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~E}~T~a~~~ ~ ~'~ ~. <br />TrST8 IIYDEP794JR8, made sixis._-.----ve~a___--may °f-------=~,~z~~a,-__.____, is__$u_. by and bat em <br />otto Schulte and ida_ Sr_hutte, husband and w-Lie. each_ in niv sad Her, ~*.r[±_ righ:_ and as <br /> <br />~ Aa ` I Cwrnty, Nebraaks, as mortgagor -$__ ,and Graff Island Trust Company of Grand Tsiand, a corporation <br />organised card existing under the aws of Nebraska with ic_v priacipai affice and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee; <br />W ITNESSIs'TH: That said raortgagw _ s _.. fw end in ceneidaretion of't'honsrum of _. .. - .. <br />YOSrr TROli~aYtt~_=.>;ii~'-S,~S~~3I'S t~II~. ~L11SL_k :'c i<d~f: is t?[=548 }S _.__4 ?~~!.~.fl~_- __l. <br />the receipt of which is htRe6y eckaowiedgrxt. da _._ by these presents mottgage and warrant unto;rafd IMJRQ'ageB;'iL9-$trhCA33ara and assigns, <br />fo:QVer. alt the foi:o+ving darn-bet tact estate. situated in the County of _ _ _ _ fie 2.1___._________ <br />and Stara of Nebraska. to-wsi: ... ___-.___`_ <br />\ortherii~ fort. Five Feet (::i5') of Lot _"tine (9) <br />... Black Three (3? Tn~all.s-Turn+=.r Sztbdivision, ~%illage <br />Of CairG, Hal i. COLn C~'„ VB~iY3FiG3. <br />Together with ail heating.:sit coaditioaing, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnvrgs, s±orax windows and <br />d:axrs, a:.d windvcr shsdcss ar.6iinda, used an ar in coarxectian wnh =aid property. =vhather the same am now lasted cn =wid property or isamafter <br />phrcad tharnan. - <br />Tt)-Hx1VE ANT7 ['O Ht?I.ll THE SAME, together with au and singular the terzerneat . hareditaments and sppurtenarxeas thareurtp be• <br />=_?3a_g~{, orm ~y~wi~ ~~ -~„ f._=~rflr; ~_~ ta:sL the :.:,,.,. „, ,.,,e =aa, 5aid mnrKagar -:i__ herriry .-.ovr,nsnt witb said <br />,.. <br />.=.~=..-mss •t~~.' __._.._..iba ~__ _ _ _.i:.~,._. . at rte' Gai::r;:zy hereni, .. <br />me iswrui awtrar ,,, of 4.fte premis~'S' above canvuvrxi anri d_srz?h!+d, <br />Ord ~"~='- aeux-_ of s"gvfld earl iradefsasii)'sa estaLa at inharitsnce ikxeretn, free and clear of all encumhrarrces, and that _ hem-_ will <br />_,~.~n.=r. srxd da:sue ilia ut~~snereeus.farevor ~~t rt_~ cf~imu un.i ,r~a.L„a., of GJ <br />_._ _.._ _ .............. . ... parrans °rha4vy>_•er. <br />- pa~rivlrts~n =';,vdA:'S, tb;a i~s.,:~; { ;3l~ut€: sad deisv~rai, to s~ca~ the paY-Want of the au:n n <br />_ i'hcu5a ra~ - ?~__.'.Ttt~_xt~., .,oL~a s__3~~4.4f ~..~x~ <br />.., ur ___s-n~_~_3~Hut Yee -S, ~.(1~1_ .^^ _. Uoltars l3 d,i l1-~S2-- _.. r. <br />with interest Literoon, Wgether with such charges and advances as may tx due and payahie to said morcg g under the terms a d c editions <br />of the promiayorv note of even date herewith awl secur[xi hereiry, eac+cuted 6y said nxarLgagor ~__ to said mor[gagc~e, payable as expressed <br />in said Hate. awl to secure the performapCU o! all Lhe terms and conditions eontaineei therein. The terms of said narx are hareixv m::orp..iratrd <br />hetehr by this raferatua. <br />5 sIt is the intention and agreement of the parties her~.rx Chat this mortgage shall aLao secure any hr[um advances znade to said :nortgagar _.. <br />by said mortgagee, and any and aL indebtedrxasy in additisxn u? the aneount above sia..ra: wh:tl+ said mar[gagars. or any of them, may owe to <br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whetfier by note, haok account ar cthezwise!. This mortgage shall remair..n full (erne amt efft~t tx'iween <br />the parties hereto end their baits, psrsonaf representatives. successors and assigns, until all amount secuxed t:ereunder. including future <br />adusn[aa, era paid its fuC with int%eet. <br />The maztgagex___.:s hsrxhy n>;a9orx ...__. ~ said mortgagee all rent and income ansing at any and elf tmxes from said pn,perty anti <br />herahy «t~ih:xixe sa;~! mnrtgagaa nr fts agsni, et its option, upon default, w take char{La of said urupariy and-coisect all nz;ts ao:i ,m <br />thereftern and apply the sarns W Lhe pay-r~nt of interest. principai, insuraaco Premiums. rasa;. assaaamants, rngairs or unproyemen!s <br />oseeaasry to kaap said Property in tenantable carxdition, or to other ctuuges nr payrnentr mvided for herein ur in the note ixerebv sr:curtd. 'i'hi~ <br />rent aeeignsxenY ahatlceatinua in torte until the unpaid balance of said Hate is fully paid. Tf;e taking of posso-scion hereurxder shat! m no inaaner <br />Prevent or retard said rnarLgagae in 63ra cnllettian of said sums by foreclosure or otbarwise. <br />The failure of the mortgageE to aasarL any of ity riehts hereunder ac any limo shJl not !±a cnnstr4<=mot s~ a •F a;..,_ .. _ _ <br />saxm at any islet time, and to insist uywr. sad anfatxe strict cau,pliarxcc with nti the u!zms nd n v ts:nns of saxu r ~ i _ ~ xry.. <br />if sac! xrartgsPar s ahaU cau=,a to bz paid [a said rnartgagce the anti,-c anxcuni due it he:cur=daF, arva muias ;.he :«m:s anti yruvrvn,re, <br />of said ants kiate.3y sacxuatl, incttrding future advancaa, sad any exrensiaas or raa;~wv!= thcraof in uccvrdsncs= write the !eras, a.^..i {,nrv:.:nns <br />theryof, and if aekf mar _~.- shalt campfy with all rtes proviarona of said note and of [hrs murigagL•, then ti se pruercr= eiiaii Be ~o;tl. <br />c,therwiae is remain in fell force and effect, and said mortgagee shall be erititied W the possession of all of sakf proParty. and may. at us npu+.n. <br />daclara 1~xal acid mote and all inriabiedrrtax represnpted tkreralxy to be m.r,,,~i ~: {y due and payah;r, and rsto fnre~!:.~.e the irx,r tiZahr <br />w take any ot~t kgaf actian to nrosast its rink: _ .v_Ra.s,:ate.,. _ <br />Thfa tixirignge shah 6e biwiiag upon sad shaft inure w the benefit of the heirs, exaeuWru. admiaistrator5, successor; and msip~xs ui the <br />msPactiva pat5iea hsaxtsa. <br />I': irr'I'I`hll~ Wii(3ItEUr, sarrl ?Aortgaga=_~,_ he ~f. heraunG~ ect_ ;:..`tv_l r- hard _.r;_ the da}~ and rear First abr. ," <br />written. ~- <br />.,,z...~3-- -- <br />- ~ s - - ..... ._ ._._ _.. <br />~I ` <br />