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. :.r _ ` . �'r.-� :d ��=_ : t . . __ _`.�'`� . -_ <br /> " " - .'a ..C.. � _ ' .i. 4 - <br /> . :�-'�_ " _f,"s-t'� ia��a:c -. ...._-__ _ " '' _ __ <br /> " , _ .� L.: _ _ __ . . ... - ` . . - _ ' ... �-� ' <br /> - - t. . <br /> .. � . <br /> :.. _.. . ._ . •' \G� ' 'a.�:�.." <br /> _. _ . � [ � _�� �_`._�_._ .�_ ' - <br /> ' ' � �' .:Y _. <br /> �. - •.�-�.: . - . . _ _ � '_-�.: l.-. `. . .._ ._. . .. t - � . . <br /> _.�':� - S: � T ~ ` . , `` –_ - _ . , . ._ .. : `•-y - ; -, .- <br /> � � = :- � . � . � � . 9��. io0�i8 � - <br /> �mcsrl�wrf'H�tf the��va�ncs�aw o�ne�ec�ectaa«�We pupahr,s�d��saneacs.appurt«w�s► <br /> ' ud funues noar or.haatter a part of the popecty. A[t rept�cema�u and ad�aoas si�aii aiso b��vue�by�s Secuncy . <br /> Insaumettt All of the faegbing is refec�ed to in�his SeasritY:tnsdrumeat as d�e"-F�opeRy." � . • <br /> BORR�W�R�OVENANTS thu Boimwer is IawfuUy seised of ti�estate hereby oonveyed t�nd l�as the right to g�ant <br /> — �wi�nnvey ttie Pk+aperty and that thc Pmpe�lY is'�ma�cu�nbered.excePt for eocumb�ances of i�ocad. Bart f��ts anQ <br /> wi11 defard generslty tLe tide to the Piapaty ag�inst a}1 claitns aad demaads.suh}ect ta aay� <br /> '1'HIS SECt7Rtt9f iN3'fltttMEPYt`ramiiu�es�mffosm rnvenaa�far natiom+l use wd_aoa-uitifoaa coven�ets witb --- - <br /> timited vatiadaos by jutisdicdon w coastitute a uaifam sec�rity insu+unait covering re�1 propeKY= ` <br /> UNIpORM CdVENANTS. Boavwer aod l.erder covenant and agroc as followx ' ` wlxn due the <br /> 1. Fa�t d PrLcip�t aNd Ieterr�;Prepsyse�t asil I.ate Ch��. Barowec si�all prnmptlY PaY <br /> Princip�i of and intarst on tha debt evidaxed.�t6e Note ard any P�ePs3m�nt and tate charges dae und�er tha Nota <br /> 2 .I��ia for7l�uaad Iai�es�4e:,�v..�to applirable taw+�:t�a�ritten waiva Laider,Boaowa si�all pay w <br /> Lender aa the dsY��Y WY�arG�e,ui�3er`the Noter u��e.N"a�z:�s�aid in fap.a surn("Fund9"j far:(a)YeuIY <br /> taua aod assessmaus which mry amia pin"vaty si�rer�sss-SecuritY b��as�a E�n:��e.,�tope�tY tb)Y�Y�� <br /> PaY���� �ents op�d�e PtnQatY;.sf anY: (z)�;?�rIY:���P�J�'P�iums: (�Yearly tlood <br /> _ insu�aace p�ertuums,if any;.{e��yearly moit�age insur�:pceei�ums..if amf a-x���a�s�°paY�bl�bY Borrawu to <br /> I.ender,in ar,coodance 3vitb t6�:g�visions,of}�agapfs�,iis�'ic`,.u.ts€the•Pay�t i�f iii�rt�a��c�pc�e�iums. 'i7use <br />= ioem�are c�lled"Fscrow Items:` Lendecsna3��at ar►Y tiFr�cotlect and#�l"vis�ts�sair'�ii�to eaceed the maxlmum <br /> aniount a ltnder for a federaliy nlated�ortgage lmit�Y���=BqmnWeis es��: ,,'�•iuder the fede►al Real <br /> Fst�te Sea.kmn►t Rnceda�es Act of 1974 as aii�endod fm�ns�e co rim�I2 U.S.0�Z¢Q�B�=�:€'.�PA"),unless another <br /> �4 t�?:t�satsPPlia to tbe FuMs sas a lassec amoimt I€so;L-esider maY,at anY time,c�7tec�aas�t�?c��in an amouat not ta ---- <br /> exw�d the ksser anwun� Lender may est�ate the`amamt of Fw�s dut on tlx:�+a.s.s c�r�c►t data and reasonabTo <br /> _� � of future Escmw'Irea�s or�nse in accordasce with��e.�;'::: ----- <br /> esmnates o€e�dueq <br />_ . 7be Fimds'shaU 6e Aetd ia an institutian wbase deposits ace insaie�d h}t a federai age�sy:s� endty -- <br /> ('mctuding I.ender.if Lender is such aa instipitidn�or in any Foderat�Ioine 3.oan Banic::;�:ender sFs�?tpply tl�e Funds to pay ---_- <br /> t ' ih�Escraw Items. L.ender may aat�charge.Banawer fo�hotding anc�spP11'in8 tt�e�i.��s,anniiaFIy anaiyzing tUe escrow ----- <br /> �' account, or vecifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on��he FLnds and applicable law permits �,'�r,�;=: <br /> - - Ltatder to make such�a charge. However,�}�.reqaire Baaawer to pay a one-t�me chazge for an independent real _ ,_ _- <br /> �`.� :, es�ate tax repatin8 service use0 by Lender iri connecuoa with tius loan.untess applicable!aw provcdes otherwise. Unless an L;r,��=. <br /> • !I� . <br /> - ag�eCment is made or applicable law requIre.�interest to 6 e pai d,l-e n d e r s h a l l no t b e reguired to p a y BaTrower an y interest or ,��,��� <br /> ' in wtitin however.that inur�est shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender ��.��° <br /> ,`- �. eamii�gs on the Funds. Boaower and I.ender may agree g, Yr���-~�°°. <br /> �rS-• <br /> �` _ : shaU�gilveto Borrower.witfwut ct� aunual accou�cing of the Funds,showing+xedits and debtu to the Funds and the r,�� <br /> for which each detrit to tihe Funds was made. Tfa�Funfis are pledged as ad�ecat secusiiY for all sums secuned b ��'�'"`�' <br /> _ pp��_ he y Ei�:�� - <br /> �;:, thi�StCUdh►]nstrumea� � � ; .': �- <br />