security far the same. (2) That a failur¢ to pay any of saui manor, tither prrucipa! ar anterest .gin <br />this ta• any error rnortgaye, vrhrxalw same becomes due or a }ailurr io comply untlt air} r•j the for¢goiny agreements, ,~ <br />sltalf catCSa the whole Burn of rnan¢y herein s¢cured !a becntna due anJ roll.-table czt once aF fire option of the marl- <br />gage¢. <br />lT IS F:iRTI{EIf AGREEU Than said anortaa_aaa. nendinn flrerl.~s~re of tt,;s . -.rz,;~~~, ,_ ,t. ,. .t~,.~y ,ya <br />r.~. .~..~z u.... <br />ping stay thereon ar apps{ therafroru and pending Bade of premrses »wrtgaged, nrati , a+~~sueh talcs and maturing ~ <br />irtttw~st ar maturing enrtallmants of principal, an prior martyagas procure such trout:acct and rtch suns shall l+e <br />attdBd to the aanuunt dtu' on detract anc! upon ccnfirmatian of sale uy the : , rrt nrdera'd tat•rn oua of proceeds of saia; <br />dp~rreredeanr¢d dsu•ing ts_ayj,,_appe~l or sale,,~syuch crnaun#s slwid Ue coelez•tzdp~'.i~:e same art •nt:gh it 'tare a past of sash <br />.5igneti tF,is fi~+'C do-y of ti/ ftf~'1-' =v o v S <br />7n -t're.n*nra rz} <br />~, i <br />