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~~ <br />k <br />I', <br />~~; ric;~'4~~t~.~f~~~'r.~~'r~' <br />'@6a, ttntl ett~ad ;~ this ~ ar ~a$~ <br />..~'t/+ Y <br />%9 ~,byaadbetweee :Larry G, Yost and Shartsn Kay Yost, husband and wife <br />{ftereiaaftar referred to as wattgagar) and the Administrator of the Smail Bttaiaea Adaeiuatratioa, an aamep of the <br />foveraraeat of tka t;TttiECd `"Halm of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee}, who maiataiaa m oiTeca sad <br />~p°Of ~ Emgire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />AiR'iet> that for the roaadtkratioa hereinafter elated, rdxipt of whfeh is hetehy , the <br />'+ber hereby taot4~ge, se1l,Rraat, aati;n, sad coavep onto the mortgagee, 6~ ntaoe~aurs and-torii-uM'all <br />~' the fclbwin; 8eaarihed propaety aieaated ~ beityy in the Coaaty of ~1 <br />.cirate of Nebraska <br />L01~' SIX (S) > LAKE llAVIS ACRES: SECOND StiBUIVI$IQN„ HALL COI 1~TY, 'NEBRASKA <br />.• <br />•%'t?i~€r xilb and 9stclndiag a!i hui#din~,~,, r3I fitct€rren incfuding hul not iimi[ed to alI plunr~rin~„ healing, light <br />ins F~entilating„ refrjg+traling, inrinrrafinK, air rnnditioning at~i,aratu~, and rlrvator~ (the mort;agor hereby <br />€lecia~.rin~q that i! i„ intrn€Ird that the ilrm5 herrin rnnmeraied ~ltall hr deemed to have barn Ix•_rtnauently in• <br />r<tallart a;~ part of Ylte reah~ }, and a1i impravemrnis now ur hrrraftrr r~isling thrreon: the here€iitanteats and <br />a-tpal~eiutna~, sad iii other rights thereinto hrlonKina, or in artywise appertafaing, anti thr. rvvrraian snd re. <br />vax+>iow, renu+ndrr and reruaimiar:., sil rigltex of rMiernptiort. and the rents,, iaaac:+, and profile of she abo.•r <br />dttaeribsti pr'ttpartt (pav*a'ided. howrvrr, that the martgak.rr ,hall i,r rntit-rd to thr po..e.~ion of ~sid proltrrty <br />-# •-~ ~~_{:_~ rd`s,-iez.~;, attar~robt~ until drfavit hrrrun+ier}, "i'o hays attd to bald the same <br />atop %`~ - ' ttad thr e€trrace>ieara is itrteae,.t e1 t-te cxaoxt~ee forever is fee simple or strclt= :ttr;er eaiwie, <br />if any, ae ~,staitri# herein. <br />$~s -~iraaaQlta that-ha m laxfn)1. _" • • ..,d = ar _e.r i~ _~_ _ <br />---- -- -_-r-.~..~.~ <br />r~- == ~ ~. -~+ *.~ :~,ri~a tt. ~u ttrd awnvay said <br />prap~ty: tlfat thtt astaa ~ ims frtxa ail aacrtpahrarpees euept.aa hetrioahova.reciped; sad that be hero#sy_biads <br />hiaaaafE ttred.hts attttare in interest to warrant sad ~#efend tine title aforesaid aherato and every part thereof agaitatt <br />tiro.tgp of iii-pesttaea noflevrr. <br />T1iis iDhs#ap+eitt is given to sacnr the paynt¢nt of a promissory note dated 9J22f SO <br />ia±,~ of ~ ~~~,~ r~? _ . ~,;~. i.a: ry C, and Sharon Kay Yes t <br />i9 nl•~#atr at f~°-~°1°¢v°.~r°c°® ' <br />tHri rxw VT €!v-ria r=..s,.. Rats#wsr w. Q6wrwa. <br />