Llxraoaxt fovgxsstTS, Rorrawtr and Ltndtr cavenant and agrw az fol?nw s-
<br />L ]?g_iruteni of PAtstfpni tnlil latereat, Barrcrsver shall prompt!}~ pay .when vw the crincipa? n` and interest ,n iht
<br />iade`ntedntss eviderictd by r5se 3vtne, prepayment and late charges as prodded in the '~FOte. and the princapa! of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances sutured by ibis Marigage.
<br />2. Fi3r.~ far Tapes taaA It~neee. Subject to appbcabit law ,r to a written waiver by Lerdtr. Barrawtr shad pay
<br />to 3.tndtr on the day taonthiy tnszailtnents of prineipat and :nitrtst are payable under the [sore. until i,`,z tiott is paid in full.
<br />a sttm (htrtin "Funds') equal to aae-iweltth of the aeariv taxes and ascessments "bleb may attain priarity nv-er ibis
<br />Mortgage, and ground rtnts on the Property. tf any, pins one-twtiflh of year?y pmntiam installments far hazard insusanz~e.
<br />phis oat-twtltth of yearly premium mstai?mtnts fcr maRgage ansnrance..f any, a!t a; rtasc+nabSy estimatzd initially and tram
<br />time to time by L.xrider on the basis of assessments and bites anti reasnnahke estimates thereof.
<br />Tlie Funds sba?? be tseld in an institution the dtposiis or accounts of which are insured or euarantetd by a Federal ar
<br />state agtney ;including I,crxfer if I order e. such ;rn institunon i. Lender shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />itssurancs premiums and ground rents. Lender may rant charge for so hording and app?y+ng the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />ar vtrif3ting and xn.ipiiing said assessments and hi?fs, unless lender pays Borrower irate; est an the Fords and applicable law
<br />permits under to make such a ciw rge. Borrower and lender may agree +n wtiiing at tF.c time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interesz on the Funds shat) tx: patd to ftnrrower. and unless wch agreement is made or xpp3iczbie law
<br />requires such iottrtst to tie paid, Lender shall rant Fx required to pav Rerrower any interest rr earnings on the Funds. i..entier
<br />shall give to Borrawtr. without .charge, an annual aacount,n;, of tha Funds ,hawan¢ credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pitrprrse for which each debit to the Funds was made. ?lze Funds are pledged as additional securiip for the sums secured
<br />fly this ,4inrtgage.
<br />It the amount of [tie Funds he?d 6y Lender. together with the ta[ure manthly ms[a?imenzs of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of razes, assessments. insurance ntemtums and graund rem.<.. shalt exceed t!te amount required is pav <_aid taxes,
<br />assessments, iasuratice premituns and ground :enis as then tali due, such excess shall be. at Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Rnrmwer an monthly ansta!t:ncnts ,>t Fund. If the amoum of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shalt not be st;i:teitnt to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />$4rr 3¢•r•<r t•-Fall pay ran I r„aar arty ~..,.,,..... „ .,,o.,e , „~ ....,,..i~nc~ :.,:,.,n ,,, - ,ram t he u'arc naiice is ti+aiicd
<br />3zy Lender is 13orrawer requesting payment thereat. ~ - -
<br />[.tpc'xn payment rn tntf of at3 sums secured by~ thts R~foriga,gc. tl.tndu ,hall I~,iru to pdy relautd ui Rorrawtr any Funds
<br />bets[ by #..ender. If under paragraph I g }tcrtaf tnc Property is "old .rr ;hc f'ropeny n di[herw+sc acyen red by l.tnder, €_ender
<br />shall apply. ra later than imrttdialt~9y print r:= the ,a?e. n~@ the i`ropc€[++ c,r tlsi acyutsauon by Lender. any Funds Rleid by
<br />i..tttder at the time o{ appdicatiaa as a creddt ngamat lhto 'mums .ecurt zt t+n- !n+s 14torrgaee
<br />8. Itpplietmziwn a8 Payinemffi. 0..1n?css tupp?u:ablc I~mw pan lalea uthrrnv wt. all pa+, meoss recciweti ray [..ender +ma'dcr the
<br />RVcpie anti paragraphs t and 2 hereof ulnal? he appllcd b}' L.ruder ftrsl lrl pa~~~meua~i sf &lraourats payable tro l;';nder by Baarrmetr
<br />under paragraph 2 itentaf, than to metres[ p~ay~anEe un the 4sote: rtkn rc> gPic F',dranu~,apal of the Note. and than ici interest and
<br />pnnczpa8 an any Future Advances.
<br />~i. ChsrRes; Liens. Rorrowtr shall pav ,dl rases. e..esmcnts .,nu ,an_•r .hafges. fns- and lrt;posiuans attrabutable u>
<br />the Property which may attain a priority' over the Sf artgage. cad hasehoid naymcnts 1+r ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />prvxtaed urr.~r Qaragraph ?hereof or. if not pald m ,uch manner. i:--. ftarmT+cr making payment, ~.vhen due, d+recily to the
<br />payae thereof, Borrower shall prompt?y furnish to [ ~ndcr ai! rot:ccs ,t; .,mounts clue under th+s paragraph. and in the event
<br />$aetawer shalt make payment dutetiy. Borraw rr ,hall pnimprs nl rtvsh I,, Lender r~ccipt c:~adencmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any' lien u-h+cb has prnnrv ++,~r urn vaortgagr: t+ravlded. :hat Bcrrowtr ,nail net be
<br />required to discharge any such lien sa tong as Borniwcr •.hatl sgre~~ m snt:ng !o :he payment .+I the r:bl+guvna ucured by
<br />sorb litn in a marines acctntable to 4.ertdtr. or >hal? m <<,,.? hula ~,:nrc+ za.h ls,_n t•x, or <terend :r, r.,rce^ .rat o. stash !i-ar. ; .
<br />legal procaedtngs whteh aptrale u:+ pravent the cnfarum ra=m oc thw I ~i- .%r !ore lturc ssf !ht Property «r <.uay part thereof.
<br />~, liaxprtl insurance. ilarrawer shat! d.ctp rho .mprrTremrat, m.=, a~nr,Ung „r heae~ai [tr erased an the. Prz>pertp lnsured
<br />agakns3 loss h5' f'trc, ::m:'ar+iis mclydtd walhan tine term '~aslendes! ~, erv€^tag~s~ aa'ael se;ch other hazard. ;v, ? e:rstcr :n:tt; rcyuarc
<br />and lto such anrsounts uzd !et such tkrtads a 1.' niycr torn a ~_. s! , dcc- ;~u.; t - .... ,ii . ......... .:..., .n._ - ,,.t,..,a
<br />~,arir ~raverage rxcaad that ainnun <*t ~ +-tra_e .Ey.ur,.~ r , . ate 1 : .~~, re .nls S~ 7 e;rvc~ - -
<br />7~e ,~srarati~- .., _,~.~_n {+„ ;r:a:,;:....--~ - -.:4 ~'... ,,,~,~ :...rrn_:., r _.- ,_-_: ,, t,,...: a: F - .,_.:..~:. ~ , ~1_ _.
<br />hat sa.~th pis..f+z; ssa?,i ztet ~: :tre~au.,natrl. vithiteld. :, hrunni.n , tie i'nubarra. ,:~ p,. n~u:es ,itaii nr I:,atd u. rile niamter
<br />,rovis ur~ie-r p,i~apraQ, _ ...,r .zt .~. .... . ,.. ,.,:. .n,..,~_, 4.,;:r,:..u- ,._i~a:, v. ~ a
<br />- .. T .c~a,. - ,_oi ... .-_ .. ._
<br />tasusatu:e c?rrii;r.
<br />AS. iiisurattce iinkn.ees and reztewais thereof shad he !++ !:inn :~vtptablc [p Lenilc „nil shall ln~iudc .: ,lal:dnn? ms~rtt;ags~
<br />dau-st in favor of and in Term eeraptabfe to (coder. ..cndtr .ha;l rinse tae raght n. hold the poiioc, end rutou;d, titcrcol.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to L.c-rider all roaewnl nuurc~ ;,rid all r +pts rat pald prcuinn:n In the even[ ul h,,,.
<br />Borrower shall give pruutpt nonce to the insurance carnet and Lender_ I euv;c ern:n nv~c pear,[ of i.no +:' nvl .^.Tnce prnmptip
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and $orrower athem ssc agree +n a r tr.t>, +- t r. t-+ , d F 1 ~ ,+. I l+ d to rt t r-[ion „r r~patr of
<br />ttte Prapertp damagrJt, pravidai u'h 2stora4un of re a r ,_ _._:,unl<elis f, as+tdt ,, id ,nc c,.unty ,-f this Riortt<:!ge
<br />not tyaRby impaired. yt .uch resuiraUon ur rtpmr a l,+t ~ _L uuulc.ai) f_avhlr n the ~curny of :has "1c; tg:,ge .vsiuld
<br />bt impaired, tgie insurance proceeds ..=.haii be app:[°;st to Ik:c- rotor ,e. ureJ by thn~tzcingage. ::-nth the t:, any, paid
<br />to tiat7owai'. Lf the Properri- is abaudarled bt Barriw,a_ .'r .; :3irrrou er taxis .o resperr._d to Lender with+n 36sduos troth the
<br />dart [vacs is marled 6y Lender to Rwrawcr ihza*. the s+sunirace ,~; rler utter. l,= acute .c et:vm t~+r msuranc,t henetia. LecTS~'r
<br />:, wrzts~>z w i{: co;r~it c[iil sr-i; `~ +rsu, ~-,ce pr~tc~z;cis ar r.eno.irs ,zptio:! c.[net to ras[arauou o, rWpatr of the troperty
<br />or ha'~Lhe sums stored br this h4artgage.
<br />L'Iniass S,cnder and ~al'r[rwer nthenv i,e :lga ~ u, ..a uant;..ms ,uci+ aeUlacauon +~t pre reds Ia princg±a? shah nut csnrnd
<br />pf.:stpr,,r~ the dtte date of itat nronti.iv nsiaiiment. ; ,~., - ,,..n lea _ aphE :r~.i _ ntrc,st nr .: itant:: the .an:wnl ..,
<br />sua?,t ~9aataji,T,tnts. It under paragraph is hercot the i'ropa:ris ~± -acuuartaahv !_en.lrc. ei! r:gh[, t;tle and later est „[ Rata.rwct
<br />33 ;;Jury. as aai rnsurance policies at:d rn arxi [o ills ,i,nct'<,h thtreot teauiurag errni uurtege n, the Ptvptny ,; .:;: is tnc >.rlr
<br />ar acs'luisitran shall pass as Lender za [tic assent rat the sur, is xurreJ (,y ahn ~lurtge~e uunledlatd) prior t•.; .uch sale or
<br />accytrisuzioii.
<br />.F
<br />b. !'...~rss~ !i.-~>3teu~•- g vv ;e-z- .._ sit`; C..„v...,~~,~t., ...z ~s ~.s -e=
<br />. r~att -cep thePraacrtv in guzxi r ~ triad .hai . a- :~u+t - - - - - - ,~
<br />t- __.. ~ -a i f 1 a, t i+,~ f.
<br />r~i brat; bx.~ityiy with me t=rnaistcns ,1 anti lease ~, tt:; s~torty,tgc -,i _ ~_. ~ .,.+J I• -. „ et.,rtsa~v r . n. u+ ..
<br />~=ntitursdrir>Fru =~t a ptanncd rtu4 davedspnter,;, $rlr. _,uc+ ,L-aH €Tertacm ;•t Bf,r',.ns-er s ohhganeinn e: rder fhv deei.u atu•a
<br />i6'k$nant& _it atai:g :r .-ernr.,~ ,hc :. c.ud .T!„3 J.r ,..-:s~ „ _, ,~! ir. ..-i_ 1_:wz .!.1 _.1,.-:.. ( :hc'
<br />-3:~isfrtri3€titzutr ,ar ~.~itnad wait ~.=ziupuatnt, sr,u ~„t:,,b, t:_ d~~t,la „a-_ r, ~.. , n,c.u :- 1. ..,_.- .1 , ~,. _ ...
<br />,+
<br />r#dtris executed by BozTO:vec ar.1 ranrd^_d r3~,h:-t ~ :pc, Yp,utgage .~: ._ _c..r.t- . -- t s4ntcul, _ . ,ac:
<br />:,*~~ ~ a~yty }~- :nom ads3 uh,_6 .,,~~n.: , - t ~ .,_,~Lt av ,, . . 1„ ...,.. s n.r.e, ,
<br />.,uti z p,:i .:~ ~_ _.
<br />7_ P,x+tsfesaezsn rot Sxozier:r 5ea:uritc', It ?iortc;uqr sa,l, s.+ t,it;z,rm the , , _. ., ., +};ro•e:*i,:nt3 umeauted +, t}us
<br />?+Aortgagc. err it :uiy :+_.n ,... p, oc.u'u.u~ ..tot=ic,+~..-, .;.it::.: ri.,;~•ran{7>• i-', t. !:.,..., ,r:,, r.•,; :t.e f -
<br />tor,huEirrg; ;'mot n.,t 3httiitcd lr= ,v,i:ncn; S;utaa• ~ ,. ._t::. ..r .:;t aW_ ~. -. _. ~„ ..,
<br />°taaiu uQt a ,tc.ctSast. ;hen S cnc4c ...:..,def t:l,~:, :,i ,..•+. t.c, : ., , .,. , , kL .„t~u...,.~ti ,. _ ._.
<br />asses sFa;, _. 7~ attaxas .,, •s ,us.~.,.1.+ }++utc,:: :.,...,.: . ~_. .,=t ,,, , ,n, .. t .,_ _:,+ ,
<br />r~~ita5?t t. 'i4°. ~~ , , as,:d e • F,e'F~',: ,.. r.,: .. ,..~. ...+ .,.. .+ev :., •. . :.
<br />a~al..ii:«ai :, ,caiii..g rani i+ar ,. re t t. hi„rtKr: #..:r.. -.,. ._•, ., ,. : t_==u ..: r. G., f<,. ., r :,rt ......
<br />-sa..s a: .C: ... ,.ct:A '...~ +n», ,.,i - .E -_ t tr~.-laf..:. ,. ~.., ,.: 3e.~.. .,,. .3 is _,. .. tin-..'_ _ 14e': t. ..~.
<br />