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~~--= i)rl t41~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE IRAN 1+t0. L 2~r ~ MGI C <br />ANOWALLMENBYTNESEPRFSEATfS:That George S. Hewitt, a single person, and Mary C. Taylor, <br />a si~.g1e person <br />Twenty-six Thousand One Hundred and No/100 Mortgagor,wttetbcrooea~,nosz=mcoa~aet,nono€~~~ <br />loa»ed to said mortgagor by The pgviubk Building and loan Amciation o(Grand inland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2{ 1 durcs pf atodc of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, t,23s 848 MG I ~do hercby grant, amnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION Fite foBowirtg <br />desuibrd real euate, situated in Halt County, Nebrod[a: <br />THE EASTERLY ONE-HALF (E'z) OF LOT TWO (2) <br />IN BLOCK ONE Hl1NDRED EIGHTEEN (118) IN <br />RAILROAD ADDITION 70 THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tcrrernents, hercditarrrents end appwtcnartces thereunto 6elnnging, including anached flour ~svenngs, ail window scseens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, ate wndaramng, and plumbing and water ryuipmtm and accessozta thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refri~ratars, and other fixtures and egwpxrtent now uz fsereat[er attached to or used w connection w!th xird teal estate. <br />Aud whereas the aid mortgagor tun agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay aft taxes and asseasmenls kviod or <br />asassed upset said premises and upon this reengage and the band secured thereby, brforr the same shah become detirtyuent; to fmniah appmvod <br />urswancr upon the btaildiugs un and prcmrses situated m the sum of S z6 ,1 DD . JD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to daietsr to said <br />ASSOCIATION the puEcies for satd insurance: and not to summer ur permrt any waste un or about said premises; <br />In cost of defaalt w the perfwmansx of any ul the terms and conditions ut this mortgage ur the twnd sutured lturrby, he mortgagee shalt, <br />mt demand, tx: umitlad [o immediate possession of the mortgaged promises and the mortgagor hereby ensigns, transfer and sets over w the <br />rrarrF~gsre ail the rams, rev~rtuus acrd income to t*c rfrnvaJ from the mar tgagrd prrtttirrs dusntg such time as the rnurtgage indebtrdrtess shalt rennin <br />unpaid; and t!re nwnga~gar shall (rave tlx powec to xppuieu any agent ur agents d nay ;Nemre fur the puryuse of reparirg said promises and renting <br />the same and sullrctfrtg the rants, revenues and incorna, and 9t Wray txty out of said Mttcunre alt expenat~ of repairing said premiers aml netxssary <br />._xrnttrtisai4nts and oxprit~n snevrr>•d ;n rrsstt_ng nerd rssarrsgirtg the sxax .ms': of xsi)ar:tartg rentals (h~re(rum: ttse hatance rcmsirtfitg, if any, fo ~ <br />applitit tt'rward the dixfurga of sand mortgage indebrrdrtrss; thane rig(((s of the nnnigag;es nay br rxrtcrsed at any tune doting the exiattn~ of sttt3t <br />dufautt, iPruT--2iv~€ nl ~y 4empu.g~ry wsivar of Stee xi!t~s, , <br />Thrsr [srascnts, Iwwevrr, are upon tkse {`andittan. ~NYaat r(Ihr said Murytagoc shall repay .ward loan uu or beluga the nutunty of std shoes by <br />pttyr~ f: pay ,. y -~ ~ - ~tX'tnl"tCY~..•f tkec u j pe-ifir- -~ tt- nsenJ -cr are ferreby xs intarrst and princtpat on asst loan. on ar before <br />tiro Tti`€ntsaFh da, 1 ens S ~c:ct - r.~,mh_ ; r~ttt: surd tsar rs ltilty pa!d; pay 2i1 tn*.es ~n..Y _-s~=sar!ent-s !ut~d e~nat mid p:erat~a and cut they 4loet <br />are{ the Bond secured thrrcby, before deWtyuancy; Ivrmxh approved tnswancr upan the buildntgs thereon m the sum o(S z6 > 1 DD . DD paygbk <br />m said ASStX IATION; repay to card ASS(X IATtON upon dnrund all nwnry by it patd for su,dt taxes, assassmcnts and insurance wtth interest at <br />the maximum kgat rate tttereun from dace of paynent all of which Mortgngur heretty agrees m pays pennn nu waste un satd prenuses': keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and a,ndtti+ans of" the itami fur .`r 26 > 1 DD. DD lhts Jay gtvan by the said Mortgagor to said ASS(X:IA'f10N, and wmply <br />with all ttte regairantrn(s of the Cmrsututwn and BY-haws of said AaSOC:tAT10N , then thane presents shall Fxcame null and vwd, otherwise they <br />dull rerrutin in fu6 Lorca and rraty be lorecfosed at the option al the said ASSt)(:IA7'lON after (allure for three rrwnihs ru make any of said <br />payments or be there rttssnihs in arroars m making said nwnthly payntents, oc w keep and comply with the agrcenxnts and cundrtiuns of std Bsona; <br />atsd Mssrtgagty agrees to havs a recatver appsinted forihwnh w sus:h (asrcluswr pcaseedangs. <br />~.{~ there in ,ny change m owxerntrip of the real estate mortgaged heron, by rink or otherwise, than the enter renuurrurg irtdebtednesa hamby <br />srcasetlr slm6, at the option of i}x Iiywtabk BaiWing and Loan Assas:utwn of Grand Island, Nebraska, becotna iemrtesiiately due and Itayabk without <br />ftutt~r eatelecv, and the amssunt. rotttasnirtg der tinder said tweed, and any other twnd fur any additional advansxs trade thcrrtuttkr, stub, from the <br />dalo of r,~aerrtae of stud option, hear interest at Liu maximum legal rate, and rhea nwrtgage nay then he furoclosed to satisfy the amowri dun un said <br />6osnj,aad any other hsartd for atlditiurul advances, tugeihor with nit none paid by said 7"he liyuitable Building and t.oan Aswciatwn ul t.rastd Island, <br />Nebraalua t'hr insuransa, taxes and assesstrcentn, atNt alrtracung exunsiua charges, wrth imerast thrram, Irum dale of payment at [hc rruixinnurt <br />~ reisC. <br />~As~ ptuvalod in tt~ Band sCeurud hereby, wtti{c iron nanigage mnsams m effect iha tnartgager rstay hereafter advansz addniona! swm to the <br />mtkers oC said t3attd, their arsilurs ar sapexxsors to interest, wfttch swrts shall be wuhin the security of thin nwrtgage the same as the funds origjrutiy <br />secured 6'hrtaby, the tutaf newer( of principal dab( nor m exdeed ut any nitre t he odgsnal strewn u(lht5 nrorttptgr. <br />Oatod this F3~h day a(, November n- n., ro ~ <br />s _ay <br />L _»~ ~~P ~~~ \ _. _._.._...... _. . <br />@Qr e r - ------ <br />Mary C. T~lyt,lor <br />3`CA711 Of' N&BRAS[U, ~ ss, i)rt revs 8th any of fJOV c`IriI7E r I v 8C7 . heforc ntr, <br />r"lH rtdRY r>L' ila3 t <br />~v...`.i. v~ .sewn./ <br />tttc undetagrrad, a Notary puhhc m xnd for swd County, persstnalty came <br />Georgf" 5. Hewitt, a single_pa~rspn, and Mary C. Taylor, a singlt~ Rer~~~rt,,af~e prrx,naffyknownta <br />tae to be tits tdanirearf psrxm S[aYaR.nmle ~>. art affixed ro the abcrvr tnatruneant as nwrtgagat 5 and (f)ey severally <br />asirncwkaiAod tree said iruarwrrnt~a.ka - } 1)e i r ytdta~s,y net and deed. <br />WiTNE"Sxi' eery flttrtd atW Nvu[kl Seal the siatrtafsuaxasd. <br />My it<,avuttaraj r>s~sx _ <br />"lutarv f ubh. <br />:wraaaa aA - - <br />