lO~0RTGAGE ~~0-~ ~~) 4i ~ 4 3 ~
<br />IOth November
<br />TAIS`i6I0BTfiAGE ie made this:. ............ ... .. ..day of ........... .
<br />28.~O.,hetweaut~Mortgagor, MARION. ~..SM}T}{-.AND: L~E,LA. SM.I.T.H,. husband. and .ai fe...., . . .
<br />. .......- .....:.. :.....:.........(herein "Bturower"1, and the Mortgagee. Home Federal
<br />SaviQgT+ and Loau-Association, n arorgoraticu orgeaized and existing under the laws of The lJmted States of
<br />Aruerlca, whale address ia2218outh Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender"}.
<br />Wttttxens Barrgqwer is indebted to Lender in the principal stun of. TWENTY, NINE ,THOUSAND ,ThlRl=~, , _ , , ,
<br />.HUNDRED RNb NO/ l a~---------------------Dollars which indebtedness is evidenced.by ]3orrawer's note
<br />dated...Navemher. _ L O, . 19BA ..... (herein "Note" ), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />.with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner gaid, due and payable on... ,P.ecembeC, ,I,x ,?00~, , , , _ ,
<br />To 3ecvaa to Lender {a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, tbe
<br />paytueat of al! other sttttts, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgagee and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any furytre advances, with interest thereon; made to Rarrawer by Lendergnrse.ant to paragraph 21 hereo€ {:zrrein
<br />"Ptttttne Advances"), Borrower does herebyHALLgage,,grattt and convey to Leoder the foilnwing described property
<br />iorsatled in,' the Cotmty of . . ................... , ......................, .State of lsicbraslra:
<br />L~3T~ FOUR' (4)' 1 N ~ BL0GI4' TWO (2) I N CAPITAL HEl GHTS TH i Fd(} SU8[),I V I S I ON SE I NG A PART OF TH'E
<br />4246 Vernront Grand island
<br />wbieh ha~.the adtiress af ............................................ .............................
<br />[strsgtl tcieyt '
<br />. NelYrsske 6$801 ..... (herein "Property Address");
<br />tzaRUs.+,nd Zro cca;~ . .
<br />- - ~O.13@fi.NYtR- a~Rh all the imnravements now. ar tsereatt:~r erertP.t nrA e~ n .,ent~ ,,.t zu ., .;ar,.n
<br />-- - -- --- - - -- - a...,-._.,.,..,.,,
<br />apput~nattces, ren#s, ro)rahies, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, aad water stock, and all
<br />ttxtures mew or hcrcafti:r-attached to tine property, art of which, inCludmg replacements and additions iltereto, shall lse
<br />deeatd'tn be and. rmutain .a pac; of the graperiy cavered by [his 4iartgage; and alt of the faregcdnlt, rogetlrer with said
<br />,pmpePty (ot Gic leatehold ettato if.this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referrod to as the "Property„
<br />>~rqr his ihat:~rawerss ia;~atilly seised of tlrsr eAtaie hereby eanveyed and itas rite right to mortgage,
<br />" gfatit, : cry tbe 1?[rc-ape- tiy, that the z roperty is at[eacnmi~rad, artc't titer Borrower wilt warrant and defend
<br />ti , t.~:v N-r_~ tLk..t~ „'~y ~. ~i w'esiaa~ a~eyl:~~-. `ttft-€€t 5f-$ ~',~+-~"..BF~~tI~,. e~#e33T'.".rsE, Dlr. rYn4trtErio33S
<br />liascu sn a ~ of att~prrirms tv cavcrage in atry titee insnrariw~ paiic}~ instsrit~ Letn,#er`s interest in the Property.
<br />>-i for ta~igm~8il5--F1WMIltkl~ 8t1~6pE i16ClklMlf
<br />