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8~~ ~~i~ }3'~(~ <br />Uitrotirt Covr:>`'nxrs. Harrower and Lender ^csvenznt and agree as fui?~w=~ <br />1. Payment of Pr4nefp~ atsd Interest. &+rn,-xzr shall promptly pay v.-hen due the principal r,€ and interest en the <br />iadebteditess eYidenced by the *1ote, przpayment end late charge, as pzov;ded ,h *. h,. tiurz. and thz princapa4 of and +rterrest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this 3ortgage. <br />3. Fettle for Taxat and Ytrsnra»ce. Subject to appticabie law or to a •-v~rittzn waiver by Lrndzc P,orrower shall pa;: <br />to Letrdei on the day maathly installments of prindpal and interest are payable urdzr the Natz. urtii the tiore ss paid in fu.l, <br />a sum {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth ai the .early tare; end arse=sment; which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Propzriy. if any. plus onz-twelfth cf pearly premium mstalimerts for hazz rd insurance. <br />plus os>e-twelfth of yearly premium instaNmenis for mortgage insurance .f any, all as rzasnnably estimated initially and from <br />time to lime by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills anal reasonable estimate; thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deacmt.s nr accounts of which are insured or zuaranieed by a Federal or <br />stale 2gency fineluding Lender if Lender is such »n inctitutipn 7. i.epder shall apply the Funds to pay Bald taxes. assessments, <br />insurance premiw-s and ground rents. Lender assay not charge for co balding and applying the Fends, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest en the Funds and applicable )aw <br />permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and tender mac agree in wrung a[ the time of execution of this <br />bforfgage that interest on the Funds shalt hr paid to Borrower. and unless wfi agreement is made ar appiicabie law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Ixnder shat{ not he rea,uired to pay Bormwzr ane interest or earnings pn the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual acu,unnng of the Funds showing credits znd debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional szairity for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amouot of the Funds held by Lender. together with ;he t"uture monthic installments of Funds payable pear to <br />fdte due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount reyuired to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they tali due. such excess shall be, at Borrower's epaon, either <br />promptly repaid to Borsawer or credited to Borrower nn monthly :nstaliments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by I-znder shat: oat be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, in~uranez przmmm; and ground rzn[s as they faL' due. <br />Borrower shall pay ro Lender any amount necessan• to male up the defielenc}~ within 3tl days from the date natice is matted <br />by [.ender to Borrower requesting paymert thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of a!I sums secured by the Mortgage. Lender shall promptly rotund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph ! R hereof the Prapcny a Auld nr tin I'rupem a othznvisc acgmred by Lender. Lender <br />shat! apply, no later than immediatzly prior to the >aie of the Prod?end: ur us acyulvuon by :.coder, any Funds held by <br />Lender at She time of appticatian as a credit against the sums ,ecu[ed hg ihts Mortgage. <br />3. Appticarinn of Payments. Unless apphca6lz lain prendes sthzrwie. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Nate and pazagraphs 1 sad 2 hereof shall be applued by Lender ti rut m psymertt of amounts payable to lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph Z hereof, then to interest payable nn the 'l'ure. !hen m the prtuuaaf of the Nate. and then to interest and <br />prinetpal on any Future Advances. <br />$. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay aH tnxes..nsessmcnts and other chsrges. fines and impusinnns atvlbu[able to <br />fhe propcRy which may attain a priority over this 32ortgage, and Icasehold payments er ground rents, if any, m the manner <br />provided under paragraph Z hereof ur.:f not paid rn wch mannnr. by Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the <br />p¢yee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish m Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shalt make payment directly. Barcouer ,hail promptly ht rnuh to Lender receipts avldznang suet: payments. <br />Boiiower shat' promptly discharge any hen which ha. pr;onty ,rver +hu Mortgage: provided, the[ Borrower ,hall net he <br />tequieed to discharge any such lien ,o long :u Burrower ,haail .,pine m M Hung kr the pa}rnem N rite obilgaunn secured by <br />sash d;e; to a maw n^r acceptable t ~=;;#er.. -hart : F ,.d .:.t.:t ~.. r, - r. ! l._. .,r .,,rid _~, ,_ .._, t ,, .,,n , <br />legal proceedings which operate to rprevznt rite enforeelnrm ut I!:e lien ur forfeiture of the Property ur any- out ~thereof- <br />~. Razard InNUrani@. Borrower shat! keep the imprus~emenh sou e,isnng :+r hcrcat e'er erected on lire Proi;enp insured <br />against loss 'ny ore. hazards included wubm me term 'e,.tended ~_ove±agz .and such other hazards a~. f ender may toga u!• <br />and in such amauais sad far such pet.ods as Lender n;ay r'2yuus. proadc.i..ha; I .:ndc; .Fail t.. , ,-ry;: re :.,at Iha a,....w., o. <br />iilen Coverage CxS:Cea tnat amount UI coverage rS r~rtlred le n_!1' tftC ,Ills, ,I:.-!lied hV' Ih!; i42,~n~a Se <br />_ irssurance ewrrigr nrnviding the inr„r:.n.~,~ shr,iG hr , i,+,.,-n I„~ Be~rruw er ,i: t,tr_r + _ .d by I r~ndur_ n_ ~+tded. <br />[dead such approval shall not 6e unreasonaisiy withheld. All premnlm, nn imurann• pohues shall he paui .n the mannnr <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, rz not patu nt such manner, t,r Born+wer making payment, when due ducctiy to the <br />insurance carrier. <br />Alt iusuranrx policies and renzw;ds thereat shalt be m €+,,+rm .+~ecptable kr l.e inter and shall m,iude e ,uutdard mortg:egc <br />clause in fever of and in norm acceptable !o l.cnder. i.znder shall ha-.c the right n+ held the poirc+es .mJ renew ale thereof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Louder all renewal notices nod alt rzcetpts of paxi luermum,. In the even of loss. <br />Borrower shalt give prompt natice to the msurancz carr!cr arxd Lender Lender ma} ntakz proof n( bss it nut mode promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agcer u; •.+rnmg, insurance pl ueeeds shall be appied t„ reuorauon or repair of <br />i'ne~ Property damaged, provlded such reeterauen or repair is _runurrucafly tcasible and the security of the Mortgage n <br />oat thereby impaired_ If such rzstoraiion or repair is not rconrmlcdhy teasrbic- o: ;I thz se:;urrty oP this Mortgage would <br />be impaired, the issuraoee proceeds sha8 be applied to 4te sump ;eauea h} th:. Mortgage, wash the excess, if any, paid <br />io Borrower. If rho Property is abandenui b_. Bol rower, nr it Borrower 'ads io respond to I ender wubm 3U days born the <br />date notice a matted by l..-a;tdcz to Borrewzr !hat the :nwraucc carnet piton m ,eulc• .i darn for Insurance hznc•fit5, [curler <br />is autboriud to collect and apply the ms:raoce proceeds et t cndcrs upac•I, zuher to teatoraaon or repetr tit the Property <br />or to [he sums secured by ties ~iori$age. <br />Unless Lender end Borrower oiherwtsc agree m wining, nn•. wch apphcauon of proceeds to prinapal +heil nut eswnd <br />as postpone idsz due date of the morihiy installments retorted ;o In paragraph; I end '_ hereof ur change the .nnuont m <br />such mstadlnunts, df under paragraph 1 S hereof the Proper[} a aeywred h} L.endel. ail right, u[ie an6 interest of Harrower <br />in and to any insurance policies and in and to the pracc'vds tltr_reot resuiung tram dr+rnage to the Property poor to the <br />ar aufui•sition shat! pea, to lender to the c-xtent of the sum. secureU by thu Mortgage mm~zdlately Prior to such sole ,+, <br />31:q~3it-ice. <br />~, PiaSC_na~its~ ar_sd ;4tgintenastce !sf Pic>pezty; l,cacehndds; (~nndominlunis; Planned t_'nii tievednpn[.~nis. Horrnucr <br />sdtadl keep tine P[apcity in goad rcpai; and shalt not cpmmtt :s-ante or pcrmd !mparrmert or dctcriorauan of the Propeny <br />aiu6 ~adl comply wilt the pravisirnn of any tease rf this Mongagc :> an n icascFe,ld. It ihs Mortgage Is on a Imo Ir, i <br />eundomimtun er a planx,eei unit dcvelopenznt. Barrowcr shall perform iii :,[ Borrower .s ubilgauons under the declaranor. <br />ar coveranis creating oz governing the cr-ndarrarwm nr planned amt devciopmen;. she by-laws :;rid :n thr <br />candomint-um itz planned unit development. ind co~Ktiiuent docununta If a rundommium ,a piar,ncd a+ut ,±.,elopntent <br />.*ider is e?€esut;;d by Larrower ?rid rexorded to¢c-.iher :unit thr 4lostea_ve. the en..eoantz end a~reemex*n of ,wch rider <br />shall ba irxorpaiated into and sha13 aritend sad s;:ppirnw-nt the revenants and agrecmentn u( tits liurtgagc a, rt .he rider <br />wzze a lrazt paseaf. <br />., Pt[gq:etL4n of #R[tise['s S4ttu'ity. t( B„rrowCt tall-. t:: p<~; i+,rm thz .rovenants and ugrecments ~.,ntamcd in th+s <br />~oit$agc, tr, i£ aaY acttan or pr~.cedmg .: c;;rnmeuusd which n:awnail} .ttfccis (enders i:rteres[ rn :he Ptapcrt}, <br />including, but ¢ot limited to. emuient domain, .. ~e ..-,., ccm~nt. ,+r a rar,ge;nzrxs ..r pr<:.c•cd+ngs : ,aehing, <br />hanktupt of d~edsnt. rhea xrrder at Leadtz's :,pt, r+u..l pr;n nuLCZ .., ~1}ornrwer. n:::y nxa%z au~ft zp{:~ar:ut.c_,, dui±ursr >uch <br />:, , '.•'.'~.. t°,,.t' e ';s.d, ..n',t ;s ,,.,.... pr• ,..,.. ,.,.;,d>. .,.,.,... .._ :..,, . „ .c , ,. ,,.,,_,.:_ c..r~ : <br />cwid:Seyn6at`iL'al.: id '-hsVieran src.:rec! h n c ~ I r (#r... ,h;. , ,,,. .. .. ,.:.c,_ -_y:.,rt... -nrr, ta.r, ,,,; t <br />ins•~rartrp m e#2C4 .._ ..:,.;; tm~.. a., :c r,..+.,•,cnt,.; ... .,. , .-.I,...-._ .t,,,,,,,,, ,,,,_,r,s::,'-. }2~,,.. a~ .,,,v <br />