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;: <br />,;: - <br />a~;tiv` ~n ~$~ <br />~~~, <br />~'-~~ <br />1 <br /> <br />'l'ists m4atga~a madfs sad entered into thi. ~p ~'iy of {~.) (~ v elm 6 arv /i j V <br />l4~ y-and between Mark D. Stalk and Wanda L. Stalk, husband and wife, <br />(heteinafterrefer-xd to as maregegor) and the Administrawr of the Small Bnsineer Administration, as agency of the <br />Govenunent of The. United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who ~~~~ an offtx and <br />plaaaatbttt3eatsu Empire State Building, 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102, <br />~M'etrmmaese,. that-for the ~deratien hereinafter stated, receipt of whieh ie beret} aeknowkdBed, she <br />rtxtga6aar+loos hereby mortgage, sell, grant, msiga; and convey unto the mortgagee, his aaeeeron seal aadgoa, sn <br />at the following dderihed property detuted and tieing in the Cotmty of Hall <br />Stara of Nebraska <br />Lot ^twelve (12), in Block One (1), in Sothman's Subdivision in the <br />,,,,City of Grand Island, Hall County,,, Nebraska,,. <br />Together with and inclndirtg all buildings, all fixtnrea including but nut limited to al! tdumbfng, heating, tight- <br />ing, verttilatiug, refrigerating, ineinerating, air eonditigninp~ apparatus, and elevators ([he mortgagor hereby <br />declaring-that tats intended chat the items herein ettutnerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in- <br />staUed sal part of the realty), and aA improvetnents now or hereafter existing thereon; the herediGttneats and <br />appurtenances and all outer tights Yherennto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />versloges, remainder and remainders, all rights of redemptio:t, and the rent, issnes, and ltrl,fits of the alxxvF <br />desrrilred prapariy (provided, however, that the nturtnagor shall be entitled lathe possesion of said }reopeety <br />sail to ~rllect and retain she rents, issues, sad profits anti! default hereunder). To have and Io hold the same <br />unto ripe tnartgigec and the successors in_ interel;t aE the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such ether estate, <br />if any. ae is stated berets, <br />The mortgggs~c covenantp that;:hq.ia,iawtully seised and pauessed of and has the right to earl and eonveq said <br />property; that the salsa is Erna from all'encumaranees ezeept ae hateiaabove recited; and that ha hereby binds <br />htmselt end aaesroesors-in_interest,to wanaeat and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thermf against <br />iho claio>. of all perwas whyaenooven <br />,: <br />S"his irtetrumept is given to secure the payment of a promieeorp note dated :+llD ~' ~' , j ~~ O f~ <br />in theprineipaleumiift 7,900EO(I `;eigued'hY ::ark D. Stalk and ;=tends L, "stalk, husband and wiYe, <br />1e half Rf titc~itselVeti. <br />rst r..e. 997 te-7a) rsa+loo. RdlUags an O-,oL4. <br />