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M~(4RTGAG~ <br />80 .~F3(~5434. <br />~`F1iB)~Dii1'GAGB iarnade`tltie.. ....... . 10th... _ . Nov~rnber. . <br />.... day of ........ ...... , <br />- 19.8.., betwesnthe Mortgagrxr, . ivtRd~GARET..A.. a0.'d.EE, . unman, i ed....... . <br />:- .::....... , • :.........................Therein "Borrower"1, atxd the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />Savings and Loan Association, a corporatioaorganized-and existing under the laws of The Uffited States of <br />?tat~a, wht~ address is 2Zi Sontb I;oenst3treet; Grand Island; Nebraska (herein "Lender"). <br />Wt3eAFns, Borrower is indebted to:I,ender in the principal sum of TEN ,THOUS/~,tyD ,At~4. NA/.I,QQ---------- <br />........................................ <br />-'-----------------".'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />daoed...November:. 10, 1480, ...... (herein"Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of tts: indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on... Pe~@n)kBC. i... 2QGR........ . <br />To SECt»tE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />piaymettt of all other stuas, with interest whereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />14tortgnge, and fhe performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />- ~ sn7 fad n.•':°a.. w°; :~ttt i;.t€r4st thereon;, made tc Borower by Lender=YUruant to paragraph 2l hereof (6orein <br />Ptnettre!'~dvatttcties"'); Borxawer dries heretrv mortgage; gran and convey to Lender the,follawing described property <br />tooatad ~nithe Citianty ai .............. NPf-d........................ ,; ,State of Nebtas7:a: <br />SCI i TE,',''ND. FG3URTEEN (I xl )„ r'B" WINDSOR SQt7ARE CONDQM I NUNI PROPERTY` REG 1 ME, BE i NG <br />PART pF UNIT TWO (23, LOT TWO (2), BLOCK EIGHT (83, REPEAT, CONTINENTAL GARDENS <br />AN ABDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />wh,h Mtas the address of.... ;~ i d W i ndscrr square .................... . <br />........... ... vl'~'.nr1 . t s 1 and..........., <br />rsr,eou [c~,trt ' <br />. N~'3brasiti tiz380( ....(lwrain"PrapsrtyAddress"); <br />. tsrs, ~,a zta covet . . <br />.. .. - -.._~_~ ..._. ~....*1-~,~ , c ae. .cc.tiu o„ the prupcizy, and ail Gasomcnis, rights, <br />appnrtettanrxa, rents, royalties, rnirreral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stork, and ail <br />fixtures rttaw ar here~alter attached to the property, all of which, including replacements attd additions thereto, shall be <br />deesrceri to be >and temQittt.~ part of the„property covered try this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />property (su t}ze k~elmid ~rtate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are hen;in rofcrred to as the "Property". <br />Borrower cavonatus.that Barrownr is dawfuddy seised of the estate dteroby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />great attd,convey the Property, that the Iroperty is unencumbered, sad drat Harrower wllt warrant and defend <br />ri3iy `te tits-ttt _t:c t`rc~~ty ay:i°,st alr-~.ltrir- aml derttands, sabrcci to any deedaratdan., easrttrants ar rdseriu'tionF <br />(i~(ed;in a sddtite of artccpiions to r:average in soy title itr&aranr:e policy insuring f.cnder's intcxest in the Prolwrty. <br />.. t re 9 €af`-~F i ~---€tN~l t!t}~yC tlNY~t IIEttBlflif,Nt <br />