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<br />Qrt~En~7
<br />Returri to SBq
<br />
<br />~4F~~~~>
<br />Rlds~ made and autered iota tLis f ~ ~iay of /v ~9•~~tl_ ""'_ `'rl/ ~X
<br />l9 ~~ +''bpaadbetwem CARL 6e7. Imo) and HARRIET T. ltJMBARD, wife of Garb
<br />W. Lum~~r~, `
<br />(het+sioafter eeferred to a mortgagor an e . dministrator of the Small Bttsiueo Admiuiaratiae. aa.agetary of the
<br />Governmeat of the United Sutee of America (hereinafter referred to m mortgagee), who nmaiataius an offeoe and
<br />plsee of 6asioas at I3>ni re State Building. 191.11 and Farnam, L'tnatia, Nt~~ka. 6S1tF2
<br />~t beat for the oaariduation hertdfaafter stand, tnceipt of whieh u hetebr ~ the
<br />`aortga6ar does hezchy mortgage, sell, grout,-assegn, and convey unto the mortgagee, his auauessers. ate: arapr, ap.
<br />o[ the following described propeety situated atnl tiEioR in the County of IfiAT T,
<br />State of ~
<br />Lot Seven (7), Block Fifty-Six (56) ia1 the' Original Toim, 71ow
<br />City of Grand 3sl.and, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, all fixtures including but not limited to all plundsing, heatinK, light-
<br />ing, vetetllatinq, rofrigerating, incinerating, air candiHoninn apparatus, anti eievatars t-the ruortgagor hereby
<br />declarialg that it is intended that the items herein enumerated .hat! ire deemed to (tare been permanently in-
<br />ststled es part of she realty), and'all improvements now or hereafter existing thrreon; the hereditamenis and
<br />appurtenances and allo[her rights thereunto belongintt, or in anywise appertAtinin~, and the reversion and re-
<br />versions, rentainTkr an.! rrtnaenders, all rights of redemptiott, and the rent, isue5, and urofits of the al ovr
<br />described property (provided, however, fleet the nutrtgagor stroll lie rntiiled to the possrsaion oi' .aid property
<br />and to eolleet and retain the, rents, issues, mtd profits anti! default hereunder). 'loo have and to hard the acme
<br />unto the mortgagee and the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fce simple or such other estate,
<br />if any, as is aimed herein,
<br />'fhe mortgagor eoyeaagta that he is lftwfuUy seised-sad poasexed of apd has the right to sell attd convey said
<br />property: that the same is tree €rom all eacumbrattcat ettcept as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />hi~l€ a~ hu ~tncceseora in ititereat,to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto sad every part thereof a5ainst
<br />the elaiau al rl11. pen4nE trhoweeever.
<br />J~ i~
<br />This instrument is given to secure the psytaent of a promissory eats dated f ~-~Fk eN, ~4;' (n ; />~ U /,
<br />ut the ptineipal stint of g_ 275,UD0.60 ,signed by Carl W. Ltmihaxrl
<br />i., lsP'aalf ~€ i~.ait;>~3-L~s~sisky 5iuclios '
<br />•4A f a.n 9$T !!-T3) Yraraa. 6iAUaw, on a6.al+t+.
<br />