~a ~l~S reads. a~i late tLa ~ ~°f =''~Lc~'l~~t+t%t~ r_-t.. ~
<br />f~~#a~'f*7 ~d ~~ Larry E. Shaw and Susanne C. Shaw; husband-and wife, -
<br />ihereladter referred to as mortgagor) aad the Adrn;~;.rr.tor of the Smsl] Baalaea Adminietrauaa, >tt a~eacy of the
<br />Govetatmeat.of-the Usited Starts of Ataeriea (hcrainaCter referred to as taortgagee), who maintains as a~ aced
<br />~°#'tEtnpire State, Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Otaaha,- Nebraska 582A2
<br />Wtltrttasa~ drat-for- the wnaidttatian hereiadter state, recaps of tvh~ is SOrebT adt~w4adgod, .flee
<br />maatga6ar does heeeby -mortgage, etil:,~-{{rant; ~6a+ and convey tmto the ~atgsgee, his estaeason aad aaoptt, sB
<br />`of the tollotriag decesi}ied property eitnate"aad being is the CoemtY of Hall - -
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />The West Half of the South Half (W'~S~) of Lot Ten (10), in
<br />~antine`s Subdivision, lccated qn part, of the Northwest quarter
<br />(NW?ra of Section Twenty-two (22), in Township Eleven (I1)„ North,.
<br />Range (9J Nine West of the, 5th P.M., in Hall Counts. Nebraska..
<br />Togeeher with and irteitsding a!1 buildings, all Mures inelad7ng but not limited to all plumbing, ]seating, light-
<br />inq, venti]a17a}t, reGrigera#ing, itteineretirt~„ air earditio:wiag apparatus, and elevaiorn ([lee martgagor hereby
<br />declatvng that. i! is intended that the items herein enumerated ;hat} be deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />statled as least of ihe-realty)y and all improvements now or herealler existing iherean; the hereditaments end
<br />appureetsaatr~a-and.a71-rrther~righle-thrreun#o belonging, or in areywise.apper#aininF, and the reversion and re-
<br />vet~ian=, rcmainrier ared same#nden, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the shave
<br /><lesrribed propecry (prnvitled, however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled io the po.session o! said property
<br />and to e•n7lect and retain-the rents; issues; and profits einti} dPfa•!tt hereunder). Tn have and to hold the same
<br />stn#~.-the a3r> .wee--~a t 1~=_~ttv:,easoru it inters+! of ##ie sittirtgagee e`ores~ee in fee simp`te or sorb ether es#aie,
<br />if any as im eta erf harem.
<br />Tba txiortgagor covmaitta t}wt he in ]awfully seized end poaeeeeed of aad has-ifie right to salt and convey said
<br />propartq: that the name is tree tree. all encumbxaneea extent ae heieina~i,vn rP.,ir.d • ...d .t;nr t,b t,s_et-.. t.a..a_
<br />hittmclf 9nsl hia,euccrxaro ;n laterest:to warreat and +iafend the tide alarenaid sharers and every part thereof against
<br />the erlaitns of all persons K7toatrosver..
<br />This instrumaat is given to secure the payment at a~ramieeory Dote dated ~,r}-,!.tt,;..~ ;i,x ~ /~/~'`G~",
<br />isnn,,e.h,~~a ,p,i{•iocppipal wm of $ '.Z:~,`5t~1<]~' , ,igttmd by Larry E. Shav and Susanne C. Shaut, husband
<br />tWi~ti1~~T • '
<br />th_at~e~.ues =
<br />ssr ~.,.,. vex ea-ur r«.im tax....,. oww~..
<br />