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<br />17tia~°°~~° made and entered into this / Q ~ yeay of ~Qy.Z..r~Giti irf
<br />~4 {fQ Eby and between Jirmay F. Umme1 and Janet A. Utmnel, husband and wife,
<br />(htmaFaafter referred to as mortgagor} and the Administrator of the Small Buaineas Administration, as agettey of the
<br />Goveroment of the United States of America (Fureimfter referred to u mortgageej, who maintaias en o6ce and
<br />place afLesieam at Empire SCate Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />1Vtttvmsera, that for the eonsideraLLm Ftereinafter oared, ea~ipt of which u hereisy acknowledged, the
<br />raortgagar'does hereby mortgage, sdl; Ream, aaaiga; and Garvey unto tba mortgagee, Fria weoerors and arigos, all
<br />of the folbw®g described property situated and b6ioFt is the Conyyy of Hall
<br />State oFl~ebraska
<br />A tract of Land consisting o£ the easterly one half o£ lot two (2), all of Lot
<br />one (1), the w~.terly 50 feet of lot five (5) except that portion deed to she
<br />State of Nebraska as highway 34 right-o£-way and the northerly 40,00' of the
<br />easterly 112.50 feet of lot 4 and a 46,00
<br />foot by 50.00 foot triangular tract in the northwest corner of lot 8, all in
<br />Falu Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska being more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, on the easterly line
<br />of lot 1 of said subdivision, said point being 12.7 feet. south from the northeast
<br />corner of said lot 1, said point also being on the southerly right-of-way Line
<br />to U. S. Highway 34; thence easterly on said highway right-of-rosy a distance of
<br />50.00 feet to a point, said point being 12.95 feet south of the north line of
<br />said Sot 5; thence souhherly 8$.05 feet to a point on the south line of lot 8
<br />said point being 50.00 feet east of the southwest corner of Iot 5, and also
<br />being SO.OO feet east of the northwest corner of said lot 8; thence southwesterly
<br />67,35 feet to a point on the west line of said lot8, said point
<br />being 46.00 feet south of the northwest corner of said lot 8 and also being
<br />40.00 feat south of the northeast corner o£ said lot4; thence westerly parallel
<br />with and 40,0 feet southerly from the northerly line of said lot 4, a distance
<br />a£' 112..5 1:eet to a point; fihence northerly a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on
<br />t€te south line of lot 2 said point being the mid-point of Che ,sough line of said
<br />lot 2 and beia~ 37.50 westerly from the southeast corner ut' said l,c:t 2: tEtence
<br />nartherly 94.7$ ,feet to a point on said highway right-of-way L:Cne, said point
<br />bei~tg i2.2 £eet so;ith a:[ the north lint: o£ said :l.ot2 and also being 37.50 ;.set
<br />west from she northeast earner a; said lot 2; thence easterly o[z said highway
<br />right-of-way line a distance of 112,5 feet to tine point of beginning, said tract
<br />containing 0.4716 acres more or less.
<br />'CoRether with and including ail buildings, all fixtures incitedinR ltut nut limited to aU piw»biuR, heatiuR, liRht-
<br />inR, ventilatittR, refriReratinR, incinaratittR, air ronditiuninR apparwtu,, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is inteatFcd chat the items heroin enutnrrated ~itall he deautrd to iwvr been pertnauently in-
<br />staih~d as part of the realty), arnl ail imprutentcnts now or ltereai'Ier ea:istinQ thereon, the hereditamenta anti
<br />at+purtenattres aud_alF other ri{;Ma thereunio belonging, ur in guy wise appertaining, and the reversion and re•
<br />vcrs3unn, remainder and remainders, all ri;hts of rednuptioo, and the rent,, issues, anei profit, of the above
<br />cl!sM1rrFffertl. nro=ttcrt: l~rq,~i~~, 1tn,.,av~r, ih=t the ntor.Ra,;:r s,aii l~ ~utitix-' it: ti-,e iat~e~iast of paid prr~F;:-
<br />Ey
<br />attd-tu eoiiect and retain tlta rrnis,'ssaues, and profits until drfaalt itetrundrr}, 1'o have and to hold the su~ne
<br />unto the murtpagea and rite surxessors in interest of the mortgagee forever in Cee simple or Ruch other estate,
<br />if any, as -a stated herein.
<br />'l'be tttigai caveagpts that ha b Lwfniiy seised and poreered of and has the right to sell and caavay said
<br />qty: that the aatna is [ire from all eneumhraaabs accept as heraimabove recited: and that he hereby binds
<br />Ft3wual#'upd_Ftis st+nn io iaternt to warrant snd ~#afand the tide afareaeid theeata sad rwery part titercroi against
<br />tba alaiaas td a?lrpentttt- ir~wtawever.
<br />'I`itis iaptratta ltt is given to secure the paytnrent of a Urom;ssory sots dated ~=^`-*r':~.~,~'t c= lG. 1, %i'd`l ,
<br />"-` i ~ of S 21,000, OO , sigtt¢d by •; i.r=uay ir, l:m:~el aad~.anet ~. 1!;,cnei, ;lusl.•ard and seize,
<br />Sr, is~4ai€- :? t:t~->~a~.l4 Wis.
<br />rna r.... oar ,s•xat r..,,.<. Man.w .,.. n».~,+..
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