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<br />'142is r~optglge made atmd enteted into this 7th di7 ~ November
<br />79 gD , h9 and batweea Donald E. Rauert and Jean .i. Rauert, husband and wife,
<br />(herc#nafter referred to sa tortgagor} and the Admiaistntor of the Smali Bminesa Admi$iatratim, as agancy of the
<br />#,ovetnmeat of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as 2ntrrtgagee), who tnaitttsios as office a~
<br />p}arso#aat P.ntpire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, (?>aaha, Nebraska 681Q2,
<br />~Ytta84is6txt, taut for the eonsideratioa hereinafter s°.sted, receipt of ~Pbich is hereby aetaotrkd~ed, the_
<br />a~rtps®ar does Isereby mortgage, sell, groat, assiys, arrd convey attto the mortgagee, his artxsssazs and assigar;; aH
<br />of the foiMwing described ptropertg srtnated and heiog in the f:ormty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />7°he West 13a1f of. the Ncartheast Quarter of the tdor:hwest d~uarter (i~'-~ NEB ?!ilk}
<br />all in Section 3, Tosattslrip lY, Pdorth, (tangs 11, West of the 6th F.$`l.,
<br />stxtrjec;t to restri<;tians, raser:rat3ans, and easerntents ofi record.
<br />Tor;,atlter with and inelading all buifdengs, alt frxtttres ineludin,g taut not limited to a#1 plumbing, Treating, ligTrt-
<br />inf;, vt!nailatitrg, refriget^atin,2., incinerating, air eonditianin,g apxparatus, and elevators (tire mortgagor hereby
<br />deelariytg that it is intended that the items herein enumc raters slxaIl Ire deemed to have been peraranently ir.-
<br />stailed as part of the realty), and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the herediiaments and
<br />appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging, car in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />versiorls, remainder aKd rPmsir_1ea=:, a!I right, ;.# :z;.t~, ;--,;---- ~ - - -
<br />- - t,.-,::,, ant-; the :2.r2^:, +s:~ue3, and prt;r`.is ui' tfre ailole
<br />descrihet3 gruperty (provided, how-ever, that the muri~,:rgur shall Tre entitled lu the pusne,siuts of .:rid pru;±ert+
<br />and to caileet and retain the rent, issues, and profits until default hereunder). To have and to bold the same
<br />irnta the mOTiG°ap^ee and the SUeCe5Sar5 in InteTe54 of the tnattgageN fareYefl Tn ff?e Simple aC Suel3 atlier es48fe,
<br />if aRX, aJ 1& stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor covenapta that he is lawfully aeiaed and possemsed of and has the right to seli and convey said
<br />property; that tht name is #ree from alt encumbranees except as hereinabove re>'ited; and that be hereby hiaaa
<br />hitaseTf az2d his suceeasnrs iaa in,ereat to warrant and de#end Fhe title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof agai2ut
<br />the claims of alS persons w}tarvotveā¬.
<br />"Phis inatruxneuY is _iven to secure the payme_+t Ri a p _n<i:,aury rota dated ..`u:"; - ~~~ - ~ --~ ~~~
<br />is the prineiaaal scam of ~ 7a inn , t?n , _ e- "d t,,. DorM? c? E . P,a..~_ _ ~. d ., mss.. -. ~. - ' --- ~ -
<br />m rW.hrtii of tTrett:s elVE'S.
<br />saA Eae+o ~r2: f 3-13) Pr,.lrs... E31~~y.n xo nncatne.
<br />