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<br />btOIt7GAGE
<br />i+toxTCkcEL,oA*It+o. LZs,847
<br />RN01V A11.ldEN BY TfIESE PRE:F.NiS: TYnt Jarrles M. Anders and Beverly A. Anders, each in his ana
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgtgrn, whether oat or more, in atwaektatittn of the aria of
<br />Thirty-Four Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS
<br />kareed to said awrtgagor by Tfie Fgt»tabk Building and (1,an Asmciation of Grand lstutd, Nebraska, Mortgage, upon 34D strares of stool of
<br />sa;d ASSOCIATION, Certifiau No. L 23,847 , do hereby gent, convey and mortgs~ unto the said ASSOCIA170N the folbwirtg
<br />descn'bed real estate, situated in LIaB County, Nebraska:
<br />to~iher with all the tenements, heceditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all window screevs,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnivgs, heativg, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acceswrits theretn,pumps, stoves,
<br />zfrigerators, and oihtr fixtures and equiptnen[ now or hereafter attached to or toed in onnec[iun with said real estate.
<br />And whereas [he said mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree >.hat the mortgagor shall and will pay aB taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to ftunish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated_;n tfie sum of S3 tF, DDQ . OD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATTON the policies for said insurance; and nut to commie or permit any waste an ar abcmt said prenusts:
<br />fn case of defatdr in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of stns mortgage or the bond secmtd hereby, the rzwrtgagee shag,
<br />an deanand, be enritkcl [a immediate pasx~+en of the mortgaged prtm~~s :attd the mortgagor hereby zssigrs, t^.~.;F rs aid its c r to th,.
<br />mortgagee: all tftc rents, revenues and inwme [o be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as [he mortgage indebtedness shalt retmin
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall pare the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desne fnr the purpose of repairing said promises and renriag
<br />the scoot amd coBtctitzg the rents, revenues and incorve, and it may pay out of said income J expenses of renairing said gremisrs and nex~arv
<br />commissions and txperuts mcuned in renting and rnatuging tlsc sarne and aC calltcting ~tntals ilrerefram: the baFance rerrssini-tg, if any, to be
<br />applied tavvard t;,t u'~`rargc o; mid tt><,rtgag< indcbcednt~; these ri3his oC ?ht trarrtgagce may be exe:ci~d at any t;rrte during t:,e exisuntx of such
<br />defatdt, irrespectrve of any utrtwrary watvtr of the same.
<br />irc-r~ ~rtscnis, hawtrer, art ururr iht Cavdiuan, Ti!at ii iha sa!d rvloagago• shalt repay 'aid ?oan en ,, hfort rn..ts ~~;ey ur .~,.t Ei,,.e~ t.,.
<br />payment; psy monthly to said ASStCIATION of the sum specilicd ire fhe Brrnd secured hereby as interest and principal~onrsaid loan, ov or before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and a xry ,m>nth, until said loan is fully paid; pay ~l texts znd zs"~=corms ier~.~+ agatost kid prtm~^,s and as this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; Finnish approved insurancx open the buildings [hertan in the stun of S jQ~ , QQQ . DQ payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said 4SSOC1AT10N upon demand all money by it patd fur such taxes, assessments and insmance with interest at
<br />the maximum kgal rate thereon from date aF payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste en said premises; ktep and comply
<br />with all the agreements and a,nditions a( She Bond for S 34, DDD , DD this day given by the said Mortgagor to said .4SSOE:IATiON, and amply
<br />with all tht requirtn,evts of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION: than these prestnu :hall became null and void, athtrwise they
<br />shall rtntain in full Force and may be foreclosed a[ the option uF the said ASSOCIATION alter failure for three months to make any of said
<br />peyttrents ar be three months m arrears in making said monthly payments, ur to keep and eumpiy wrth the agreements and auditions of ~sid Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclusme proceedings.
<br />Ff there is any clrattge inowrrership oC the real estate mortgaged hereht, by sale or otherwiu, then the entire remaining indtlrtcdness hereby
<br />secured sitaB, at the option ofTht Equitable Btulding and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, beame immediately due and payabk without
<br />furt!tcr trat~:e, and the atmtmt rernainirtg due under said hood, and any ether band for any additional advances made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of slid option, bear interest at tte routirnum legal rats, avd this rrtortgagc ;nay then tse (areclosed to sg[isfy the amannt due an said
<br />twnd, and any outer bond for aaditional advances, together with all stmas paid by said The Equitable Budding and Lawn Association of tCrand island,
<br />Nebraska for ittsuravce, taxes and asstssraeats, and austraeting exunsxrn charges, wl~h intertat *.htreon, Tram date of payment at the ataxErvttm
<br />Icy rsu.
<br />,,.°„ As provided in the Band secured hereby, while this rm,rtgagt rema,as m elfeci the mortgagee may hereafree advance additional stems to the
<br />rtrgliers of said Bottd, their assigns or successors in interest, wttich sums shall be within the security of [Iles mortgage the same xs [he frinds originally
<br />seEbred the(elty, the total amotmt of principal debt no[ [o exceed at any [one the original amount of this mor:gagt.
<br />4 ~!
<br />a:r,:. Fth_ , ~':,( !`/(?V2[RlJer ~ Q,Q
<br />tLIESr --_---
<br />6everly -Anders
<br />STATI: OS NE3ffRAS1cA,~ ~ n„tt,.z Etn ,rzv .,r 'dnvPmhor SSCI s.aru., :._.,
<br />COL(NT'Y OF BALL ~ - -- -._ _ _... __, ... . _ . _ --- ! n - - ..r..,._ ..._,
<br />Jal,~s M. Anders and Beverly A. Anders, tltermdetsigned,aNotaryfuhhcmandfursawlC'ounty,F_ra>nalty.ame
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, „,,,, are ~rsar:;,liy knawrw
<br />rr~ io bt the idtsnit ;i peass;r. S whose nanx5 arP ailexed is the aLxrvx matrumem as anon r~;tgut 5 and LhEJ ~vtraiky
<br />acktwwkdtnd the said instrument to 6t the 1 r sn,lanzary act and died.
<br />wrt'Np~ ray ha¢xil a: d N<:td.ai S„a. ..... .,o.t aiv....~,....
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